摘 要:目的 分析探讨护理干预对穴位埋线疗法联合口服美沙拉嗪治疗溃疡性结肠炎患者的作用。 方法 选取我院2010年8月~2013年3月诊治的位于UC缓解期1周的患者62例,随机分为美沙拉嗪组32例与美沙拉嗪联合穴位埋线治疗组(30例)联合治疗组(30例)采用穴位埋线疗法并予美沙拉嗪口服,同时给予实施综合护理干预。观察美沙拉嗪组及联合治疗组12个月后的缓解时长、复发率以及不良反应情况。结果 美沙拉嗪组、联合治疗组复发率分别为13(40.6%)、5(16.7%),两组相比较P<0.05;联合治疗组的缓解时间(260±67) d比美沙拉嗪组的缓解时间(219±77) d相对较长,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 护理干预对穴位埋线疗法同时使用美沙拉嗪来治疗溃疡性结肠炎有积极意义,有利于减少病情复发,提高患者的生活质量。
关键词:穴位埋线;溃疡性结肠炎; 护理干预
中图分类号:R473.5 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1959.2018.05.063
Nursing Analysis of Acupoint Catgut Embedding Therapy Combined with Oral Mesalazine in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
DU Li-jun
(Department of Digestive Sciences,Jiangyin Hospital,Medical College of Southeast University,Jiangyin 214400,Jiangsu,China)
Abstract:Objective To analyze the effect of nursing intervention on patients with ulcerative colitis treated by acupoint catgut embedding therapy combined with oral mesalazine.Methods In our hospital from August 2010 to March 2013 in the diagnosis and treatment of UC remission in 62 cases 1 weeks were randomly divided into the group of 32 cases and beauty of salad combined with acupoint catgut embedding therapy group(30 cases)and treatment group(30 cases)and treated with acupoint catgut embedding therapy with oral beauty of salad,and give the implementation of comprehensive nursing intervention.The length,recurrence rate and adverse reaction of mesalazine group and combined treatment group were observed after 12 months.Results The salad diazoxide group and combined treatment group recurrence rate was 13(40.6%),5(16.7%),compared with the two groups of P<0.05;the remission time of combined treatment group(260±67)d Bimei salad group remission time(219±77)d is relatively long, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Nursing intervention has a positive effect on catgut embedding therapy and mesalazine in the treatment of ulcerative colitis,which helps to reduce the recurrence and improve the quality of life of patients.
Key words:Acupoint catgut embedding;Ulcerative colitis;Nursing intervention