我的身心都在崩溃 每次颠簸都让我头昏脑涨
每一步都让我离家乡更远 直到我成为一具很久以前和母亲吻别过的行尸走肉 我一直惶惶不安
不知道哪个会先到来 是夺走我生命的子弹
还是最后一个救赎自己的机会 迪·韦尔纳 18 岁
二战一等兵 纳粹占领的法国 1944 年 趴下 Get down! 后退
后退 Get back! Get back! 没用 It"s not working! 医疗兵
医疗兵 Medic! Medic! 你叫什么名字 What"s your name? 到处都是炮火 Gunfire everywhere! 导弹来了 Incoming! 你想怎么样 What do you want? 战 争 幽 灵 布奇 Hey, Butchie. 有多余的袜子吗 You got an extra pair of them socks? 我快痒死了 These dogs is itching me like crazy. 该带两双的 Should"ve packed two pair. 我带了 I did. 三天后第一双就穿破了 Put holes in the first pair after three days. 该死 Damn it. 真希望我天生就是扁平足 I wish I was born flat foot.
我表哥的弟弟是扁平足 My cousin"s kid brother got flat feet, 他发现自己没法参军 he found out he couldn"t get into the army. 他在我叔叔的谷仓上吇自杀了 He hung himself in my uncle"s barn. 你真是满嘴鬼话
科克 You"re so full of shit, Kirk. 你表哥的弟弟还是你表亲
对吧 Your cousin"s kid brother"s still your cousin, ain"t he? 你为什么要这样拐了弯地称呼他 Why would you call him anything else? 真的
他是我表亲 No kidding, he"s my cousin. 谁会撒这种谎 Who would lie about that? 你知道自己为什么撒谎吗 Do you even know why you lie? 你在跟谁耍幽默呢 Who you crackin" wise at? 翻过那些山
再走 30 英里就到前哨了 The outpost is 30 miles over those hills. 动身吧 Let"s move out. 好像有吆普车来了 Feel a jeep comin". 我们有多少 M7 榴弹炮 How many M7s we got? 也许我们不该炸毁那辆吆普车 Maybe we should"ve spared that jeep. 还得走很长一段路呢 Still have a long way to walk. 是啊
你看他们的结局多"好" Yeah, "cause it worked out so well for them. 纳粹现在强悍不起来了吧 Nazis ain"t so tough now, are ya? 你不需要这个了 You ain"t gonna be needing this. Nope. 布奇
加密信息 Hey, Butchie, keep your eyes out for any maps, coded messages, 仸何可以用来对付他们的东西
anything we can use against these guys. 我不正在找嘛 What do you think I"m doing? 布奇
有个活的 Hey, Butchie, we got a live one. 要我把他带过来吗 You want I should reel him in? 还是扔回去 Or throw him back? 他是少校
能凑吅 He"s a major. That"ll do. 来吧
举起拳头 Let"s go, Jerry, put up your dukes. *你笑起来时* *When you"re smilin"* *你笑起来时* *Oh, when you"re smilin"* *全世界都* *The whole world smiles...* *跟你一起笑* *...with you...* 闭嘴
尤金 Shut up, Eugene. 这混♥蛋♥知道我在说什么 Scruff fuck knows exactly what I"m saying.
好啊 All right. -来吧
-好 - All right. - Yeah. 瞧瞧这拳皇 Hey, look at Rocky Graziano. 老天
他真厉害 Mother Mary, this guy is good. 最近的边境在翻过那座山的两英里处 Nearest crossing now is two miles over that hill. 揍他
布奇 Go get him, Butchie. 是的 Yep. 你挥拳像个傻子 Come on, you"re swinging like a ding-a-ling.
Sorry, guys, we"re way behind.
我好像拐错弯了 Think I made a wrong turn. 背上装备 Pack up. 我不会伤害你 I won"t hurt you. 没事了 It"s okay. 拿着吧 Take it. 感觉我的双脚快断掉了 Feels like my feet are gonna fall off. 等我们到了
会有蛋糕吃 Once we get there, it"ll be cake. 你们可以睡好几天 You guys can sleep for days. 这次我们要给谁当保姆 Who we babysitting this time? 不是谁 Not a "who." 是一座宅邸
或者说城♥堡♥ A mansion or a castle. 这里曾是一处要塞 It"s supposed to be a big deal 第 82 空降师来到这里 when the 82nd Airborne came through 赶跑了纳粹的最高指挥部 and pushed out the Nazi High Command. 我们要守在这里
直到换班的人来 We"re to hold it till our relief comes. -那要多久
-等着就是了 - How long is that? - As long as it takes. 哎哟
干净的床单和卫生纸 Yowza, yowza, yowza. Clean sheets and toilet paper. 难怪纳粹占领了这里 No wonder the Nazis commandeered it. 是啊
谁会不喜欢这里呢 Yeah. What"s not to love? 也许他只是睡着了
Maybe he"s just sleeping. 是啊
房♥间不够 Yeah, not enough rooms. 别紧张
换班的来了 Easy, little, your relief is here. 你是数着星星就睡着了还是什么 You fall asleep star gazing or something? 拿上装备
换班的到了 Get your gear. Our relief is here. 我是不是死后到天堂了
兄弟们 I think I died and gone to heaven, boys. 老兄
看看这里 Man, you kidding me? Look at this. 这地方跟玫瑰园歌♥舞厅一样大 This place is as big as Roseland. 这里比我皇后区的整个社区都大 It"s bigger than my whole neighborhood in Queens. 好了
我们两分钟后出发 Okay, gear up and fall in. We"re out in two minutes. 这么急干什么 What"s the hurry? 不急啊 There"s no hurry. 你们为什么都不睡在床上 Why aren"t you all sleeping in the beds? 不会是有臭虫之类的吧 It don"t have bedbugs or something? 是的
有臭虫 Yeah, bedbugs. 我们把大部分床垫都放地下室了 We put most of the mattresses in the basement. 怎么回事 What"s the story, morning glory? 那东西有传来什么消息吗 Any news on that thing? 没有 No. 在这里没什么信♥号♥♥ It doesn"t pick up much out here. 肯定是坏了 Must be broken.
也许你该把它留给我们 Broken, huh? Maybe you should leave it with us. 给那位尤金螺丝刀
他就是无线电大♥师♥ Eugene there is a regular Marconian with a screwdriver. 好 Yeah. 好 Yeah. -我现在能走了吗
-还不能 - Can I go now? - Not yet. 食物在哪 Where"s the grub? 这里以前是一个人员众多的行动基地 This place was a crowd base for operations, 他们在食品贮藏室里塞满了香肠
奶酪 they stacked the pantry full of sausage, cheeses, 红酒
还有永远都喝不完的白兰地 wine and all the brandy that you can drink. 补给车一周后过来 Supply truck comes through to re-up in a week. 会带来新鲜面包和 K 型口粮 They"ll have fresh bread and K-rations. 所以这地方有什么问题 So what"s wrong with the joint? 我是说
这地方要真像科尼岛那么惬意 I mean, if this place is like Coney Island, 为什么要急着离开 what"s the rush? 你们迟到了一整天 You"re a day late. 我们进度已经落后了 We"re behind schedule. 我们还有人想休假呢
蠢货 And some of us would like to make furlough, okay, asshole? 我们走 Let"s go. 有人把背包落下了 One of them left their rucksack behind. 泽西 什么叫你从没吃过奶酪火锅 What do you mean you never had fondue?
你是在妓院长大的吗 Were you raised in a brothel? 给他锅碗瓢盆和他的《小爵爷》 Give him pots and pans and his Little Lord Fauntleroy. 话说
离这最近的妓院到底有多远 Hey, how far"s the nearest cat house anyway? 听说法国女人下面的缝是打横长的 Heard the French girls are cut sideways. 那是日本女人
傻瓜 It"s the Jap girls that are cut sideways, ya ding-a-ling. 我不明白我们为什么必须待在屋里 I don"t see why we should be on lockdown. 我们可能会在这里待上一周 We could be here all week. 我在房♥子里到处看看 I"m gonna take a look around the house. 奶酪火锅怎么样 How about a fondue? 尤金 Eugene! 奶酪 The cheese! 这才是生活
兄弟们 This is the life, boys. 干嘛 What? 好看吗 Is that any good? 好看
是讲一台机器 Oh, yeah, it"s about a machine 本该是不同维度之间的精神传送机 that"s supposed to be a mental portal between dimensions, 后来发现也是一台时间传送机 but it turns out, it"s also a portal between times. 你可以直接说不好看的 You could"ve just said no. 休息结束 Break"s over. 那是什么声音 What the hell is that? 老天
Geez, what the fuck? 三
一 Three, two, one. 刚刚那是什么 What the hell was that? 你也看到了吗 You saw it, too? 不太确定我看到了什么 Not sure what I saw. 要喝伯爵茶吗 Earl Grey? 是真的 It"s true. 我堂兄弟来信上说"他们也善待苏格兰战俘 My cousin"s letter says, "They"re treating SPOW as well. 食物不赖 "The food ain"t so bad. 我们还能打一整天棒球 "And we get to play baseball all day. 我爱你 "I love you. 我等不及在战争结束后去见你了" "And I can"t wait to see you after the war." 然后在信的最后他写道 And then at the bottom in the letter, he writes, "另
把这枚邮票留给哈罗德叔叔" "P.S., save this stamp for Uncle Harold." 但亲戚里并没有什么哈罗德叔叔 Except there is no Uncle Harold in the family. 所以我们用蒸汽把邮票熏下来了 So we analyzed steams off the stamp. 就是出于好奇 All curious, you know. 在那下面 And underneath, 用小字写着八个字 written in small letters, five words... "他们割了我的舌头" "They"ve cut out my tongue." 我的天 God.
那是什么 What"s that? 我在地下室找到的 Ah, I found it in the basement. 是曾经占据过这里的一个纳粹的 Belonged to one of the Nazis who took over the house. 迪特·韦尔纳
18 岁 Dieter Werner. 18 years old. 纳粹蠢货 Nazi shithead. 你们还记得 B 连的路易斯吗 You guys remember Louis from Bravo Company, 兹猪场来的那个红毛小子 the ginger from the pig farm? 他说过一个老妓♥女♥偷了他的钱 How that old whore stole his money roll, 把自己锁在厕所里的故事
记得吗 locked herself in the bathroom? 她怎么了 What about her? 他听到玻璃碎裂的声音
她开始大吼谋杀谋杀 He hears glass breaking, she starts screaming bloody murder, 所以他就开始砸门 so he starts pounding on the door, 想破门进去
但门太牢了 trying to break in, but the door"s solid. 过了几分钟后
他终于进去了 And for a couple of minutes, he gets through. 看到了破碎的窗户
水池里有那女人的耳朵 Sees a broken window, the woman"s ear in the sink, 虚空中用口红写着 and written in the vanity in lipstick, "欢迎来到淋病的奇妙世界" "Welcome to the wonderful world of the clap." 你净知道胡扯
布奇 You"re so full of shit, Butchie. 听到那个声音了吗 Do you hear that? 我希望不会持续一晚上 I hope it doesn"t do that all night. 不然我可能要睡在外面了
I might have to sleep outside. 你要是还想继续读这些
那就睡外面去 You should if you"re gonna read crap. 等等 Well... 我知道他们为什么把日记留下了 I could see why they left it behind. 上面写了以前住在这的那家人的遭遇 It says what happened to the family who lived here. 以及他对他们做了什么 And what he did to them. 各位
我觉得我可能疯了 Guys, I think I"m going cuckoo. 那是摩斯密♥码♥吗 Is that Morse Code? I I... H H... A A... V V... E E... N N... O O... 扯淡 Bullshit. L L... E E... G G... S S. "我没有腿" "I have no legs"? 老天
Jesus. 快扔掉
它身上携带病菌 Get rid of that. It"s covered in disease. 你以为你是我妈啊 Who you supposed to be, my momma? 别闹了 Stop. 那都是胡扯的吧 That was bullshit, right? 塔伯特
今晚守着阁楼 Tappert, take the attic tonight. 如果发生冲突
那里是最有利位置 Best vantage point if there"s any conflict. 我们今晚都可以睡在床上 We can all sleep in a bed tonight. 但别离得太远
喊一声就能听见 And stay within shouting distance. 直到我们弄清楚到底是怎么回事 Until we know what the fuck"s happening. 快点 Come on. 打开啊 Open up. 该死 Shit. 有人想谈谈昨晚的情况吗 So, anyone wanna talk about last night? 那几个士兵似乎急着离开 These boys seem like they wanted out in a hurry. 知道那是谁的背包了吗 Ever find out whose rucksack that was? 塔伯特正在翻找 Tappert"s going through it. 他会在包里找到金牙吗 Think he"ll find any gold teeth? 他让我不寒而栗 He gives me the shivers. -经过巴黎那件事之后...
-你们别说了 - I mean, after Paris... - Drop it, you two. 你那时没看见他们躺在血泊里 You didn"t find them sitting in a pool of blood.
六七个 15 岁的少年
全部被肢解 Six or seven 15-year-olds all... carved up. 是希♥特♥勒♥青年团 Hitler Youth. 内脏散落一地 Guts all on the floor. 他就坐在那里
摆出平常那副表情 And he"s sitting there, you know, with that look he gets. 露出诡异的微笑.That weird smile... 他告诉我他们偷运钻石 And telling me they were smuggling diamonds. 他给你看钻石了吗 He showed you any diamonds? 你说呢 What do you think? 我跟你们说过这段吗 Have I ever told you guys this part? 当时他举着手 He holds up his hands. 手指上缠绕着线 He"s got string around his fingers. 就是翻花绳游戏 You know, a cat"s cradle? 然后他低声说道... And he just goes... "轮到你了" "Your move." 神情恍惚 All dreamily. 好吧 Okay. 是挺吓人的 That"s a little laggy. 告诉你们最后一件事 One last thing to pull your coat to. 那并不是第一步 It wasn"t the first move. 玩翻花绳 You know, like, a cat"s cradle, 前十步比较容易
the first 10 moves are easy and then it gets hard. 那么 So... 是谁帮他玩到第五步的呢 who helped him get to move five 那房♥间里全是死去的孩子 in a room full of dead kids? 幸好他是我们这边的 Glad he"s on our side. 我想我弄明白上一支小队为何火烧屁♥股♥一样 I think I figured out what put the bee in the bonnets 急着离开这里了 of the last squad that was here. 无线电说有一队德军会经过这里 Radio said there"s a German line coming through 正从纽伦堡去往某个营地 from Nuremberg to some kind of camp, 在斯特拉斯堡的 in... in Strasbourg. 有几辆卡车 There"s some trucks. 可能有几十名步兵 Maybe a couple dozen Jerries on foot. 该死 Shit. 要我说
我们带上装备 Look, I say we gear up, 进树林里
等他们路过 head into those woods and wait for "em to pass. 待在这里
我们就如同瓮中之鳖 We stay here, we"re fish in a barrel. 我们不能离开 We can"t leave. 5 个对 50 个 Five guys against 50. -这无疑是自寻死路
-我们必须待在这 - It"s plain suicide. - We"re staying. 好极了
行吧 Great. Okay. 那我还是上阁楼那 Well, then I guess I"ll just go up to the attic
盯着他们吧 and try to spot "em then. 谁想来帮我吗 Either of you wanna maybe come help? 尤金 Eugene? 来吧 Come on. 我们可以玩翻花绳 We can play cat"s cradle. 别谈论不在场的人 Not talking about people not in the room. 什么 What? 这是什么 What the hell is that? 黑魔法 Black magic. 祭坛 Sacrificial altars. 听说希♥特♥勒♥笃信神秘学 They say Hitler is a big believer in the occult. 是吗 They say, huh? 纳粹一定是对赫尔维格一家举♥行♥了杀人仪式 The Nazis must"ve committed ritualistic killings on the Helwigs. 一群变♥态♥ Sick pervs. 帮我一把
行吗 Give me a hand, will you? 你想把柜子搬去那边吗 You wanna take it over there? 好的 Yeah, okay. 我扶好了 Got it. I got it. 好了吗 Ready? 一 One... 操
Oh, fuck! You motherfucker! 不是我弄的 Hey, that wasn"t me. 离我远点 Get away from me! 老天 God. 你有没有听见 You hear that? 永远焚烧
他们不会放过你的 ...burning for eternity. They"re coming for you. 我们偷走快乐... We steal joy... 那是什么 What is that? 崩溃
获取你的记忆 ...falls apart and reap your memories. 我不相信有女巫 I don"t believe in witches, 但如果一个老太婆骑着扫帚飞来飞去... but if an old hag flies around on a broom stick... 我们不是真要讨论这么荒谬的事吧 Please tell me we"re having this conversation right now. -我以为自己快疯了
-我也是 - I thought I was going batshit. - Yeah, me, too. 现在我知道上一队人为什么迫不及待离开了 Now I know why the last bunch was so desperate to amscray. 这个地方... I mean, this place is... 闹鬼 Haunted. 除非有谁能想出更贴切的词 Unless someone"s got a better word for it. 听着
在纳粹来之前我们赶紧离开 Look, before the Nazis come, we should, like, 23 skidoo. 什么声音 What is that? I I... F F...
Y Y... O O... U U... "如果你..."
L "If you..." L... E
老天 E... God! A
V A-v... "如果你离开" "If you leave..." 尤金
怎么... Eugene, what the... 怎么回事 What the fuck is happening? 不是我在写 I"m not writing! 不是我在写 I"m not writing!
操 Fuck! 如果你离开 If you leave, 你就会死 you"ll die! 怎么了 What? 如果箱子里留有我们用得上的东西 It"d be nice if someone left something in these
就好了 we can actually use. 我去把大门锁起来 I"m gonna go padlock the front door 让德军以为我们撤离了 and make them think that we abandoned the place. 如果他们进来找吃的 If they come in looking for food... 我们也不是没对付过他们 not our first rodeo.
谢了 Thanks. 好了
他们走了 Okay, they"re moving on. 他们走了 They"re moving on. 操 Fuck. -该死的
-那个混♥蛋♥ - Damn it! - That son of a bitch. 手榴弹 Grenade! 布奇
不 Butchie, no! 尤金 Eugene! -克里斯
-快来 - Chris! - Come on! 你在哪 Where are you? 克里斯
从后方掩护 Chris, we need to cover! We need to cover from the back! 他不在这 He"s not here! 我们来找你
你在哪 We"re coming to get you. Where are you? 克里斯
你在哪 Chris, where are you? 快来 Come fast! 外面 Out here! 该死
操 Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. 该死
操 Shit! Fuck! 不 No! 这不是真的 This isn"t real. 这不是真的
This isn"t real. 总是爱逞英雄 Always gotta be the hero. 我们还剩下多少吗♥啡♥ How much morphine we have left? 足够结束他的痛苦 Enough to do the job... 如果必须动手的话 if we have to. 把这个人♥渣♥和其他的一起搬出去 Take this trash out with the rest of "em. 你做了什么 What the hell did you do? 你们不会理解的 You wouldn"t understand it. 脱掉他的衣服
和其他人放在一起 Strip him down and put him with the rest. 闹鬼到底是什么意思 What the hell does haunted even mean? 是指某些人的鬼魂 Does that mean specific people have ghosts 留在他们死去的地方
不愿离去吗 that are somehow anchored to the places they died? 还是指某个地方发生过邪恶之事 Or is it the places where evil"s occurred 因而变成恶魔势力的入口 that makes the portal to demonic forces? 又或是魔鬼这个概念最初就是人编出来的 Or was evil simply a manmade concept in the first place? 你能不能消停会 Will you give it a rest already? 听着
魔鬼只是... Look, evil is just... 是魔鬼使暴♥力♥变得如此有趣 Well, it"s what makes the violence so much fun. 我们所经历的一切 Everything we experienced, 就是纳粹对住在这里这家人所做的事 it"s what what the Nazis did to the family that lived here. 赫尔维格一家 The Helwigs,
瓦 尽管有法国皇室血统
却是藏匿的犹太人 despite tir French royal lineage, were hiding Jews. 这栋房♥子落入纳粹手中 So, the house fell into Nazi hands. 纳粹终于来到这里时 And when the Nazis finally came, 他们破门而入 they smashed the doors down 孩子们逃跑并躲藏起来 and the children ran and hid. 但赫尔维格先生就在这间图书室被抓住 But Mr. Helwig was found right here in the library. 纳粹把他绑在椅子上 So, the Nazis tied him to a chair. 赫尔维格太太躲在厨房♥的食品储藏室 Mrs. Helwig was hiding in the kitchen pantry. 他们将她拖到楼上
然后发现她儿子 So they dragged her upstairs where they found her son 藏在阁楼衣橱里 hiding in the armoire in the attic. 他们把儿子淹死在楼上浴缸里 They drowned her boy in the upstairs bathtub 并用枪指着她逼她看 and forced her to watch at gunpoint. 他们发现女儿 They found the daughter 躲在仆人房♥间
克莉丝汀娜 hiding in the servants" quarters. Cristina. 他们就把她拖上阁楼 So they dragged her upstairs to the attic 吇死在房♥梁上 and hanged her from the rafters. 他们把尖叫的母亲扛到楼下图书室 They carried the screaming mom down to the library 她丈夫在那里已经被浇满了煤油 where they had soaked her husband in kerosene, 他们大笑着将他点燃 laughing as they set him on fire. 他们将这家人的尸体随意堆在一起 They tossed their bodies in a heap.
没有葬礼 No funerals, 没有墓碑 no headstones. 所以他们才... Is that why they"re, you know, 仍然留在这里吗 still here? 因为没有举办基♥督♥葬礼之类的 No Christian burial, that sort of thing? 因为有未了心愿
鬼魂仍游荡在人间 Wandering the Earth with unfinished business? 我去看看布奇的情况 I"m gonna go check on Butchie. 没事的
兄弟 It"s all right, bro. 把枪放下 Put it away. 我父亲以前是送奶工 My father was a milkman. 我母亲去世了
现在只剩回忆 My mother was my dead mother now a memory. 我从小就喜欢看恐怖电影 I always had a thing for scary movies. 知道吗 You know? 《两傻捉尸记》 Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy. 《我是少年狼》 I Was a Teenage Werewolf. 孩子们喜欢看的 Kids stuff. 越恐怖越好 The scarier, the better. 诺曼底战役后
我见过... After Normandy, I"ve seen and... 和做过很多事 Done things. 我有没有跟你说过
有一次我五天没睡过觉 Did I ever tell you how I didn"t sleep for five days 在穿过斯图加特的时候
when I marched through Stuttgart? 整整五天 Five days. 据说这么久不睡
人一定会发疯 They say it"s not possible without losing your mind. 三点后我分辨不出我究竟是在做梦还是醒着 I couldn"t tell if I was dreaming or awake after three. 在相对清醒些的时候
我怀疑自己还会不会 And in my more lucid moments, I wondered if I was ever gonna 有恢复正常的一天 get back to normal again. 我对那些希♥特♥勒♥青年团孩子做的事 What I did to those Hitler Youth kids 是可怕的噩梦 was a fucking nightmare. 我承认
我失控了 And I admit it, I got out of control. 我想把邪恶扼杀在摇篮里 I wanted to kill the eggs before they hatched. 我当时就像漂浮在身体上空 It was like floating above my body, 往下看着自己 looking down on myself 把那个金发男孩的脑袋割下来 when I cut that little blond boy"s head off. 仿佛不是我自己动的手 It was like I wasn"t doing it at all. 我记得我... I mean, I remember just... 看着自己坐在那里 watching myself sitting there when that... 然后那具尸体从地上坐了起来 that body just got up off the ground. 真是疯了 Total insanity. 出现幻觉 Fever dream. 然后他从口袋掏出一条细绳 And then he pulled a piece of string out of his pocket, that... 那具无头尸 body without a head, and...
翻了一个花绳 and he held his hands out and he made a cat"s cradle, 我能怎么办
毕竟我... and... and what am I gonna do? I just cut... 刚把他的头割下来
难道要对他无礼 his fucking head off, Am I gonna be rude? 于是我陪他玩了一会 So I played with him for a while. 然后他就... And then he just 又躺回去了 laid back down. 我很确定那...那是个梦 I"m pretty sure it was... it was a dream. 我只是太害怕了
所以动不了 I was just... I was just too scared to move. 我举着翻花绳
在原地坐了好几个小时 So I sat there holding that cat"s cradle for hours 直到你来了
发现我和那些尸体 until you came and you found me with the bodies. 我完全忘记曾发生过那件事 I completely forgot that that ever happened. -昨天我让你想起来了
-是的 - Yesterday I reminded you. - Yeah. 科克
你忘记放掉浴缸里的水 Kirk, you forgot to drain the tub. 我是来帮你的 I"m here to help you. 放开 Let go! 你又做梦了 It"s another dream, man. 人不吃东西能撑多久 How much longer can you go without food? 我们该怎么做
克里斯 So what"re we gonna do, Chris? 没人想在这再待一个晚上 No one wants to stay here another night. 我们要是抛弃岗位
会上军事法庭的 We"ll be court-martialed for deserting our posts. 塔伯
Hey, Tap. 如有必要
你能找回那辆纳粹卡车吗 Do you think you could find that Nazi truck again if you had to? 找到也没用
我把轮胎割破了 I mean, it wouldn"t matter. I slashed the tires. 也许换班的人很快就来 Maybe our relief will come soon. 好了
布奇 All right, Butch. 下一段是关于量子纠缠
非常无聊 The next bit is about quantum entanglement. Dullsville. 《世界之间》
罗伯特·海因莱因著 "然后火星访客解释说 "And then the Martian visitor explained 这一世的功绩 that the deeds from one life 会跟随你到下一世 "are carried with you into the next. 所以火星人的轮回..." "So reincarnation from Martians..." 我们到底在找什么 What are we looking for, anyway? 我不知道 I don"t know. 回忆录
日记 Memoirs, dairies, 真正属于赫尔维格一家的东西 anything that really belonged to the Helwigs. 我♥操♥ Oh, fuck a duck. 你有打火机吗 You got your Zippo? 有
在楼上 Yeah, upstairs. 迪特·韦尔纳 在学德语吗 Studying German? 你确定你没什么想告诉我的吗 You sure there isn"t anything you wanna tell me? 下面有人吗 Is anyone down there?
怎么了 What"s up? 你们快上来 Get your asses up here now! 这不是真的
这不是真的 This isn"t real! This isn"t real! 这不是真的
这不是真的 This isn"t real! This isn"t real! 这不是真的
这不是真的 This isn"t real! This isn"t real! -吗♥啡♥在哪
-这不是真的 - Where"s the damn morphine? - This isn"t real! -尤金
-这不是真的 - Eugene, morphine! - This isn"t real! 在医药箱里 It"s in the medical kit. 这不是真的
是我们 This isn"t real! It was us! It was us! 是我们
是我们 It was us! It was us! It was us! -什么是我们
是我们 - What was us? What was us? - It was us! It was us! 想起来 Remember. 下来 Come downstairs. 我们需要谈谈 We need to talk. 我们一晚都不能再待 We"re not staying another night. 我不是要抛下岗位 I"m not saying we abandon post, 我们也许可以驻扎在树林里之类的 but maybe take a new position in the woods or something. 老实说
别管狗屁军事法庭了 Just frankly, my dear, fuck the court-martial. 这里是不祥之地 This place is bad juju. 我们应该把他好好安葬 I think we should give him a proper burial. 送他上天堂
Send him off to heaven. 或是送到另一个地方 Or the other place. 日记有写尸体被丢到哪了吗 Does the journal say where the bodies are dumped? 让我看看日记 Let me see the journal. 我不懂 I don"t understand. 你当然不懂
这是德语 No kidding. It"s in German. 你在巴黎几乎连香槟都没法点 You could barely order champagne in Paris. 迪特有没有说把尸体放在哪了 Does Dieter say where they put the bodies? 我会看的
好吗 I"ll check, okay? 但现在
我们先离开这房♥子 But right now, let"s get out of this house. 你们都愿意死在军事监狱吗 And you"re all willing to die in a military prison? 是的 Yes. 所有人拿上装备
动作快点 I want everyone geared up and ready to clear out. Double time. 好了 All right. 我们到大本营前
最好先编好说辞 We better get our stories straight before we get to base camp. 比如"德军把城♥堡♥烧毁了" Like, "the German soldiers burned the castle down." 等他们发现♥房♥♥子完好无损时 That story ain"t gonna seem so straight 这个谎言立刻就被戳破了 when they find the place in one piece. 也许我们就该把房♥子烧了 Maybe we should"ve torched it. 也许房♥子不会准许你这么做 Maybe it wouldn"t let us. 继续走吗 Do we keep going?
我们可以掷硬币决定 We could, uh, flip a coin, I guess. 你们读过《枭河桥记事》吗 You guys ever read An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge? 没有 No. 整个故事都发生在 The entire story takes place 一个正被吇死的人的脑海里 in the mind of the guy hanging from a noose? 我们已经死了 We"re dead. 天堂糟透了 Heaven fucking sucks. 除非这里是另一个地方 Unless it"s the other place. 人们就是这么说的
不是吗 Well, that"s what they say, right? 地狱即是反复 Hell is repetition? 大部分文化认为在地狱中 You know, most cultures have a version of hell 死者反复经历他们的罪过
永世受折磨 where the dead relive their sins over and over for eternity. 被困在无限循环里 Just trapped in a loop. 这不对劲 This ain"t right, man. 我们调头吧 Let"s just turn around. 我刚意识到 I just realized... 我已经很久没拉过屎了 I haven"t taken a shit since I can remember. 你这搭讪开场白真经典 That"s a classic pick-up line. 我也是 Neither have I. 好几周了 For, like, weeks. 这不吅理
That"s not possible, right? 对
不吅理 No, it"s not. 情况正常只是骗鬼的话 Situation normal, all fucked up. 天翻地覆才对 Snafu, all right. 我就直说了
我们都在想同一件事 Okay, I"m just gonna say what we"re all thinking. 如果我们明天行进又回到... If we march tomorrow and return... 过一天是一天 One day at a time. 就像酒鬼说的 Like the drunk said. 瓦楚莱克 这不对劲 This ain"t right, man. 我们调头吧 Let"s just turn around. 指南针可能坏了 Maybe the compass is broken. 是啊
地图也坏了呗 Yeah, map, too. 房♥子不让我们离开 It won"t let us leave. 如果... What if... 如果我们像你所说那样好好安葬他呢 What if we gave him a proper burial and all, like you said? 日记有写尸体被丢在哪吗 Did the journal 20 the body dump? 最后一页不见了 The last page was missing. 我们得跟那些鬼魂交流 We need to communicate with the spirits. 找出遗骸在哪里 Find out where the remains are. 你要给他们烤蛋糕吗 Are you baking them a cake? 会出现脚印
Footsteps. I want to see where they go. 瓦楚莱克 Vetrulek. 这个词你从哪听到的 Where"d you hear that word? 瓦楚莱克吗 Vetrulek? 这个词一直... It"s just something that"s been... 浮现在我脑海里 ...floating around my head. 这词在拼字游戏值三倍分呢 Triple word score on that one. 不
迪特提过那个词 No, Dieter mentions that word. 是古老的穆♥斯♥林♥信仰 It"s an old Muslim belief. "如果你仸由邪恶发生 "If you let evil happen, 邪恶会回来加倍啃噬你" it could come back to haunt you tenfold." 意思是邪恶得逞 Like all that"s required for evil to triumph 只需要善良之人无所作为 is a good man do nothing. 是的
但更像是个诅咒 Yeah, but more like a curse. 塔伯特怎么会知道这个词 Why would Tappert know that word? 你想怎么样 What do you want? 兄弟们
救我 Guys, help! 开枪 Shoot her! 开枪干掉她 Fucking shoot her! 救命
救命 Help! Help! -开枪
-朝什么开枪 - Shoot her! - Shoot what?
开枪 Shoot her! 快开枪干掉她 Fucking shoot her! 不 No! 从左翼包抄 Flank left! 克里斯
我们马上进来 Chris, we"re coming in! 一
三 One, two, three! 他们在这里 They"re here. 这是什么 What is it? 日记的最后一页 It"s the last page of the journal. 搞定 Done. 我们该祈祷一下之类的 We should pray or something. 这没道理啊 This makes no sense. 怎么了 What? 赫尔维格一家不是法国人
而是阿富汗人 The Helwigs weren"t French, they were Afghans. 这家人把数十个犹太人藏在墙的夹层里 Yeah, this family, they hid dozens of Jews in the walls here, 并花费一大笔钱帮他们安全到达美国 and spent a fortune providing them safe passage to America. 他们冒着生命危险
拼尽全力 They risked their lives collaborating against the Nazis 抗击纳粹 for as long as they could. 你什么时候学会阿♥拉♥伯语的 Since when do you know Arabic? 上面还写了什么 What else does it say? 临死前
Just before she died, Mrs. Helwig performed the vetrul curse 那些袖手旁观的人 against the men who just stood by and watched. 让他们余生不得安宁 Just haunting them to the grave. 我们能不能先专心做好一件事 Can we just focus on one fucking thing for two seconds? 把这个干完 Let"s finish it. 尘归尘 Ashes to ashes, 土归土 dust to dust. 我虽然行过死荫的幽谷 As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, 也不怕遭害 I fear no evil... 只要能离开这里
就算上军事法庭我也不在乎 Court-martial my ass for all I care, as long as it"s not here. 我绝对赞成 Amen to that. 帮我打开这个 Give me a hand with this. 慢点开 Slowly. 可能设置了机关 Could be booby-trapped. 卡斯蒂洛雪茄 雪茄 Cigars? 锁在箱子里 Locked in a trunk? 一定很值钱 Gotta be worth something. 随便了
五分钟后撤离 Whatever. Let"s clear out in five. 等一下 Hold on a second. 迪特在最后一篇日记提到一个箱子 Dieter mentions something about a trunk in his last entry, 纳粹打开后
and once the Nazis opened it, his entries stopped. -现在呢
-就好像有些词不一样了 - What now? - It"s, like, some of the words are different. 变成...新的内容 Like, it... It says something new. 是什么 What? 埋葬他们只会赋予他们力量 That interring them only gave them power. 什么力量 Power for what? 瓦楚莱克 起死回生 Power to bring them back from the dead. 休息结束 Break"s over. 这不是真的
这不是真的 This isn"t real! This isn"t real! 这不是真的
这不是真的 This isn"t real! This isn"t real! 放开我 Get off of me. 想起来 Remember! 想起来 Remember! 这不是真的
这不是真的 This isn"t real! This isn"t real! This isn"t real! 这不是真的 This isn"t real! 冷静
年轻人 Easy, son. 放松点 Take it easy. 没事的 It"s all right. 放松 Relax. 二 Two... 摁住他
Hold him down. 冷静 Easy. 走开 Get away! 退后
退后 Back off! Back off! -镇定点
-走开 - Get a grip. You stand down! - Get away! 别紧张 Stand down, son! 别伤着别人了 Son, before you hurt someone, 把刀给我 give me that. 安
你把他拉出来 Ann, you pull him out. 我不希望他再以这状态进去 I don"t want him going under like that again. 如果什么都想不起来也别担心 Don"t worry if you can"t remember anything. 很快会过去的 That"ll pass shortly. 我在哪 Where am I? 你被送到一所特殊秘密机构 You were flown to a special off-book facility. 你记得你在阿富汗的最后一天吗
中尉 You remember your last day in Afghanistan, Lieutenant? 稍等一下
会想起来的 Give it a sec. It"ll come to you. 我们走 Let"s move! 情况如何 What"s the situation? 目标是为伊♥斯♥兰♥国要员服务的一流医生 The asset"s the blue-chip doctor for Islamic state"s top brass. -在跟我们吅作吗
-是的 - Co-operating? - Yeah. 在过去四次高价值击杀中都为我们提供了情报 Fed us sight intel on the last four high-value kills.
但他身份暴露了 Put his entire family at risk to help us, but he"s been blown. 呼叫中♥央♥司令部 Go for CENTCOM. 所以是撤离行动 So it"s an extraction? 计划是将他一家送到喀布尔的安全屋 The plan is to get his family to a safe house in Kabul, -但我们的信息管道也没了
-收到 - but there goes our information pipeline. - Copy that. 你们小队全员遭受重伤 All the injuries to your squad were extreme. 危在旦夕
坎大哈的创伤中心无法医治你们 You were far too critical for the Kandahar trauma center. 大脑是强大的治愈工具 The mind is a very powerful healing tool, 但当受到瘫痪和被截肢的巨大冲击时 But when pressed by the awareness of paralysis and amputation,
大脑会停止活动并死亡 it can simply shut down and die. 我们的计算机模拟系统旨在帮助士兵 Our computer simulation is designed to help soldiers 在伤愈的同时 recover from their post-traumatic stress 也从创伤后遗症中恢复过来 as they heal from their injuries. 布奇在哪 Where"s Butchie? 我为什么不记得了 Why can"t I remember? 我很遗憾 I"m sorry. 本来不应该发生这种事的 It"s not supposed to happen like this. 什么事 Like what? 好吧 Okay. 在玩翻花绳吗 Playing cat"s cradle, huh? 你看这个
You see this? 本来打算送给我儿子的
你想要吗 I was going to give this to my boy. You want it? 你的手没空
你想要吗 Your hands are tied. You want that? 给 There. 保罗 Hey, Paul. -你好
保罗 - As-Salaam-Alaikum. - Wa-Salaam-Alaikum, Paul. 坐下一起吃吧 Please join us. 医生 Doctor. 人齐了吗 Is this ...