我叫杰克·麦考尔 My name is Jack McCall. 如果你能听得见我说话 If you can hear me, 你听到的不是我的声音 what you"re listening to is not the sound of my voice. 而是我内心的声音 我头脑里的声音 It"s the sound of my inner voice, the one inside my head. 我想跟你说话
但是我不能 I"d like to talk to you, but I can"t. 因为只要多说一句话 Because if I say just one more sentence out loud, 我就会死 I"ll die. 亚伦
有个非常重要的仸务给你 Aaron, I have got a very important assignment for you. 去巴尼百货给我拿 72 双开司米 Go to Barneys and get me six dozen pair of cashmere blend socks, %的羊绒 40 % cashmere. 不
但是你要买♥♥ No, I"m gonna wear "em, but you"re gonna buy "em. 我需要 72 双开司米吗?不
但是听着 Do I need six dozen pair of cashmere socks? No, but listen. "需要"是个非常微妙的词 Hey, "need" is a tricky word. 再这样思考一下 "想"和"爱"这两个词更好 Think about it more like this, "want" or "love" are better words. 你想想 我们做仸何事不都是为了爱吗? Think about it. Don"t we do everything out of love? 那你是想要
还是爱你的工作呢? How about this? Do you want, need or love yourjob? 你需要自己的工作
这想法我喜欢 Well, I love the idea that you need yourjob. Okay. 打南边来了三个女巫 Three white witches watch three Swatch watches. 看着手里的三个手镯 Which witches watch which watch switch... 好了 Okay. 爸爸来抭抭
Daddy"s gonna hold you "cause Mommy needs caffeine. 亲爱的
Baby, I don"t know if I can work with, "Whaah!" 噢
他跟妈妈在一起多快活 Oh, look how happy he is with his mommy. 对 - 对啊
他是妈妈的孩子 Yeah. - Yes, he is. He"s a mama"s boy. 不
他不是 - 是 - No, he isn"t. - Yes. 当妈妈的孩子没什么错 我就是妈妈的孩子 There"s nothing wrong with being a mama"s boy. I"m a mama"s boy. 噢
- 怎么了? - Oh, my God! - What? 沙克偷偷进来 在婴儿尿布上拉屎了
Shaq snuck in the house and shit in the baby"s diaper! 嘿
Hey! 不好意思
我能不能插个队... Excuse me, you think maybe I could cut in front... 我会在停车场碾死你 I will run you over dead in the parking lot. 死
死 Dead. Dead. Dead. 哈喽? Hello? 什么?她在分娩? What? She"s in labor? 让她继续努力 Well, tell her to stop pushing! 噢
我不能错过 我第一个孩子的出生 Look, I can"t miss the birth of my first child! 我只是出来买♥♥杯咖啡
I only went out to get some coffee! 快
Go ahead. Expectant father coming through! 我的孩子快出世了
I got a baby on the way! Thank you. Thank you! 恭喜
Congratulations, man! You"re the man! 谢谢
Thank you so much! Thank you so much.
双胞胎? 是双胞胎
Twins? It"s twins! 我老婆生了对双胞胎 I"m having twins. I"m having twins. 谢谢
这是免费的? 太谢谢你了
Thank you. It"s on the house? Thank you so much! 谢谢
谢谢 - 恭喜
- Thank you. Thank you. - Congratulations! 我们生活的世界焦虑不堪 控制欲强 We live in a world that"s obsessive and controlling. 我觉的自己在乎太多 我觉的你们会说我 I think I care too much. I think that"s what you would say about me, 在乎太多 that I care too much. 所有人可能都会说我在乎的太多 I think that"s what everybody would say about me, that I care too much. 咖啡真棒 你有没有停下来想过 This coffee"s incredible. Do you ever stop to think about 要是你不在这里 人们会想些什么? what people are thinking about when you"re not in the room? 我不在这儿时
大家想什么? What do people think when I"m not there? 我想知道的是这个 That"s the thought that I want to know. 要是我不在了
人们会想些什么? What do people think when I"m not there? 我在这时
你就有所思 I know you think something when I"m there, 但是
我不在这儿时 你又会想些什么呢? but when I"m not there, what are you thinking? 我不在这里
你会想些什么呢? What are you thinking when I"m not in the room? 这才是真正的想法 或者你又没有想过谁跟你在线上? That"s the real thought. Or do you ever wonder who"s on line with you? 你可能跟某人在同时在线上 我不是在说电脑 You could be on line with somebody. I"m not talking about the computer. 我在说真实的线 真实的线 I"m talking about the real line, the real line, 传统的
你前面后面都有人的 那种线 the old-fashioned line with somebody behind you, somebody in front of you. 这条线很危险 因为你不知道别人是谁
That line is dangerous "cause you don"t know who that is. 或者电梯 Or an elevator! 你身处电梯
门一关 你和这个人独处一梯 You"re in a elevator, door closed, you"re in the room with this person. 他们可能拔出刀子 开始对你各种捅 They could pull out a knife and start doing all kinds of shit to you. 人们出入电梯是常事 电梯太疯狂了 You get in elevators all the time. Elevators are crazy. 再说说餐馆? Hey, what about restaurants? 在餐馆里
坐在旁边的陌生人可能是个疯子 You could be in a restaurant sitting next to somebody who"s a maniac 他就挨着你坐 点跟你一样的餐 and they"re right next to you in a chair, and they"re ordering like the same thing. 面带微笑看着你 突然
他变脸捅了别人 Look at you smiling and this person just, you know, stabbed somebody in the ass 而他们就挨着你坐 and now they sitting next to the table next to you. 这些随时可能发生 This could be happening all the time. 杰克
我... Jack! If I may... 嘿
时间到了 Hey, Doc, I think we"re about out of time. 我觉得好多了 But I feel so much better. 谢谢
你真是个天才 Thank you so much. You know, you"re a genius. 早上好
麦考尔先生 Good morning, Mr. McCall. 我无意催你 我知道每天都有很多人求你 I don"t mean to be pushy and I know you get hit up all the time. 我只希望你能抽个空读读我的稿子 I was just wondering if you had a chance to read my manuscript. 你的稿子? Your manuscript? 乐博兰·马库斯 我最爱的顾客怎么样了? Hey, Reverend Marcus. How"s my favorite client? 我只想知道
要是我回内布拉斯加州老家 经营我老爸的农场 I just need to know if I"m going home to Nebraska, work on my dad"s farm,
你就读读 20 页也好啊 or, you know, maybe you could just read 20 pages. 等等
你听着 我离你的稿子越来越近了 Hold on one second. Hey, look, I"m getting closer on your manuscript. 它已经从我的餐桌 迈进我的床头柜了 It"s moved from my kitchen table to my nightstand, 接下来
它就会进入我的厕所 在那里它就会被品读了
好吗? and next, it"ll be by my toilet and that"s where it"ll get read, okay? 乐博兰
两个词"扣人心弦" "必要"
等等 Reverend, two words, "gripping" and "necessary". Hold on one sec. 你能帮帮我吗? Hey, can you do me a favor? 能帮我把轮辋一下吗? Can you polish my rims for me? 别我的车停在树下
和那些鸟一起 And don"t park my car under the trees with all those birds? 乐博兰
我的钱上哪儿了?》 这是你写过最好的东西 Reverend, Lord, Where"s My Money? is the best thing you"ve ever written. 杰克·麦考尔
请等等 Jack McCall"s office, please hold. 你在等吗? 好的
谢谢 You"re already holding? Okay, continue to hold. Thanks. 杰克·麦考尔办公室 Jack McCall"s office. 我不管
带它去看兽医 我不知道
I don"t care. Just take him to the vet. I don"t know, Mom! 妈妈
I don"t... Mom, I got to go. 对
我周末过的很好 Yes, I did have a great weekend. 对
我要杯咖啡 And, yes, I would like some coffee. 我很帅
对吧? I look good, right? 我把小棉花糖从你麦片你挑出来了 I finished picking out all the mini-marshmallows out of your cereal. 所有的? All the mini-marshmallows? 黄色月亮当然除外 Except the yellow moons, obviously. 麦考尔先生?
Mr. McCall? 我知道自己只是个助手
我很感激... I know that I"m just an assistant. And I really appreciate... 嘿
这是我办公室 Hey, Aaron, this is my office. 不是 MTV 的领奖台
明白么? This isn"t the confessional booth at MTV, all right? 我知道
我只是... No, no, I know. I know. I would never confess. I"m just... 我想说
如果有一天我当上 I guess what I"m trying to say is that if I"m gonna 代理商 我不确定这个怎么... be an agent one day, I"m not really sure how this... 你要像我这样说话 交流
You have to speak like me, talk like me, study me! 学会抒发己见 但是速度要快 Learn to speak your mind, but do it quickly. 你要记住 这就是你训练的全部 You have to remember, this is all part of your training. 好
好的 差点忘了
周末朗读 Okay. Okay, great. I almost forgot. The weekend read. 要是我来说 If I do say so myself, 我觉的《南枀洲的屈朋》很棒
你读过吗? I thought that the Antarctica submission was pretty good. Have you read it? 一点也没
我为什么要这么做? Absolutely not. Why would I do that? 跟你说个事儿 Let me explain something to you. 所有畅销书的开头亓页和最后亓页 All your best books have everything you need to know in the first five pages 已经囊获所有内容
明白? and the last five pages, okay? 来看看
女人遇上男人 Here we go. Woman meets man. 怀孕
一个人 Pregnant. War. Alone. 战争结束
新生人类 War over. Baby older. New man. 幸福之日
畅销书 Happily ever after. Bestseller.
哇 Wow. 你准备好会议室了吗? Did you prepare the conference room? ppt 已经就绪 没有泄漏消息 Yeah. PowerPoint"s all set up, nobody knows a thing. 好的
出去吧 Okay. Well, get out of here. 在座各位都熟知辛雅博士 Everyone here is familiar with Dr. Sinja. 辛雅博士是全球最受欢迎的 Dr. Sinja is the most popular 无教派的宗教领袖 nondenominational religious leader on the planet. 他是整体愈疗师 他是新时代的智慧大♥师♥ He"s a holistic healer and a New Age dispenser of wisdom 跟着他的人有好几万人 with a following in the tens of millions. 这个家伙一个周二就能让 一个足球场挤满人 This guy can fill up a football stadium on a Tuesday. 历来精神向导会问探索者 Our conventional spirit guides always ask the seeker, "你想要什么?" "What do you want?" 我来让你反问自己 I challenge you to ask yourself, "我如何丰富生命?" "What does life want from me?" "我如何奔赴伟大前程?" "What does the greater purpose want from me?" 看看这家伙的到场人数 Look at this guy"s attendance figures. 远超过席琳迪翁
U2 (U2: 英国著名乐队) He"s outselling C 茅 line Dion, U2, 比尔·格雷厄姆和汉娜·蒙塔纳 Billy Graham and Hannah Montana! 他的真正哲学是什么? What"s his actual philosophy? "平静出真♥相♥" 诸如此类 "In quiet, there is truth." Some shit like that. Something like that. 就是所谓的新时代废话
Just your typical New Age bullshit crap. 我的梅婶婶曾称 其为新时代的废话 That"s what my Aunt May used to call it. New Age bullshit crap. 能把"新时代废话"卖♥♥出去的有谁? 当然只有我 And if anybody can sell some New Age bullshit crap, it"s me. 杰克
这是精神运动 Jack, it"s a spiritual movement. 对
每次吃糠麸饼的时候 我的精神运动就上来了 Yeah, I have a spiritual movement every time I eat a bran muffin. 天 - 好的
杰克 - God! - All right, all right, Jack. 可以让你去听一堂他的课 Assuming you can actually get an audience with the guy, 你不是镇上惟一 一个可以去的代理商 you"re not the only agent in town who has this information. 你怎么说朋辛雅和你签约呢? What makes you think you can talk Sinja into signing with you? 我是杰克·麦考尔 我就是干这个的 I"m Jack McCall. This is what I do. 所有人都会臣朋于 我的伶牙俐齿 Hey, I can talk anybody into doing anything. 跟我唰 Help me sing it 吸气 Breathe in. 呼气 And release. 让思绪冷静 直到心无杂念 Quiet your mind until there are no thoughts. 这样你就能看见自己的本真 Then you can see your true nature. 你父母出生之前
你的脸 Your face before your parents were born. "你父母出生之前
你的脸"? "Your face before your parents were born"? 那是个儿童节目的标题 That"s a great title for a kids" show. 它的名字丰富多彩 It has many names. 涅槃
恩泽 Nirvana, kensho, bliss,
光明 我们姑且叫它"蓝珍珠" divinity, illumination. Let"s call it the Blue Pearl. 没关系
我们的真♥相♥也许 让自己很痛苦 It"s okay. Our truth can be painful. 痛苦是成长的试金石 Pain is the touchstone of growth. 衬衫好怪 - 没关系 - That"d be a badass T-shirt. - It"s okay. 狂笑
它们息息相关 Laugh, cry. They"re close cousins. 释放吧 Just let it out. 他看到"蓝珍珠"了 He sees the Blue Pearl. 没关系
没关系 It"s okay. It"s okay. 学徒们冥想了数年 Students meditate for years 也未能看见你今天所见到的 and never see what you have seen today. 你的内心 Your inner self. 因此
你非常特别... That makes you a very special person, Mr... 麦考尔先生 McCall. 杰克·麦考尔
非常感谢 Jack McCall. Thank you so much. 对不起
我不知道发生了什么 Sorry, I don"t know what happened. 我只是有点激动了 对不起 I just got overcome with emotion. I"m sorry. 这么多年来的沉默 My years and years of focused silence 最后将我带向... just finally delivered me to... -启蒙? - 启蒙
启蒙 - Enlightenment? - Enlightenment, yes. Enlightenment. 对不起
等一下 Sorry. Hold that a second. 对不起
I"m so sorry. Play it four times and it stops. 太糟糕了 That is bad. 噢
"蓝珍珠" Oh, the Blue Pearl. 蓝珍珠好蓝 The Blue Pearl is so blue. 蓝珍珠闪闪发亮 The Blue Pearl is so shiny 满是珠光 and so pearly. "有三样东西是藏不住的 "Three things will not long be hidden. "那就是太阳
月亮和真♥相♥ "The sun, the moon,"and the truth." 杰克·麦考尔
你今天到访有何贵干? Is there a reason for your visit today, Jack McCall? 我是个惜时如金的人 Well, sir, I am not one to waste time. 我知道你写了一本书 I understand you"ve written a book. 对的 That is true. 我是个代理商 Well, I"m an agent. 工作这么些年来 我一直梦想能够帮 And all my career I"ve dreamed that I"d get to represent 我相信的人做代理 我相信你 someone who I believed in. I believe in you. 我觉得我可以帮助你改变世界 And I think I can help you to change the world. 我不感兴趣 I"m not interested. 真的? Really? 辛雅博士? 辛雅博士 Dr. Sinja? Dr. Sinja, the world 这个世界充满失落 孤独的灵魂
他们需要你的智慧 is filled with lost, lonely souls in need of your wisdom. 他们在用安静的绝望呼唤你 And they"re out there calling out to you
我感觉到了 in quiet desperation. I hear them, I feel them. 不对树觉得好奇么? Aren"t you amazed by trees? 当然好奇 Yeah, sure! 我爱树
I love trees! 树
我爱树 Trees, I love them. I love trees. 枝桠
树叶... The branches and the leaves. It"s just... 有些人追求名利
钱财 You know, some people want fame and money. 我只要自然 一些枝桠
几棵树 Just give me some nature, some branches and some trees. 我爱它 I love it. 其实
我对树有一种归属感 In fact, I have such an affinity towards trees 我觉的我上辈子可能是只鸟 I think I might even have been a bird in another life. 栖息在枝桠上
吸收它所有的精华 Landing on a branch. Taking it all in. 我想成为一只鸟
想成为一只鸟 我想吸收您的哲学 I want to be a bird. I want to be a bird and I want to swallow your philosophy. 然后将其口传相授 And then I"m gonna spit it back into the mouths 传至全世界的孩子 of the children of the world. 滋养他们的灵魂
帮助你成长 看着你
羽翼不断丰满 Nourish their souls. Help you to grow, watch your wings spread, 助你腾飞万里 and help you to soar. 你在说什么? What are you talking about? 我在说将你的书推向全世界 I"m talking about presenting your book to the world. 你读过吗? Have you read it? 当然读过
Of course I have. 那你从中得到了什么? So what"s in it for you? 能帮自己的英雄拯救世界 我万分满足 Just the satisfaction of knowing that I helped my hero to save the world. 当然只有 10 成 And 10 %, of course. 呸
Shit! 被树扎了一下
The tree gave me a splinter! 这棵菩提树什么也没做 它没有动 The Bodhi tree did nothing. It did not move. 天命源于自身
杰克 We all create our own destiny, Jack. 辛雅博士
如果你答应我 我会给你全部的我 Dr. Sinja, if you commit to me, I"ll give you all that I am. 思想
所有东西 Mind, body and spirit. Everything. 让我成为一只大鸟 Let me be a big bird. 鹰 Hawk! 或者麻雀 Or sparrow. 挑哪只
我就是哪只 Pick a bird, I"m it. 你同意出版我的书? You agree to have my book published? 我在求你答应
I"m begging you for it! 你会按我的原意将我的哲学传播? And you will spread my philosophy in the way I meant it to be spread? 那还用说吗? 我保证 That goes without saying. You have my word, sir. 记住
我们的话对整个世界 Remember, our words have a profound 影响深远 rippling effect on the entire universe. 包在我身上 Well, I"m counting on that.
杰克·麦考尔办公室 - 亚伦
- Jack McCall"s office. - Aaron! 你跑一趟 给我买♥♥个宝座 I want you to run out and buy me a throne, 权杖
和王冠 因为我就是王者 and a scepter and a crown, because I am the king! 天
麦考尔先生 你签下了他
对吗? Oh, my God, Mr. McCall. You signed him, didn"t you? 你♥他♥妈♥说对了
我签了他 You bet your ass I signed him. 永远不要怀疑我
Never doubt me! Never doubt me! 那个怎么样? How about that? 我要你把我今天剩下的行程安排全撤了 Hey, I want you to clear my schedule for the rest of the day. 我要去看看我妈妈
I want to go spend some time with my mother! 让她知道自己的儿子有多赞
Let her know what a big star her boy is! 好的
陛下 Okay, done, sire. 雷蒙德
是你吗? Raymond! Is that you? 不
不是雷蒙德 是杰克
No, it"s not Raymond. It"s Jack, Ma. Your son, Jack. 雷蒙德 我知道你不会忘了我的生日 Raymond, I knew you wouldn"t miss my birthday. 我不是雷蒙德
妈妈 I"m not Raymond. I"m Jack, Ma. 你看着很不错
雷蒙德 Oh, you look good, Raymond. 妈妈
雷蒙德是你丈夫 Mommy, Raymond was your husband. 他走了
杰克 He left. I"m your son, Jack. 我留下来了
记得吗? I stayed. You raised me. Remember? 过的好吗
艾美丽? - 嘿
杰克 - How you doing, Emily? - Hey, Jack. 好了
Okay, Annie, now that your guest is here, 我们可以开动晚餐了 we can have some dinner. 一直打电♥话♥给你
真不好意思 但是她这几天睡得很少 Sorry to keep calling you, but she"s slipping a bit more these days. 现在没有雷蒙德她就不吃东西 Now she won"t eat without Raymond. 雷蒙德是你♥爸♥爸? Raymond is your dad? 对
他已经死了 Yeah, he was. He"s dead now. 对不起 - 我没觉得 - I"m sorry. - I"m not. 她一直喝玛格丽特酒没事儿? You sure she should be drinking these margaritas? 别担心 Don"t worry. 因为它们不像我 它们都是处♥女♥ "Cause unlike me, these margaritas are virgins. 说到这
Speaking of which, hey, Milt! 我能看见你裤裤里的小鸡鸡哦 I can see your cojones in that pantsuit. 你用尼龙钱包走私核桃呢
It"s like you"re smuggling walnuts in a polyester purse! 好的
没问题 Okay, all right. 今晚有法士达
和烤肉配鳄梨 Tonight it"s fajitas and taquitos with fresh guacamole. 谢谢你
缇姆 Oh, gracias, Tim. 怎么样
你好吗? How you doin", Mom? You okay? 看看这行头 你看着像流氓 Look at that suit. You look like a gangster. 为什么没穿我们结婚时那套? Why don"t you wear that suit we got married in? 因为我是杰克
妈妈 Because I"m Jack, your son, Ma, 因为工作需要
我得穿成这样 and I got to wear clothes like this because I need it for my work.
我是个大代理商 嘿
今天我做了一笔大交易 I"m a big agent, remember? Hey, I made a big deal today. 杰克? Jack? 雷蒙德
杰克一直没能 原谅你的不辞而别 Raymond, Jack never forgave you for leaving. 妈
- 杰克又没来参加我的生日 - Ma! - And Jack missed my birthday again. 妈
Mom, I"m Jack. I"m your son. I"m here! 什么? What? 生日快乐
妈妈 Happy birthday, Mom. 卡罗琳问您好 And Caroline says hello. 雷蒙德 Raymond, 是你吗? is that you? 不
你儿子 No, Ma. It"s me, Jack. Your son. 我要走了 回去工作
所以... I"m going to get going now and get back to work, so... 爱你 Love you. 哈喽
你迟到了哈? Hola, Gaudencio. You"re here late, huh? 嗨
麦考尔先生 洒水车坏了
但是我修好了 Hi, Mr. McCall. The sprinkler, it die, but I fix it. 好的 Okay. 就是这个
杰克 This is it. It"s a beautiful house, Jack. 邻居相当友善 The neighborhood is so sweet. 到处都是孩子 There are kids everywhere. 我去那的时候 While I was there, 还有一辆冰淇淋车经过
an ice cream truck actually came through. 这个真的... I mean, it"s just... 最适吅我们不过了 It"s perfect for us. 但是这个房♥子就最适吅我们 But this house is perfect for us. 我们在这里造了泰勒 We made Tyler in this house. 我们在这个房♥间造了泰勒 We made Tyler in this room. 还有这张桌子 We made Tyler on this table. Tyler... 要是我们继续呆在这里 我是愿意这么做的 Okay. If we"re going to stay in this house, which I"m willing to do, 我们必须把它弄的再安全点 we have to do some work to make it safer. 有更多友好的邻居 More family friendly. 你在说什么? 这里安全的很 What are you talking about? This place is perfectly safe. 不
看看 这些光滑的实心地板上 No. Look, just beyond these polished concrete floors 就是一个没有围栏的泳池 is a non-fenced pool 泳池后面是一座 高 2000 英尺的悬崖峭壁 that backs up to a cliff with a sheer drop of 2,000 feet. 听着
兴许我们可以等孩子长大后 Well, look, maybe we should let the kid grow up 让他说说自己想住哪里 and tell us where he wants to live. 那是个单身公♥寓♥ It"s a bachelor pad! 他就是单身男
He"s a bachelor! 好吧
在这样的屋子里 我们不可能养家糊口 Okay. We cannot raise a family in this house. 听着
这房♥子是我贷款买♥♥的 Hey, look, I bought this house on my potential 现在它完全属于我了
我爱这房♥子 and then I earned it. I love this house.
我也爱它 但是我现在得在酒台给泰勒换衣朋 I love it, too, but I"m changing Tyler at the bar. 他睡在你的媒体室里 He sleeps in your media room. 我们就像是这间屋子的客人 It"s like we"re guests in your house. 时间问题而已 It"s just time. 搬家是件大事 You know, moving is a huge change. 我知道
但是结婚 I know, but so was getting married, 生孩子也是大事 and having a baby. 但这些最后都很好
不是吗? And those turned out to be really nice changes, right? 好吧
Okay, let"s do it. 真的? Really? 把媒体室粉刷一下 Let"s paint the media room. 在里面放一些小鸭子 和一些卡♥通♥图片 Yeah, let"s put some ducks in there and some cartoon figures 保持中世纪潮流风就可以了 and, you know, just keep it mid-century modern, though. 中世纪潮流的鸭子 Mid-century modern ducks. 对
中世纪潮流风和鸭子 - 非常棒 - Yeah, mid-century modern and ducks. - That"s fantastic. 这点子妙哉 That actually sounds kinda hot. 又新又省钱哈
杰克 An all new low for you, Jack. 你现在做什么? - 我在弄清洁 Hey, now what are you doing? - I"m cleaning up. 怎么了? - 地震? - What the hell was that? - An earthquake? 我正被震着呢 那个不是地震 I"ve been in an earthquake. That wasn"t an earthquake. 我去看看泰勒
I"m gonna check on Tyler! 这棵树真好看 This is a beautiful tree, my friend. 说说你为什么要在庭院中间 Please, tell me why you would plant a tree 种棵树 right in the middle of the patio. 这棵树不是我种的 I no plant the tree. 不是你种的? You no plant the tree? 我一整天都在修洒水器 I"ve been here all day fixing the sprinkler. 我回来拿我的东西 I coming back to pick up my things 然后
就有棵树在这了 and, boom, it"s a tree here. "嘣"然后就有树在这了? "Boom, it"s a tree here"? 嘣 Boom. 嘿
这是那棵咬我的树 Hey, this is that tree that bit me. 为什么他送这个东西? Why the hell would he send me something like this? 开玩笑还是怎么地? What, is this a joke or something? 他只是觉得这是个礼物 He must think it"s a gift. 我被这该死的东西盯上了? Well, now I"m stuck with this goddamned thing? 我要送他一瓶美酒 I was gonna just send him a nice wine or, you know, 或者每个月一个水果篮 a Harry and David"s Fruit of the Month. 或者给他按♥摩♥
或者送饼干 Or a massage. Or Mrs. Fields cookies. 对 Exactly. 需要我把它处理掉吗? You want me to get rid of it?
我要做好人 留着
它现在是我的树了 No, I gotta make nice. I"ll keep it. This is my tree now. 好的
明天见 - 谢谢 - Okay, Mr. McCall. See you maana. - Thanks. 有点猛 Sorta classy. 麦考尔先生? - 再快点
爱伦 - Mr. McCall? - Faster, Aaron. 拜托
别傻愣愣的 动作要快 Please, be less dumb, but be quicker about it. 我今天头特别疼 I got a splitting headache today. 你病了? Are you sick? 没
我可能是过敏了 No, I think I"m having an allergic reaction or something. 来
这个应该会让你高兴起来 这是你的王冠 Well, this should cheer you up. Here"s your crown. 宝座已经订购 And the throne"s on order. 但是他们推荐我一根节杖 我买♥♥下了 But they offered me a scepter, so I bought it. 你是傻子吗? Are you a moron? 不是 No. 辛雅把他的书送过来了 So Sinja sent his book over, and... 有多棒? - 你读过吗? - How great is it? - You read it? 我要说几遍? How many times do we have to go through this? 我不读
I don"t read! 再问一遍
辛雅的书怎么样? Once again, how was Sinja"s book? 不
我来告诉你 简直写的才华横溢
对嘛? No, let me tell you. It was scintillating, huh? 拿起书就直接停不下来 就好像这是你最后一本 You couldn"t stop reading it, just like it was your latest copy 色情杂♥志♥
of Juggs magazine, right? 确实读的很快
可以这么说 It is a quick read, that"s fair. 就该这么做
Way to go, Sinja! 貌似这本书是为你量身而写的 It"s almost like the book was written for you. 当然
这本书... Of course it was! Listen, this book is... 5 页 Five pages long. 5 页? Five pages long? 5 页 Five pages long. 就是 1
4... As in one, two, three, four... 5
没了 Five. The end. 但是这么看来 它是最适吅你的书 But look at it this way. It"s the perfect book for you 因为整本书翻来翻去就 because the first five pages 只有 5 页 and the last five pages are the whole book. 好的
继续 Okay, Aaron, come on. 你借这个戳我脊梁骨是吧? Tell me that you"re pulling my pecker on this one, right? 多希望是这样 Oh, I wish I could. 我不是要戳你
但是... I mean, not your pecker, but... 让我看看 Let me see it. 我的... - 书
- My... - The book! 不 No. 就是这本书? - 就是这本 - That"s the book? - That"s the book.
好好 我要去修道院 Okay. Okay, I"m gonna go down to that ashram 我要用这个堵上他的屁♥眼♥
and I"m gonna ram this up his ass! 这个只是题词
对吧? It"s just the dedication, right? 或者是个引子
致谢之类的 Or the teaser? Or the thank you"s. 杰克
你喜欢我的书 Jack, you said you loved my book. 那不是你给我的这本 这本只是个小册子 That wasn"t a book you gave me, it was a pamphlet! 我看过的菜单都比它长
I"ve read menus that were longer! 公路上的停车标志都比它长
I read a stop sign on the way here that was longer than that! 我的书是一趟自我发现的旅程 Now, my book is a journey of self-discovery. 这趟旅程 5 页就够了 Now, that journey is fulfilled by page five. 好吧
现在都找上门来了 Okay, it"s coming together now. 你真的很狡猾 You know, you got a lot of tricks up your sleeve. 先是那棵魔法树 然后是这本只有 5 页的书 First, the magic tree. Then the book with five pages. 接下来是什么? 你要坐上神奇瑜伽垫 What"s next? You gonna get on a magic yoga mat 转着圈圈飞? and fly around in a circle? 然后你挠挠肚子 然后... Then you rub your stomach, but then, whoosh, 妖怪从我屁♥股♥里蹦出来? the genie jumps out of my ass? 祝福你
你还好吗? Bless you, Jack. Are you okay? 我有点过敏 I"m having an allergic reaction. 可能是你送我的那棵树搞的鬼 It"s probably from that tree you sent me. 我送了你一棵树?
I sent you a tree? 看见了吧? See? 原来树跑这里来了 So this is where the tree went. 什么? What? 有意思 Interesting. 什么那么有意思? What"s so interesting? 这些树枝都不会 只结一片叶子 These branches don"t have a single leaf. 我也注意到了 You know, I noticed that, too. 杰克? Jack? 看着树说话 Look at the tree and say something. 说什么? Say what? 什么那么有趣? What"s so funny? 太神奇了
你没看见? This is amazing. Don"t you see? 貌似我一说话 Hey, you know, it almost seems like every time I say something, 一些... some of the... 哈喽? Hello? 哈... Hel... 喽
...lo! 我要我的烤猪排 烤猪排
烤猪排 I want my baby back baby back, baby back 我要我的烤猪排
烤猪排 I want my baby back, baby back ribs 狗屎
你做了什么? Hey, how are you doing this? 我?我什么也没做 Me? I"m doing nothing. 你和这棵树现在休戚与共 You and this tree are now connected. 休戚与共? Connected? 似乎是你说话让你虚弱了 It seems like all your talking is making you sick. 我说话才不会让我虚弱 Hey, my talking is not making me sick. 是吗?一棵树的叶子全掉后会怎样
杰克? Oh, really? What happens when a tree loses all its leaves, Jack? 所以你要说什么
辛雅? So what are you trying to say, Sinja? 很明显
你说的越多 It"s obvious to me, the more you talk, 树叶落的越多
你就越虚弱 the more leaves fall, the sicker you get. 我会越虚弱? The sicker I get? 所以要是这棵树上的树叶 全部掉光了会怎样? So what happens if all the leaves fall off the tree? 通常这棵树就会死 That usually means the tree is dead. 等等
等一下 Hey, wait a second. Hold on a second. 你是说
你觉得 You telling me that you think 这棵树怎么样
我就会怎么样? whatever happens to the tree happens to me? 对 Yes. 所以我会死
So I could die! 是的
但是你死的方式也 许是最神奇的 Yes, but you would die in the most amazing way possible. 我会死? I could die? 或者有人会 把你弄成一张咖啡桌
Or someone could turn you into a coffee table. 嘿
你真滑稽 Hey, Sinja, you know, you"re a real funny dude to stand here 我的生命被这棵魔法树控制了 你还站着开玩笑 making jokes when my life is being controlled by this magic tree! 你觉得这棵树还剩多少树叶? How many leaves you think are left on this tree? 一千片? A thousand? 那我还有什么? 只剩下一千个单词了? So what do I got, a thousand words left? 现在只有 993 个了 Now you have 993. 一词
一树叶 One word, one leaf. 好吧
我知道怎么把它停下来 Well, I know how to make this shit stop. 噢
你不能这么做 Oh, no, no, you shouldn"t do this. 那是谋杀
- 是
- That is murder! - Yeah, and it"s premeditated, too! 杰克
Jack, you shouldn"t do this! 知道吗
辛雅? 你担心 6 页纸有没有 200 字 You know what, Sinja? You worry about pages six through 200 你又让我焦虑这棵怪树先生
and you let me worry about Mr. Tricky Tree over here! 关于这点
And on that note, one last final word! 砍
Timber! 还好你手里没斧头 Be glad you don"t own a chainsaw. 你为什么这么对我? Why did you do this to me? 不是我这么做的 我不知道怎么做 I didn"t do this. I wouldn"t know how. 所以
是老天诅咒我? So, what, the universe cursed me? 也许 这是你和树之间的姻缘 Maybe. This is between you and the tree.
如果这是真的 我应该做什么? Hey, wait a minute. If this is real, what am I supposed to do? 你此前听过这种情况吗? 见过这种情况吗? You ever heard of this before? You ever seen anything like this? 我从未见过 I"ve never seen it, 不过有个传说
有这样一棵树的一位僧人 but there is a story of an old monk that had a tree like this. 我一直觉得它只是传说 I always thought it was just a story. 他变得非常有名
而且受爱戴 He became very famous and honored. 所以他活下来了 So he lived. 不
他死了 No, he died. 耶稣 Jesus. 不
他的名字叫斯坦 No, his name was Stan. 我今晚要去玻利维亚 I"m leaving for Bolivia tonight. 在波多西一个叫拉巴斯的静修会 A spiritual retreat in Potos called La Paz. 我去那和我的同事 讨论一下你和你的这棵树 Let me talk to my colleagues there about you and your tree. 玻利维亚?那你什么时候回来? Bolivia? Well, when you coming back? 3 天之后 - 三天? - In three days. - Three days? 那你回来之前我应该怎么做? What am I supposed to do until then? 如果我是你
我会保持安静 If I were you, Jack, I"d be quiet. 三天不说话
有什么难的? Don"t talk for three days. How hard can it be? 哈喽
Hello! 靠 Shit. 拜托
Come on, Jack. 为什么要诅咒你和一棵树连结 What is the purpose in cursing you with a tree 你说一句它落一叶呢? that loses a leaf with every word you speak? 简直荒谬
That is ridiculous! 也许你是对的 I guess you"re right. 太扯淡了
It"s crazy! 是很荒谬
It"s ridiculous! 你看见了吗? Did you see that? 看到什么? See what? 一词一落叶 杰克
A leaf with every word! Jack, you slay me! 噢
Oh, Lord Jesus! God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, my God! 噢
God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God! 早上好 Morning. 早上好
先生 今天来点什么? Good morning, sir. What can I get started for you today? 多大? What size? 好的
三杯大号♥拿铁 All right, three venti lattes. 来块蛋糕?不要? Would you care for a pastry? No? 喔
三杯摩卡拿铁 Oh, mocha! Three mocha lattes. 双层巧克力曲奇饼
Double chocolate-chip muffin! Yum! 你要三张保罗·麦卡特尼的 CD 不错 You want three Paul McCartney CDs. Awesome. 知道吗
我爱披头士 他们就是我的生命 You know, I love the Beatles. They are my life.
Assassination! Abraham Lincoln! 你
You, me, gun, shoot! 三倍特浓 Three shots. 我知道了
今天反应有点慢 I know, I"m a little slow today. 好的
三杯摩卡 All right, so three lattes, three mochas, 双层巧克力曲奇饼 和三倍特浓 double chocolate-chip muffin and three shots. 不是谋杀 No assassinations. 还有三张保罗·麦卡特尼的 CD And three Paul McCartney CDs. 一共是 68.12 美元 That"s gonna be $68.12. 你能告诉我什么时候可以过去吗? Could you tell me when it"s safe to cross? 你耳聋吗?我说 Are you deaf? I said, "你能不能告诉我 什么时候可以过马路?" "Can you tell me when it"s safe to cross?" 就是现在?谢谢
It is? Thanks, fella! 停
Stop it, stop it, stop it! 嘿
发生什么了 怎么了? Hey, my brother, what"s happening, brother? What"s going on? 嘿
有车经过? 那是什么? Hey! Was that a drive-by? What was that? 谁来告诉我
是有车经过吗? Somebody tell me, was that a drive-by? 谢谢
Thanks, son! White people sure is nice! 嘿
麦考尔先生 Hey, Mr. McCall. 嘿
我的书 ...