镇 江 招 商 信 息 表
D LED 可调驱动(芯片)、高效节能电机项目
LED 可调驱动(芯片)、高效节能电机项目 项目编号
1001 承办单位
江苏恒丰科技有限公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
1 亿元 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
2 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资 (
) 合资 (
) 合作( ( √
) 转让 (
) 租赁( (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
高效电机 2 万套、LED 可调驱动 50 万套。
高效电机较现有普通电机节能 30%左右、 LED 可调驱动达到国际先进水平。
公司致力于 LED 调光灯、杀菌灯,高效节能电机等产品研发和生产。
联系人: : 丁锡方
话: : 13952822877 地
编 : 212300
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
LED Adjustable Driving Circuit Chip & High-efficiency Electric Motor Project No.
1001 Company/ Organization
Jiangsu Ever Rich Technologies Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
RMB 100 million Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
2 years Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment(
) Joint Venture(
) Cooperative( √) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction( √) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project To produce 20,000 sets high-efficiency electric motor and 500,000 sets LED adjustable driving circuit chips. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Jiangsu Ever Rich is going to input workshop, technology, workforce and part of the needed capitals while investors are anticipated to bring in cash investment. At present, workshops are ready and Jiangsu Ever Rich have already got the leading technologies for the production. Analysis of Project Prospect It’s anticipated that the high-efficiency electric motor is able to save 30% of the energy compared with prevailing traditional ones and the LED adjustable driving circuit chip reaches highest levels internationally. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Jiangsu Ever Rich is dedicating to the research, development and manufacturing of
adjustable lights, bacteria killer lights and high-efficiency electric motors. Contact: Ding Xifang
Address: Danyang City, Jiangsu Province
Postal Code: 212300 汽车变速箱项目
汽车变速箱项目 项目编号
1002 承办单位
丹阳荣嘉精密机械有限公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
1.8 亿 预期回报率
15% 建设年限
2 年 预期投资回报年限
独资 (
) 合资( ( √ ) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁( (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
项目建成投产后,将新增销售 2 亿元。
联系人: : 殷来大
话: : 13806100636
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
Automobile Gearbox Project No.
1002 Company/ Organization
Danyang Rongjia Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
RMB 180 million Expected ROI
15% Construction Period
2 years Expected Pay Off Years
Cooperation Type
Sole Investment(
) Joint Venture( √) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction( √) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
Major Contents of the Project Automobile gearbox production. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Will enter the mold development stage soon. Analysis of Project Prospect After completion and being put into operation, this project is going to bring in extra annual sales of RMB 200 million. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Danyang Rongjia is dedicating to the research, development and manufacturing of automobile gearbox, engine and bumper of all kinds. Contact: Yin Laida
Address: Danyang City, Jiangsu Province
Postal Code: 212300 欧洲大 N VAN 商用车项目
欧洲大 VAN 商用车项目 项目编号
1003 承办单位
江苏新万宝车业制造有限公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
万元 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
5 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资 (
) 合资( ( √ ) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁( (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建( (
) 扩建( (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
) )
以冷轧板、粒子为主要原料,通过冲压液压机、压力机、焊接夹具、焊接流水线等国产设备和激光切割机等进口设备,采用冲压、焊接、检验等生产工艺,新建车身生产线,并以形成量产,年产能力为 5 万套。同时建成涂装车间并已小批量试验生产,总装车间和模具制造中心将于 2014 年 7 月完成建设。项目总建设面积一期为 100000 ㎡,需征用土地200 亩,二期整车项目需征用土地 400-600 亩。
已完成前期准备工作,完成市场调研,编制了项目建议书,同时已形成白车身的量产和销售,目前已向整车方向发展。在整车制造方面,已自主完成 10 台整车的制造,完成汽车高原动力试验,已于 4 月份在北京国际车展上亮相,反映良好。项目二期阶段拟与整车制造公司合资、合作,建设整车生产厂,形成 30000 辆/年的系列整车生产产能,并出口海外市场。预计截至到 2020 年,形成 5 万台/年的整车生产产能。
该项目的主要产品 符合市场对轻客日益增长的需求,同时利用丹阳本地汽车配件时间的优势,自己生产整车,将为提升企业能力,推动当地汽车产业链深发展带来深远影响。
江苏新万宝车业制造有限公司(前身为丹阳市万宝车辆部件有限公司),成立于 2010年,坐落于江苏省丹阳市延陵凤凰工业园区 88 号,公司注册资金 8000 万元,占地面积185 亩,公司类型为自然人控股的有限公司,公司主营业务为汽车设计、研发,汽车配件、模具制造、销售。公司现有员工 200 余名,拥有技术人才 30 余名。
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
European Big Van Manufacturing Project No.
1003 Company/ Organization
Jiangsu New Wanbao Automobile Co., Ltd. Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
RMB 300 million Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
5 years Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment(
) Joint Venture( √) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction( √) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project Through adopting imported hydraulic punching and press machines, wielding fixtures & lines and laser cutting equipment, this project is going to build new automobile body manufacturing lines. The designed mass production capacity is 50,000 sets each year. The coating workshop has been built and put into small lot production. The construction of assembly workshop and mold manufacturing center will be completed in July 2014. The first phase of this project needs 200 Mu land and will construct a floor area of 100,000 m 2 ; the second phase needs 400-600 Mu land.
Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress The preliminary preparation to start this project has been completed. The market research and project proposal have been done. Currently, mass production and sales of body in white have been started. 10 prototype vehicles have been built and gone through plateau power test. The model cars were exhibited in Beijing Auto Show and got very good feedback. In the second phase, Jiangsu New Wanbao plans to cooperate with assembly plants to build assembly lines of 30,000 car production each year. In 2020, the mass production capacity shall be increased to 50,000 car each year. Analysis of Project Prospect China’s demand for Van has been ever growing and Danyang has a solid foundation of manufacturing auto parts. An assembly plant will greatly influence the development of local auto industry. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Jiangsu New Wanbao Automobile, founded in 2010, has a registered fund of RMB 80 million and covers a land area of 185 Mu. It is located in the phoenix industrial park in Yanling Town, specializing in auto design, R&D and auto parts mold production and sales. It has 200 works and 30 technicians/engineers. Contact:Yao Jianzhong
Address:Phoenix Industrial Park, Yanling Town
Postal Code: 212341 物联网园区项目
物联网园区 项目编号
1004 承办单位
延陵镇人民政府 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
50 亿元 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
5 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资( ( √ ) 合资 (
) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁( (
) 其他( ( √) )
新建( ( √ ) 改建( (
) 扩建( (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
延陵镇物联网产业园区位于丹阳市省级高新技术产业园区内,主要用于承载物联网和信息化新兴技术产业,园区建设由延陵镇人民政府统筹规划和指导立项,占地面积约 600余亩,分期开发,一期规划是物联网产业应用的研发和培育区,预计 2015 年底建设完毕,二期规划是高新企业高度聚集区及其配置功能区,预计 2020 建成投产。
物联网时代,已经向我们快步走来,而本项目作为镇江区域唯一的物联网产业园区,它的建成将填补沪宁线上镇江节的布局空白,同时该项目符合丹阳市对高新技术产业园区的总体定位,且具备一定的经济支持、产业基础、配套设施和区位交通的优势,为此本项目前景广阔,预计 2020 年可建成产值超百亿物联网技术孵化及产业化园区。
延陵镇凤凰工业园区位于丹阳市南郊,与云阳高新技术产业园共同建设成为省级高新技术产业园,规划面积约 50 平方公里,其中延陵镇工业集中区规划面积 22 平方公里,主要定位为制造业生产基地,承接高新技术产业的产业转移,形成集研发与制造一体化的高新技术产业发展格局。目前园区“三纵四横”的框架已经形成,完成了水、电、气等配套工程建设, 2 平方公里核心区内已有 110 多家企业落户于此,正在建设的物联网园区位于核心区内丹延路、庆丰路与新 312 国道交汇处,交通便利,投资环境、配套设施和服务平台完善。
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
Park of Internet of Things Project No.
1004 Company/ Organization
Yanling Town Government Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
RMB 5 billion Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
5 years Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment( √) Joint Venture(
) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
Others( √) Nature of the Project
New Construction( √) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project This park is within the Danyang New & High Tech Zone, focusing on internet of things and IT related projects. It covers an area of 600 Mu. The first phase, according to the plan, being an R&D and incubation area for applications of Internet of Things, will be completed at the end of 2015. The second phase, being an concentration area of New & High Tech project, will be completed before 2020. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Internet of Things related companies in areas of integration, R&D and application are invited to invest in this park through leasing standard workshops or build green land factories. At present, the planning and site selecting for the first phase has been completed and infrastructures of all kinds are undergoing fast construction.
Analysis of Project Prospect This park, as the only park of internet of things in Zhenjiang, it’s bound to make up the shortcoming of Zhenjiang in the Shanghai-Nanjing area. Meanwhile, based on Danyang City’s advantages, it’s anticipated to grow to a park which can realize RMB 10 billion sales revenue in 2020 relating to internet of things. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
The positioning of Phoenix Industrial Park of Yanling Town is to accept New & High tech transfer and to build a park integrating R&D and manufacturing. Within the park, road network has been formed and utilities engineering have been finished. More than 110 companies have already moved into the 2 km 2
core area. Contact: Huang Qiang
Address:Yanling Town Park Office, Danyang City
Postal Code: 212341 丹阳市萧梁产业园陵口园区招引项目
丹阳市萧梁产业园陵口园区 项目编号
1005 承办单位
丹阳市陵口镇经济实业总公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
1.5 亿人民币以上 预期回报率
长期回报,三年后回报率不低于 15% 建设年限
3 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资( ( √ ) 合资( ( √ ) 合作( ( √ ) 转让 (
) 租 赁( (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
欢迎电子机械、高科技制造项目落户,项目总投资达 1.5 亿元人民币以上或 2000 万美元以上,建成后年销售额达 2 亿人民币。技术上要求工艺先进、符合环保要求。
丹阳市萧梁产业园陵口园区占地 1000 亩,该区域距沪宁高速公路丹阳入口处、常州民航机场、大港港口、南京禄口机场分别 10 分钟、15 分钟、45 分钟、90 分钟车程。根据丹阳市规划,陵口镇即将设立丹阳铁路货场、京杭大运河 1000 吨级航运码头及沪宁城际轻轨无配线站点,届时交通优势将更加明显。
江苏省丹阳市陵口镇,位于丹阳市东部,北靠丹阳市开发区,交通十分便利,312 国道、沪宁铁路、122 省道分别从镇南、镇中、镇北贯穿而过,距沪宁高速公路丹阳入口处、常州民航机场、大港港口、南京禄口机场分别 10 分钟、15 分钟、45 分钟、90 分钟车程。
联系人: : 张涛
电话: : 0511—86768256
传真: : 0511—86662885
邮编 : 212353
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
Lingkou Area of Danang Xiaoliang Industrial Park
Project No.
1005 Company/ Organization
Danyang Lingkou Economic Corp. Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
RMB 1.5 million Expected ROI
Above 15% Construction Period
3 years Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment( √) Joint Venture( √) Cooperative( √) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction( √) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project Welcome electronic, mechanic and high-tech related manufacturing projects of all kinds. The basic requirements for the coming projects are: total investment over RMB 150 million or USD 20 million, annual sales over RMB 200 million after completion, advanced technology and environment friendly.
Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Sole proprietorship and joint venture are both welcome. Lingkou town government promises that the projects which choose this park have the priorities of land usages.
Analysis of Project Prospect Lingkou Area of Danyang Xiaoliang Industrial Park covers a total land of 1,000 Mu. It is located in the area from where it only takes 10,15,45 and 90 minutes by car to Danyang Exit of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, Changzhou airport, Dagang Port and Nanjing Airport. According to the transportation planning, there will a railway cargo depot, 1,000 ton-class wharves along the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal and a station of Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Light Railway in Lingkou Town, which will make its transportation advantage more prominent in the future.
Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Lingkou Town, located in the east side of Danyang City, enjoys convenient transportation. G312, S122 and Shanghai-Nanjing railway traverse its territory. Contact:Zhang Tao
Fax:0511-86662885 Address:Lingkou Town,Danyang City
Postal Code: 212353 E-mail:dylkzsb@126.com 光电子项目
光电子项目 项目编号
1006 承办单位
句容市郭庄镇经济实业总公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
3000 万美金 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
1 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资( ( √ ) 合资 (
) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁( (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
句容市郭庄镇经济实业总公司位于南京半小时都市圈的核心地带,是句容市委、市政府确定的五大板块之一。紧靠江宁大学城和江宁开发区,依托宁杭高速郭庄道口、宁杭高速铁路和机场高速规划建设,规划总面积 60 平方公里,核心区 25 平方公里、起步区 10 平方公里。
联系人: : 杨世祥
电话: : 0511-87566038
传真 : 0511-87566038 地
邮编 : 212434
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name Opto-electronic Project Project No. 1006 Company/ Organization Jurong Guozhuang Economic Industry Corp. Industry Category Manufacturing Total Investment USD 30 million Expected ROI 20% Construction Period 1 year Expected Pay Off Years 5 years Cooperation Type Sole Investment(√) Joint Venture(
) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction(√) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project The proposal is to bring in capitals, advanced technology, equipment to build opto-electronic glass manufacturing lines. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Sole Proprietorship is preferable. Analysis of Project Prospect This project, to produce high-tech products such as opto-electronic glass, has great market potentials. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Jurong Guozhuang Industrial Zone, among the 5 economic blocks designed by Jurong Municipal Government, sits in the heart of Nanjing half-hour metropolitan circle. Close to Jiangning College Town and Jiangning Development Zone, it covers a total planned area of 60 Km 2 , with a core area of 25 Km 2 and a starting area of 10 Km 2
Contact:Yang Shixiang
Fax:0511-87566038 Address:Guozhuang Town, Jurong City
Postal Code: 212434 E-mail:jrgzzszx@126.com 航空制造与服务项目
航空制造与服务 项目编号
1007 承办单位
句容市郭庄镇经济实业总公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
5000 万美金 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
1 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资( ( √ ) 合资 (
) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁( (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
句容市郭庄镇经济实业总公司位于南京半小时都市圈的核心地带,是句容市委、市政府确定的五大板块之一。紧靠江宁大学城和江宁开发区,依托宁杭高速郭庄道口、宁杭高速铁路和机场高速规划建设,规划总面积 60 平方公里,核心区 25 平方公里、起步区 10 平方公里。
联系人: : 杨世祥
电话: : 0511-87566038
传真 : 0511-87566038 地
邮编 : 212434
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
Aeronautical Manufacturing & Services Project No.
1007 Company/ Organization
Jurong Guozhuang Economic Industry Corp. Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
USD 50 million Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
1 year Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment( √) Joint Venture(
) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction( √) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project The proposal is to build assembly lines which will change the tradition aero craft assembly method. Through drawing on the experience of domestic high-efficiency assembly lines within the aeronautical manufacturing industry, this project is going to move the aeroplanes as per certain set paces while the assemblers stand on fixed positions to operate. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Sole Proprietorship is preferable. Analysis of Project Prospect Through rational planning and integration of current production resources, it’s going to level up the assembly efficiency greatly, improve products quality, lower workers labor intensity, enhance on-site operation environment, realize low cost, high quality and fast response manufacturing. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Jurong Guozhuang Industrial Zone, among the 5 economic blocks designed by Jurong Municipal Government, sits in the heart of Nanjing half-hour metropolitan circle. Close to Jiangning College Town and Jiangning Development Zone, it covers a total planned area of 60 Km 2 , with a core area of 25 Km 2 and a starting area of 10 Km 2
Contact:Yang Shixiang
Fax:0511-87566038 Address:Guozhuang Town, Jurong City
Postal Code: 212434 E-mail:jrgzzszx@126.com
绿色建材产业园区 项目编号
1008 承办单位
句容市沿江经济开发有限公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
3000 万美金 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
1 年 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资 (
) 合资( ( √ ) 合作( ( √ ) 转让 (
) 租赁 (
) 其他( ( √) )
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建( ( √ ) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
下蜀镇地处句容市北端,濒江临港,区位优势明显。全镇总面积 152 平方公里,户籍人口 4.2 万人,辖 10 个行政村,2 个社区。我们举全镇之力开发建设临港工业集中区,相继建成了区域供水工程、污水处理工程、园区“四纵两横”道路工程、长江花园拆迁安置工程等一批基础配套设施。先后建设壮大了台泥水泥、建华管桩、毅马五金、大全铁路、北新建材等一批重点骨干企业,初步建成了比较完整的新型建材产业链。园区经济持续增长,势头强劲。
联系人 : 朱开兆
话: : 1880529798
真: : 0511-87751688 地
编 : 212411
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
Green Construction Material Induatrial Park Project No.
Company/ Organization
Jurong Riverside Economic Development Company Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
USD 30 million Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
1 year Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment(
) Joint Venture(√) Cooperative(√) Transfer(
Others(√) Nature of the Project
New Construction(√) Transformation(
) Expansion(√) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project In accordance with the industrial policy of concentration development, this park is focusing on introducing projects of high output/input rate, of high & new technology and of R&D functions. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress It’s suggested that interested companies should be capable of utilizing resources efficiently and recycling resources well. Analysis of Project Prospect This project is going to build a construction material conglomeration area and national modern green construction material industrial demonstration area that takes lead in South Jiangsu, covers the Yangtze River Delta and influences national market. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Xiashu town, located on the Yangtze River and at the north point of Jurong City, enjoys obvious location advantages. The town covers a total area of 152 Km 2
and has 42,000 permanent residents. It consists of 10 administrative villages and 2 communities. The town is building a riverside industrial concentration area with utmost effort. A number of infrastructural projects like area water supply, sewage treatment, main road networks and residents’ resettlement districts have been completed. With a number of thriving key companies like Taiwan Cement, Jianhua Concrete Piles, Yima Steels, Daquan Railway Equipment, Beijing New Building Materials, this town has proudly formed a fairly complete new type construction material production chain. Contact: Zhu Kaizhao
Tel: 1880529798
Fax: 0511-87751688 Address:
:Xiashu Town, Jurong City
Postal Code: 212411 E-mail :
新材料项目 项目编号
1009 承办单位
句容经济开发区开发建设总公司 行业分类
6000 万美元 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
2 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资( ( √ ) 合资 (
) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁 (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
其他 (
项目主要内容: :? ?
拟引进新型陶瓷材料、微电子材料、光电子材料、生物医用材料、能源转换及储能材料、生态环境材料、超导材料等新材料相关项目. 合作建议及工作进展
? ?
项目前景分析? ?
承办单位简介? ?
江苏句容经济开发区位于南京东郊,属南京半小时都市圈核心地带,交通区位优势明显,已形成“一刻钟上高速,半小时到机场、港口,一小时到沪杭”的立体交通网络。26.5 平方公里核心区内供水、供电、供天然气等“九通一平”基础设施全部建设到位,集金融、商贸、文化教育、娱乐服务等为一体的现代城市功能配套日趋完善。仁宝电脑、台达电子、巨腾国际、金陵石化、智达高压电气等国内外知名企业纷纷落户,初步形成了以光电子、新材料、智能电网、运动器材、科技服务和机动车及零部件等为特色的现代产业体系。
联系人: : 朱泽洪
话 : 0511-87278750
真 : 0511-87266222 地
编 : 212400 信
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
New Material Project Project No.
1009 Company/ Organization
Development & Construction Company of Jurong Economic & Development Zone Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
USD 60 million Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
2 years Expected Pay Off Years
5 years
Cooperation Type
Sole Investment(√) Joint Venture(
) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction(√) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
) Major Contents of the Project It’s set to introduce projects of new type ceramics, opto-electronics, bio medical materials, energy storage and conversion materials, eco materials and superconducting materials. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Sole investment is recommended. Analysis of Project Prospect As the base and pilot of new & high tech, new material has very broad applications. It has been regarded as one of the most important and promising fields with IT and biotech. New material industry has been one of the new & high techs which enjoy highest priority of development in China. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Jurong Economic Development Zone is located to the east side of Nanjing. It enjoys obvious advantages of location and convenient transportation. In the core area of 26.5 Km 2 , infrastructures and utilities like water, power and gas are ready. Modern city’s functions like financing, trading, education and recreation are quite developed. A number of international companies like Compal Electronics, Delta, Juteng International, JLPEC and NJZHIDA have settled down and a modern industrial system highlighted by opto-electronics, new materials, sports gear, technological services, vehicle and auto parts has been set up. Contact: Zhu Zehong
Fax:0511-87266222 Address :West Huayang Road, Jurong
Postal Code: 212400 E-mail:
智能电网项目 项目编号
1010 承办单位
句容经济开发区开发建设总公司 行业分类
制造业 总投资额
6000 万美元 预期回报率
20% 建设年限
2 预期投资回报年限
5 年 合作方式
独资( ( √ ) 合资 (
) 合作 (
) 转让 (
) 租赁 (
) 其他 (
新建( ( √ ) 改建 (
) 扩建 (
) 土地前期开发 (
) 并购 (
) 其他 (
项目主要内容: :? ?
? ?
项目前景分析? ?
智能电网是当今世界电力系统发展变革的最新动向,被认为是 21 世纪电力系统的重大科技创新和发展趋势。前瞻网智能电网行业研究小组分析预测,未来 10年我国电网将迎来建设黄金期,行业前景十分良好。
承办单位简介? ?
江苏句容经济开发区位于南京东郊,属南京半小时都市圈核心地带,交通区位优势明显,已形成“一刻钟上高速,半小时到机场、港口,一小时到沪杭”的立体交通网络。26.5 平方公里核心区内供水、供电、供天然气等“九通一平”基础设施全部建设到位,集金融、商贸、文化教育、娱乐服务等为一体的现代城市功能配套日趋完善。仁宝电脑、台达电子、巨腾国际、金陵石化、智达高压电气等国内外知名企业纷纷落户,初步形成了以光电子、新材料、智能电网、运动器材、科技服务和机动车及零部件等为特色的现代产业体系。
联系人: : 朱泽洪
话 : 0511-87278750
真 : 0511-87266222 地
编 : 212400 信
Investment Promotion Project Sheet
Project Name
Smart Grid Project Project No.
1010 Company/ Organization
Development & Construction Company of Jurong Economic & Development Zone Industry Category
Manufacturing Total Investment
USD 60 million Expected ROI
20% Construction Period
2 years Expected Pay Off Years
5 years Cooperation Type
Sole Investment(√) Joint Venture(
) Cooperative(
) Transfer(
) Nature of the Project
New Construction(√) Transformation(
) Expansion(
) Early Land Development(
M&A (
) Others(
Major Contents of the Project It’s set to attract capitals, advanced technology and equipment to develop smart grid related projects. Cooperation Proposal and Project Progress Sole investment is recommended. Analysis of Project Prospect Smart grid is the latest development trend of modern power industry, and is regarded as one of the most important innovation within power industry in 21 st
century. According to the estimation, in next 10 years, China’s power grid will embrace a golden period of development. Thus, this industry has a very bright future. Brief Introduction to the Undertaking Company/Organization:
Jurong Economic Development Zone is located to the east side of Nanjing. It enjoys obvious advantages of location and convenient transportation. In the core area of 26.5 Km 2 , infrastructures and utilities like water, power and gas are ready. Modern city’s functions like financing, trading, education and recreation are quite developed. A number of international companies like Compal Electronics, Delta, Juteng International, JLPEC and NJZHIDA have settled down and a modern industrial system highlighted by opto-electronics, new materials, sports gear, technological services, vehicle and auto parts has been set up. Contact: Zhu Zehong
Fax:0511-87266222 Address :West Huayang Road, Jurong
Postal Code: 212400 E-mail: