

一、 11道外贸专业知识笔试题

1. 请用英文写出你所知道的常用的付款方式。

L/C 信用证

remittance 汇付 (M/T信汇 T/T电汇 D/D 票汇)

collection 托收

2. 用中文解析下面缩写:CFR,LCL,FCL,MOQ,B/L,C/O,PI

CFR 成本+运费

LCL 拼箱装货 less than container load

FCL 整箱装货 full than container load

MOQ 最小订购量 minimum order quantity

B/L 海运提单

C/O 原产地证书

PI 形式发票 performance invoice

3. 你是否从事过外贸相关工作?主要工作有哪些?外贸助理最主要的职责是什么?



主要工作:主要负责中英文订单的输入、ERP输入、催样寄样品、跟进供应商的生产进度 和船务进行交期船期的核对及跟进国内的走货明细和收款开票细节等。


4. 你是否参加过展会?展会前我们应该准备哪些方面?








5. 在收到客户或者业务提供的LOGO后应按哪些流程完成相关事宜?


6. 接到客户PO后,内部订单随即产生。你认为内部订单的重要性有哪些?


7. 在跟单过程中,遇到加急订单于工厂沟通之后仍不能按期交货,你该如何处理?


8. 下面是一客户询盘,请用英文回复:

Dear Authority,

This is Ugur from turkey. I’m interested in some of your products. Please send me the prices of these products .Thank you for you kind interest.

Best regards,


Dear Ugur,

Attached is the price list of our products.

You will find our pirce attractive and the design norvel & modern.

This quotation is valid for 7 days.

If there is any question, plesase contact us.

We are looking for your early reply.

Best Regards,

9. 翻译术语:



10. 中译英:

Our limited warranty is valid for a period of 12 months after delivery. We undertake to repair any malfunctioned units due to defective components of inadequate workmanship, but specially expecting any defects resulting from normal wear and tear of improper use of the products. 我们承担的期限为货物达到后12个月。




The minimum quantity of our order for USB flash disk is 1000 piece in our usual pratice. But according to the material inventory and actual producing process, we also accept the order less than the minimum, the price will be higher.







二、 10道面试题







4.你认为你在学校属于好学生吗?外企的招聘者很精明,问这个问题可以试探出很多问题:如果求职者学习成绩好,就会说:“是的,我的成绩很好,所有的成绩都很优异。当然,判断一个学生是不是好学生有很多标准,在学校期间我认为成绩是重要的,其他方面包括思想道德、实践经验、团队精神、沟通能力也都是很重要的,我在这些方面也做得很好,应该说我是一个全面发展的学生。”如果求职者成绩不尽理想,便会说:“我认为是不是一个好学生的标准是多元化的,我的学习成绩还可以,在其他方面我的表现也很突出,比如我去很多地方实习过,我很喜欢在快节奏和压力下工作,我在学生会组织过××活动,锻炼了我的团队合作精神和组织能力。” 有经验的招聘者一听就会明白,外企喜欢诚实的求职者。




8.你期望的工资是多少?外企的工资水平是很灵活的,何种能力拿何种工资。外企喜欢直率的人,但这个问题却不能正(转载于:wwW.zHaoQt.NEt 蒲 公 英 文 摘:外贸短文)面回答,外企希望听到:“以我的能力和我的优势,我完全可以胜任这个职位,我相信我可以做得很好。但是贵公司对这个职位的描述不是很具体,我想还可以延后再讨论”。外企欢迎求职者给其定薪的自由度,而不是咬准一个价码。
















28. With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills. 依我的资格和经验,我觉得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。

29. With my strong academic background, I am capable and competent. 凭借我良好的学业背景,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。

30. With my teaching experience, I am confident that I can get along with the students very well. 依我的教学经验,我相信能与学生相处得很好。

31. I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. 我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。

32. My school training combined with my practice in the factories should qualify me for this

particular job. I am sure I will be successful. 我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。

33. The trait is needed in my current(or previous) position and I know I can handle it well. 这种特点就是我目前(先前)工作所需要的,我知道我能应付自如。

34. I think I'm reasonably optimistic by nature. 我想我生性是相当乐观的。

35. I'm quite hard-working, responsible, capable, and outgoing. 我觉得自己是个工作勤奋、负责、能干,而且外向的人。


杭州市2015年高职一模《外贸专业》答案 第一部分 外贸业务协调(满分100分)







27. (1) CFR = CIF × [ 1 - (1+加成率) × 保险费率] (1分)=2000 × [ 1 - 1.1 × 1%]=1978美元 (2分)

CFR (1分) CIF= 1 - (1+加成率) × 保险费率 1978

= 1 - (1 +20%) × 1% =2002.02美元 (2分) (2)保险金额= CIF ×(1+加成率) (1分)

=2002.02 ×(1+20%) ×150=360363.60美元 (3分)

28.(1)M=0.5×0.3×0.2=0.03立方米 W=0.025公吨 因为M>W,故用M作为运费吨。

每箱运费=基本运费×(1+附加费率) ×计费数量 =(基本运费+附加费)×计费数量 =140×(1+10%)×0.03+10×0.03=4.92美元 因每箱装4套,所以每套运费=4.92÷4=1.23美元

每套CFR=含佣价×(1-佣金率)=10×(1-3%)=9.70美元 每套FOB=CFR-运费=9.70-1.23=8.47美元 ( 6分)

(2)每套的出口退税收入=出口商品购进价(含增值税)÷(1+增值税率)×出口退税税率 =58.5÷(1+17%)×10%=5元人民币/套

每套的出口总成本=出口商品购进价(含增值税)+ 定额费用 - 出口退税收入 =58.5+3-5=56.5元人民币/套

每箱的出口总成本=56.5×4=226 元人民币/箱 (6分) (3)出口换汇成本=出口商品总成本(人民币)/ 出口销售外汇净收入(美元)=(56.5×500)/(8.47×500)=6.67人民币/美元(4分) (4)盈亏额=出口人民币净收入-出口总成本

=8.47×500×6.21-56.5×500= - 1950.65元人民币(4分)

第二部分 外贸商函(满分80分)

一、单项选择题 ( 本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出

二、词语中译英( 本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 请将下列商务函电中常用的中文词组或专业术语译成英文

39. delivery against letter of guarantee 40. discriminating buyers

41. long-existed cooperative relationship 42. reimbursing bank

43. professional trade fair

三、词语英译中( 本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 请将下列商务函电中常用的英文词组或专业术语译成中文


45.订单 46.优质

47.内容,含量,目录(选择其一) 48.凭单付款

四、句子中译英( 本大题共2小题,每小题5分,共10分)请将下列句子译成英文。

49.In order to avoid subsequent amendment to the L/C, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms in the Sales Contract.

50. We have made an effort to keep the price favorable, but due to the sudden increase in labor charges, we have to raise the price by 5%.

五、句子英译中( 本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)请将下列英文句子译成中文。

51. 关于1000台FP-218型相机的888号订单,我方今日电传,要求有关信用证展期两周。 52. 如果你们希望提前装运,我们只能分批安排:9月装l0台机器,剩下的 20台10月装运。 53.接受你方现在的报价对我方来说将意味着巨大的损失,更别说利润了。

54.买方应凭检验证书向卖方提出索赔,并且所有由此产生的费用由卖方承担。 55.兹欣告,我方已将以上货物装上“东风”号轮,它预计明天驶往纽约。

六、函电写作( 本大题共1小题,共15分)

56. Dear Sirs,

We are in the market for the cotton shirtings and sheetings for the Malayans. Will you please send us the recent pamphlet South-Seas Commerce together with your latest catalogue? Meanwhile, please inform us of the lowest prices and best terms of the above-mentioned goods. If we find your price reasonable, quality and terms satisfactory,we shall place with you large orders,and open at the same time an irrevocable L/C with the A-class banks for the full invoice amount.

As regards our standing,please refer to the Yokohama Bank, Singapore Branch. Yours very truly,


Final Paper

Part One: Explain the following terms in appropriate English or Chinese.(16points)

1. 信头包括:

2. 2. 商务信函的写作原则:

3. 3. 订单一般包括的内容:

4. 4. 保险索赔的条件

Part Two: Please fill in the blanks with appropriate words.(20 points)

1. As we are interested ____ Art. No. 503, please make us a firm offer for 1000 pieces.

2. We ______ from the Commercial Counselor's Office in your country that you are one of the large buyers of color TV sets .

3. We shall be glad to send you samples upon receipt _____ your specific enquiries .

4. Electric goods ______ within our scope of business.

5. Please let us have all necessary information concerning your products ____ exports.

6. We shall be _____ to establish business relations with your company.

7. As we deal ____ sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.

8. We are keenly desirous _____ entering into business relations with your firm.

9. On receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall airmail you immediately our _____ sheet.

10. We write to ____ ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electronic goods in the UK.

11. We would prefer FOB Lagos, introducing our _____ of 8%.

12. Any _____ you supply will be highly appreciated.

13. Several of our customers have expressed ____ in your watches and inquired about their quality and prices.

14. One of our buyers has made us an enquiry _____ 150 dozen men's shirts.

15. If your samples are satisfactory _____ our customers, we will place substantial orders with you.

16. Your prompt attention_____ this inquiry is appreciate.

17. We have a considerable demand here ______ your goods and should welcome your samples.

18. Will you please quote us your lowest prices ______ the goods listed above?

19. We would very much ______ an early reply from you.

20. Please _____ us your competitive price for the following items.

Part Three :Judge whether the following statements are true or false with V or X. (10 points)

1. 外贸函电的日期应写在信函最后。( )

2. 缩进式英文信函格式最不正式。 ( )

3. 如果知道收信人的名字,最好称呼他们的头衔或姓。 ( )

4. 英文信函只有打印签名即可。 ( )

5. 英文信函的结束语一般不用标点。 ( )

6. 当你方因某种原因不能接受订单时,你可以采用送上代用品的方法。( )

7. 在进出口业务中只能是买方向买房提出索赔要求。( )

8. 常见的国际贸易支付方式只有汇付和托收。( )

9. 拒绝订货信要写得委婉,解释清楚原因,并要表示对将来生意的期盼。 ( )

10. 一般来讲,quotation 和 offer 一样都是报价的意思,没有区别。( )

Part Four: Choose the best answers. (30 points)

1. While _______ an enquiry, you ought to enquire into quality specification and price etc. A. making B. offering C. sending D. giving

2. The letter we send last is an enquiry ______ color TV sets. A. about B. for C. of D. as

3. Please _____ us for the _____ of the items listed on the enclosed enquiry form. A. send ?.. supply B. quote?.supply C. supply?.quote D. supply?.price

4. We look forward to ______ the goods next month. A. delivery of B. your deliver C. deliver D. delivery

5. We shall _______ you again, as soon as we resume offering. A. contact with B. contact to C. contact D. contact by

6. We are making the following offer, subject ______ acceptance ______ us before April 20. A. to?.reach B. with?.reaching C. to?..reaching D. with?..arrive

7. We accept your offer ________ black tea. A. with B. for C. of D. by

8. We make you the following offer subject to the goods_______. A. to be unsold B. unsold C. are unsold D. being unsold

9. Our offer _____ and remains good until 12:00 A.M. July 12, 2003, Beijing Time. A. are firm offers B. are firm offer C is firm offer D. is a firm offer

10. __________ the uncertain economic climate our clients are adopting a conservative view and budget, which means a drastic reduction of order. A. According to B. Owe to C. Owing to D. In view of

11. We are not _____ a position to accept your offer. A. at B. on C, of D. in

12. We express our desire to cooperate ______ you to sell the product. A. with B. by C. on D. for

13. We cannot see any possibility of business ______ your price is too high. A. since B. while C. though D. that

14. We note from your letter of March 30 that the price offered by us for the subject article is found to be ______ the high side. A. on B. at C. for D. in

15. We shall work _______ our quotation as soon as possible. A. on B. in C. at D. out

16. They made a ______ on us for the damage. A. communication B. discount C. reference D. claim

17. We are extremely sorry about this delay, _______ you will realize was due to circumstance beyond our control. A. that B. if C. which D. what

18. Your claim for the damage is to be ________ with the insurance company. A.met B. filed C. satisfied D. compensated

19. On some cases, we have to ________ the purchase price. A. pay B. refund C. reduce D. give

20. There is _______ doubt that many of them are faulty, some of them leak and others fail to write without making blots. A. some B. without C. little D. a little

21. We trust that you will find our goods_______. A. attracting B. to be attractive C. attract your attention D. attractive

22. We look forward to _______ from you. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. hears

23. your name and address _______ to us by your Chamber of Commerce. A. have given B. give

C. have been given D. was given

24. We are sending your samples _______ requested. A. be B. are C. as D. for

25. If any of the items is ______ to you, please let us know. A. interest B. interesting C. interested

D. interests

26. We shall _____ insurance against all risks. A. insure B. make C. cover D. have

27. We often insure shipment for the invoice value ______10%. A. adding B. with C. over D. plus

28. If you desire to _______ your goods against all risks, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium. A. guarantee B. guard C.cover D. protect

29. The buyers will pay the extra premium if the requests that insurance ________ more than 110%. A. covered B. be covered C. cover D. to be covered

30. The extra premium ________ by us. A. is born B. will be taken C. will be borne D. will be undertaken

Part Five: Write business letters according to the following requirements. (24 points)

1. 索赔信:

a. 由“ 丰庆”轮运来的首批货物,两日前抵达我港。

b. 经检验,质量太差, 不适合我方市场的要求。

c. 请速告我方如何处理这批货物。我们是将货物退回给你们,还是替你们保存?

2.Translate the following letter in to Chinese. Dear Sirs: I am writing to let you know that your order #2983 for 120 men's shirts was shipped May 5 via UPS to reach you no later than May 10. Your purchases, which have been made so regularly during the past year, are always appreciated. Of course, we haven't written you an individual letter for each of the orders, but we want you to know that we will always make every effort to supply you with quality merchandise at the lowest possible prices. If you have any other needs that we can fill, please give us an opportunity to assist you. We appreciate your confidence in us and shall try to earn it for many years to come. Yours sincerely,



Part I:





Part II.

1.________ 2.______ 3._______.4._________ 5.__________ 6._________7____________.

8.________ 9________. 10_________. 11._________. 12__________. 13_____________.

14.________ 15_________. 16_________. 17________. 18______.19.______ 20________

Part III.

1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( ) 11.( ) 12. ( ) 13.( ) 14.( ) 15.( ) 16.( ) 17.( ) 18.( )

19.( ) 20. ( )

Part IV. 1---5 ____ _____ ____ ____ ______ 6---10_____ _____ ____ ____ _________ 11—15_____ _____ _____ ____ _____ 16---20_____ ______ ______ _____ ______ 21—25_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 26---30____ _____ _____ _____ ______

Part V. Composition.

Part I:

1. 公司名称,街道名称,城市名称,国家名称,邮政编码 2. 清晰,简洁,具体,客套,体谅,肯定,连贯,一致。 3. 产品目录号,数量,商品性质,单价全价,买方身份,发货地址,运输方式,付款方式, 交活日期,其他信息。 4. 必须有保险契约,必须有损害发生,必须发生保险公司所承担的事故。

Part II.

1.in 2. learn. 3. of 4. fall 5. for 6. pleased/glad 7. in 8. of 9. quotation 10 introduce 11. discount

12. of 13 interest 14. of 15. with 16. to 17. for 18. of 19. appreciate 20 quote

Part III.

1.X 2. X 3. V 4. X 5. X 6. √ 7. X 8. X 9. √ 10 X

Part IV. 1.A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. A 15 A 16. D 17. C

18. B 19. B 20.C 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. D 29. B 30. C