
  摘要:以烟包形式的复烤烟叶为试材,对比研究了电容法与电阻法测量烟叶含水率的差异,并将电容值与电阻值分别与烟叶含水率进行方程拟合。结果表明:电容法测试时,电容与烟叶含水率均呈显著相关,在1、10、100 kHz频率下,随着频率的增大,电容值对频率的敏感度降低,烟叶含水率与电容值相关方程拟合度也降低,数学模型可用对数模型表示;电阻法测试时,测试电压对电阻测量结果无显著影响,采用双杆电极测量的电阻值与烟叶含水率呈显著相关,建立两者间的数学模型为二次多项式;采用电容法测量烟叶含水率比电阻法更优,以单杆电极、测试频率1 kHz情况下检测的电容值与烟叶含水率的模拟方程拟合度最高。
  中图分类号:S572.01 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2015)08-0100-04
  Abstract The differences of moisture content in tobacco leaves measured by capacitance method and resistance method were analyzed with packed redried tobacco leaves as materials. The correlation of moisture content with capacitance and resistance values was fitted with equations. The results showed that measured by capacitance method, the testing capacitance and tobacco moisture showed a significant correlation; at plus 1 kHz, 10 kHz and 100 kHz frequency, the sensitivity of capacitance to frequency reduced with the increase of frequency, and the fitting degree of equations also reduced; logarithmic model could be used to fit the correlation between capacitance and moisture content. When measured by the resistance method, the test voltage had no significant effect on resistance value; the resistance value measured with dual-rod electrodes showed a significant correlation with the moisture content in tobacco leaves, and the quadratic polynomial model could be used to fit their correlation. The capacitance method was better than the voltage method in measuring tobacco moisture content. The simulation equation could obtain the highest fitting degree, when the capacitance was measured with single-pole electrode at 1 kHz of frequency.
  Key words Tobacco leaves; Single-pole electrode; Dual-rod electrode; Capacitance method; Resistance method
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 材料
  1.2 仪器
  ①电极:电极由不锈钢实心杆和绝缘手柄组成,杆长35 cm,单杆半径0.4 cm, 双杆杆中心距离4 cm;杆顶端1 cm制成锥形探针结构;绝缘手柄端连出两根导线;
  ②智能LCR测试仪:型号TH2822C,频率范围100 Hz~100 kHz;
  ③UT533绝缘万用表:电压档有50、100、250、500、1 000 V;
  ④电子天平:型号LQ-A10002,规格0.01~1 000 g;