元宵节简单英语作文带翻译:不一样的元宵节 2018年全国卷英语作文

瀛楀彿锛�澶�  涓�  灏�


It is also a festive lantern festival. The Spring Festival is that it declared once a year to draw a dot, called to a tail. It is also a day to eat, although the Spring Festival has enough, but enough, another round Glutinous Rice Balls, has a good tradition. So far, all to the satisfaction of all. The third and more important, the Lantern Festival lights, flowers, people"s Mardi Gras, is taking advantage of the enthusiasm, the hustle and bustle of the scene, to you in my appointment in close, deduce a romantic Valentine"s day "". This year"s Spring Festival came a little earlier, leading to the original should be in the school after the Lantern Festival, during the winter holidays and Spring Festival, as a child can not help but some disappointed, but this should be the meaning of the Lantern Festival as the end of the Spring Festival, so that students who go to school, Ann heart school. In recent years, there are always the article said, now


the young people only remember the western festival, and forget the traditional Chinese festival, take the festival for the festival, not many people will remember, and in February 14th the Valentine"s day, many people remember. This is no way, because the traditional and the west is difficult to rub out what kind of spark. This year is very clever, the Lantern Festival and Valentine"s day hit the same day, the lantern festival itself also has the elements of Valentine"s day. It is said that in this year"s Lantern Festival, the Civil Affairs Bureau tumbled shed, the marriage registration, because the two Valentine"s day on the same day is rare for thousands of years, many couples are on a good sign, the day of registration, the wedding night, just let the family together for the Lantern festival. Our house is the classic "south" family, even don"t often go back in the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival is usually the night before go to the supermarket to buy a bag of frozen Glutinous Rice Balls, in the morning to eat a bowl

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