
  2015年9月14日 联合国粮农组织今天在罗马发表媒体通报表示,与厄尔尼诺现象有关的长期的旱季导致中美洲国家谷物产量锐减,并使大批当地农民面临农业援助的需要。这是连续第二年中美洲地区在主要的谷物收获季节受到与厄尔尼诺现象有关的严重旱季的负面影响。由于当地数十万的农民在为5月至10月的主要收获季节种植的农作物上受到了部分或全部的损失,中美洲农业委员会已宣布当地进入警戒状态。
  14 September 2015 The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sent a statement to media in Rome, long term drought caused by El Nino led to much loss in cereal outputs in middle American countries, and this was also the reason why many local farmers needed agriculture aid. For second year in a row, middle American region was severely affected in harvest season of main crops by extremely dry weather related to El Nino. Because hundreds of thousands of farmers suffered part or all loss on crops between May to October, the Central American Agricultural Council declared a state of alert.
  In the statement on 14, FAO pointed out that countries being affected included Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Among these countries, 60% of maize crop in Salvador and Honduras was damaged by irregular rainfall at the beginning of this year. In Salvador, there was estimated 28 million dollars loss merely on seed, fertilizer, pesticide and land reclamation. Aside from these, 80% legume crop in Honduras was damaged. The most severely affected area in Guatemala, 80% crop was destroyed, which had negative effect to more than 150 thousand households. In Nicaragua, 50% planting region was under destruction, and nearly nothing was reaped in the most severely affected area.
  It was claimed in the statement that because of serious crop loss of hundreds of thousands of households were facing, these countries began distributing agricultural aid packages to help farmers recover as much as possible in the second planting season. It was confirmed that El Nino would be continuing till the beginning of next year. Meanwhile, local farmers planting crop for second season in extremely dry weather might not end well.