
鐎涙褰块敍锟�婢讹拷  娑擄拷  鐏忥拷

 2009 年 5 月 17 日 May 17th, 2009. 关于卑弥呼的进一步研究 Further research on Himiko. 传说卑弥呼是日本的第一个女王 According to legend, Himiko, the first queen of Japan, 她是一个强大的魔法师

 用黑魔法统治她的帝国 was a powerful sorceress who ruled her empire through dark magic, 只要她轻轻一触

 就会传播死亡和毁灭 spreading death and destruction by the mere touch of her hand. 只有命运才能阻止她 She was only stopped by a single twist of fate. 她手下的一支军队将她强行带到危险重重的恶魔海 An army of her own generals bound and dragged Himiko 中♥央♥的一座无人居住的小岛上 to an uninhabitable island 将她与世隔绝 in the middle of the treacherous Devil"s Sea. 在那里

 她被埋葬在山脉之下 There, she remains entombed beneath the mountains. 我在地图上找到了一个从未有人发现的地方 I found a speck on an old map that no one else has. 她就在那里 And she"s there, 等待被释放 waiting to be unleashed. 我必须第一个到那里 I have to get there first. 即使那意味着我要做最不想做的事... Even if it means doing the last thing I"d ever want to do... 离开我的劳拉 Leaving my Lara behind. 你得做出决定


 你得做点什么 You gotta make decisions, Lara. You gotta make something happen. 当心

 当心 Watch it! Watch it! 现在对你来说防守没用 Counter-punching doesn"t work for you. 你没那个技巧 You don"t have the skill. -谢了


 -不客气 - Thanks, Terry. - You"re welcome. 加油

 劳拉 Come on, Lara!


 开始战斗吧 Stop dancing, start fighting. 很好

 姑娘 Yes, girl! 来啊 Come on! 干得漂亮


 你可以的 Nice one, Lara! You"ve got this! -结束了

 -还没有 - It"s over. - Isn"t! 那就挣脱出来啊 Then get out of it! 算了


 认输吧 Come on, Lara! Tap out. 别说了 Don"t say it. 你被人揍扁了


 你被人揍扁了 You got whupped, girl. You got whupped. -没有揍扁


 没有揍扁 - Not whupped. - Okay. Not whupped. 战败了 Marmalized. "战败了"

 她又不是什么超级英雄 "Marmalized"? She"s not a freakin" superhero. 真♥相♥是

 我让她... Truth is, I let her-- 你没生气吧 We cool? 当然

 没生气 Yeah, we"re cool. 其实很有趣 Was fun actually! 谢了 Thanks. 下次我会打败你 I"ll get you next time. 我要让你战败 I"ll marmalize you. -你今晚要早点回家


 -没错 - You"re home early tonight, right? - Yup. 再见 Catch you later. 再见 Laters.

 谁偷了我的苹果 Who stole my apple? 早该知道是你 Should"ve known it was you. 我为什么要做那样的事 Why would I do a thing like that? 因为你自己买♥♥不起 "Cause you can"t afford your own. 毕竟你连该交的费用都没交 Just seen you"re behind with your payments. 泰瑞


 我保证 Terry, look, I"ll catch up on the payments, I promise. 我会补给你的 I"ll make it up to you. 找一份工作吧

 劳拉 Get a job, Lara. 你觉得我穿成这样是为了好玩吗 Do you think I"m dressed like this for fun? 我喜欢你



 但... I like you, Lara. I really do, but... 不交钱不准玩 -你好

 -你好 - Hey. - Hi. -一切都好吗


 很棒的一天 - All good? - Yeah. Havin" a great day. 你呢 You"? -很好

 -是吗 - Yeah. - Yeah? 再聊几句


 去 Ask her more. Ask her for dinner or something. Do it. 加油 Come on. 还有事吗 Anything else? 不

 没有了 No, no, no. 你怎么回事


 傻小子 What is your problem? Why didn"t you ask her? Stupid boy. 猎狐比赛准备好了吗

 罗格 You got that fox hunt sorted, Rog? 是的

 差不多了 Yeah, more or less. 有 30 个猎狗报名了


 Got 30 hounds signed up. Just gotta find a fox now. -要找个厉害的

 -嗯 - Tough one, that. - Mmm. 需要一个速度够快的

 那样才有趣 Need someone quick enough to make it interesting. 没错


 就没意思了 Yeah. No fun if they ain"t quick. 但要傻到以为他们能赢 But dumb enough to think they can win. 你们在密谋什么 What are you two plotting? 我们要搞一个猎狐比赛 We"re gonna do a fox hunt. -一个什么

 -就像赛跑一样 - A what? - Well, it"s like a race. 不过狐狸优先出发 Except the fox gets a head start, 在他的车后留下油漆痕迹 leavin" a paint trail behind his bike. 让咆哮的猎狗追踪 For the baying hounds to follow. 如果油漆耗尽

 还没有人抓到他的话... And if they haven"t caught him by the time the paint runs out... -他就赢得所有奖金

 -他就赢得所有奖金 - He wins all the money. - He wins all the money. 多少钱 How much money? 六百英镑 Six hundred quid. 那你们找到狐狸了 I think you just found yourself a fox. 你是认真的吗 Oh, you"re bein" serious? -不够快还是不够蠢


 我的意思是... - Not quick or dumb enough for you? - No, I mean, I just-- 就你了 You"re on. 《藏狐

 追猎》 "Hide Fox, and all after!" 莎士比亚的吗 Ooh, Shakespeare? 《哈姆雷特》吗 Hamlet, is it? 不知道


 Don"t know. Things just stick in my brain. 就是《哈姆雷特》 You know it"s Hamlet. 我再问你一遍

 为什么你要做单车骑手 And I ask you once again, why on earth are you a bike courier? 因为你

 布鲁斯 You, Bruce. 我想靠近你 I wanna be close to you. 五





 出发 Five, four, three, two, one! Go! 借过 Excuse me! 快


 快 Go, go, go! 她在哪里

 兄弟 Where is she, bro? 我不会离开太久的

 亲爱的 I won"t be long, my love. -喂


 -看你的后视镜 - Oi! Watch where you"re going! - Use your mirrors! 快走

 快走 Go! Go! 没想到你会出现在这里 Fancy seeing you here. 安娜 Ana. 你没必要来的

 我不再需要监护人了 You didn"t have to come. I don"t need a guardian anymore. 真的吗 Really? 你在搞粉刷吗 Have you been decorating? 很久没看到你了 Haven"t seen you for a long time. 你从未真正看到我 You"ve never seen me. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 谢谢你能来 Thanks for coming. 今天是怎么回事 What was today about? 我需要那笔钱

 I needed the money. 不


 有一笔 No, you don"t. There"s an 遗产在那里等你

 你只需要... inheritance waiting for you if only you would step-- 我不会签的 I won"t. 已经七年了

 安娜 It"s been seven years, Lara. 东京警♥察♥五年前已经停止找你父亲了 Tokyo police stopped looking for your father five years ago. 私♥人♥侦♥探♥也都不愿意再拿钱找人了 Private investigators won"t even take our money anymore. 我知道这很难接受 I know it"s difficult to accept. 但你真的得来签署那些文件 But you really must come in and sign those papers now. 原来你是为这个而来 That"s why you came. 不

 我是为你来的 No. I came for you. 想想你能为这个世界做什么 Just think what you can do for the world, 用你的潜能和你的财富 with your potential, with your wealth. 他的财富

 不是我的 His wealth. Not mine. 听着

 这很简单 Listen, it"s very simple. 如果你不签署那些文件 If you don"t sign the papers, 你父亲的所有心血都将被卖♥♥掉 then everything your father worked for will be sold off. 不只是公♥司♥ Not just the company, 还有克劳馥庄园 but Croft Manor, also. 如果你失去了庄园

 你能想象他的感受吗 Can you imagine how he would feel if you lost the house? 劳拉

 你♥爸♥爸已经不在了 Lara, your father"s gone. 但你可以继续他的事业 But you can pick up where he left off. 这是你的血统

 It"s in your blood. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 我不是那样的克劳馥 I"m just not that kind of Croft. 我不想让你走

 爸爸 But I don"t want you to go, Daddy. 我不会离开太久的

 亲爱的 I won"t be long, my love. 你要明白 You must understand. 我们克劳馥家族

 有我们的责任和使命 We Crofts, we have responsibilities, jobs to do. 我会想你的 But I"ll miss you. 我知道

 我也会想你的 I know. I"ll miss you, too. 我有一个解决办法 But I may have a solution to that. 看这个 See this? 这是你妈妈的

 所以它有超能力 This was your mother"s, so it has special powers. 什么意思 What do you mean? 如果你想感觉离谁更近一些的时候 Ever you want to feel close to someone, 就把它放在手里

 紧紧握住 just put it in your hand, and you hold it tightly. 想着那个人

 他们就会知道的 And you think of that person, and they"ll know. -真的吗

 -真的 - Really? - Yeah. 这是魔法 It"s magic. 它代表不论我身在何处

 我们永远在一起 And it means that we"ll always be together, wherever I am. 好吗 Okay? 我很快就回来了 I"ll be back before you know I"m gone. 快递员从后门进 Couriers round the back. 我不是快递员

 Uh, I"m not a courier. 好吧

 我是 Well, I am. 好的

 从后门进 Right. So round the back. 我来这里见安娜·米勒 I"m here to see Ana Miller. 那你得跟大家一样先登记

 你叫什么名字 Well, you gotta sign in like everyone else. What"s your name? 劳拉 Lara. 劳拉 Lara. 克劳馥 Croft. 方便起见 The pages that require a 需要签字的页码已经给你标好了 signature are marked for your convenience. 你想让亚夫先生给你讲讲细节内容吗 Would you like Mr. Yaffe to take you through the particulars? 我猜要是我签了... I gather I sign... 爸爸就死了 And Dad is dead. 我能想象这对你来说有多难 I can imagine how difficult this is for you. 我也想他 I miss him, too. 那是爸爸的 That was Dad"s. 是的


 根据理查德的遗嘱 Yes, Miss Croft. According to Richard"s will, 如果他去世了 in the event of his death, 我要把这个给你 I was to give it to you. 机关

 日本解密玩具 Karakuri. Japanese puzzle. 严格来说

 你得先签好这些文件 Um, technically speaking, you"re meant to sign the papers first. 我一直无法理解 I could never understand 为什么你父亲对那些东西那么痴迷

 your father"s obsession with those things. 你不会相信家里以前有多少这样的东西 Wouldn"t believe how many of these were lying around the house. 肯定有什么意义 There was gonna be some purpose to it. "来自我最终目的地的第一封信" "The first letter from my final destination." 但他没有留下什么信 But he didn"t leave a letter. -失陪一下


 我... - If you"ll excuse me. - Lara, I-- 缅怀 理查德·克劳馥勋爵 公爵夫人 1963- "我的最终目的地" "My final destination." 第一个字母[信] The first letter. 天啊 What the-- 俄♥罗♥斯♥护照 亚历山大 中国护照 冯詹姆 美国护照 斯图瓦特·约翰逊 爸爸

 你到底去做什么了 Dad, what were you up to? 孩子

 你好 Hello, Sprout. 我知道你一定能解开我的谜 I knew I could trust you to solve my puzzle. 不幸的是

 如果你看到这个录像带 Unfortunately, if you"re watching this tape 意味着我肯定已经死了 then it means that I must be dead. 你现在肯定已经明白我的一生 It"ll be obvious to you by now that there was more to my life 不只是会议室和商业交易 than just boardrooms and business deals. 还有我之前不能告诉你的事 Things that I couldn"t tell you about before. 你妈妈去世的时候


 When your mother died, grief nearly destroyed me. 我开始疯狂地搜索 I began searching the world 这个世上关于另一个世界的线索 desperate for a hint of another realm, 来证明超自然是真实的 for proof that the supernatural is real. 一切能让我觉得她还在我身边的东西 Anything to feel her with me again. 我沉迷于此

 孩子 I made quite a hobby of it, Sprout. 现在... Now... 我要你帮我一个忙 I need you to do me a favor. 我要你烧毁我的卑弥呼项目所有研究资料 I need you to burn all my research on the Himiko project. 把它们都烧光 Just burn all of it. 笔记本



 这非常重要 The notebooks, the tapes, everything. It"s very important. 如果落入坏人的手里

 会带来灾难 If it falls into the wrong hands, then it could be catastrophic, 请你马上就做 so please do it straightaway. 我知道你不喜欢别人指挥你 I know you hate being told what to do, 但请你答应我 but please promise me that. 我希望你永远都不会看到这个录像带 I hope you never have to see this tape. 但如果你看到了... But if you do... 你找到了我的秘密使命 You"ve found my secret calling. 我希望你也能找到你的 I hope you find yours. 爸爸爱你 Dad loves you. "卑弥呼" "Himiko." 十月五日 October 5th. 他们称卑弥呼女王为"死亡之母"

 They called Queen Himiko the "Mother of Death." 关于她的所有故事最后都以血流成河告终 All the stories about her end in rivers running red with blood. 对人们施展魔法

 控制他们的大脑 Bewitching people, controlling minds, 她的手轻轻一触就会带来死亡和毁灭 spreading death and destruction with just the touch of her hand. 她的残暴统治 The bloodshed only ended 在她自己的军队把她活埋之后

 才划上句话 when her own generals buried her alive in a tomb 他们把她与世隔绝 sealing her away from the outside world, 在一座没人能找到的无人岛上 on an island no one could reach. 历史几乎抹去了它的存在 History"s all but erased its existence. 消失的邪马台岛 The lost island of Yamatai. 我确定就是这个地方 I"m certain this is the place. 2011 年 7 月 29 日 July 29th, 2011. 我终于找到一个愿意带我去那里的船长 I finally found a captain willing to take me to the island. 我必须第一个到那里 I must get there first 确保她的力量永远不会落入坏人之手 to ensure her powers will never fall into the wrong hands. 理查德·克劳馥收 理查德 价格为 20000 美元 陆仁 鸭脷洲轮渡 黃竹坑 鸭脷洲 香港 当铺 这个护身符是日本昭和王给我父亲的 That amulet was given to my father by Emperor Showa of Japan. 好吧

 好吧... Right. Right. Well... 这不是日本的 This ain"t from Japan.

 你说的没错 You"re correct. 这是昭和王从曾经的马拉塔王的孙子 Emperor Showa was given it by the grandson 那里得来的 of the former emperor of Maratha. "马拉塔"

 你在开玩笑吧 "Maratha"? You"re having a laugh, in"t ya? 他是从缅♥甸♥最后一任国王锡袍王那里得来的 And he, himself, got it from Thibaw, the last king of Burma 当时锡袍王被流放到印度 when he was exiled in India. -"被流放到印度"

 -没错 - "Exiled in India." - Mmm. 多么有趣的故事 What a fascinating tale. 你说的这些都有书面证据吗 And you got all this, uh, provenance down on paper, do ya? 要是我有书面证据 If I had the provenance on paper, 我就在佳士得拍卖♥♥行了 I"d be at Christie"s, wouldn"t I? 不过... But, um... 今天你走运了 This is your lucky day. -真的吗

 -当然 - Is it? - Yeah. 艾伦

 我跟你说过不准和客户调情 Alan! What have I told you about flirting with the customers? 我没有调情

 我只是天生魅力非凡 I"m not flirting. I"m just naturally charismatic. 我没有调情

 抱歉 I was not flirting. I"m sorry. 我就在调情 I was flirting. 看看吧 Have a look. 灿烂的笑容

 友好又随意 Big smiles, nice and casual. 好吧

 我很高兴地 Right, well, I"m pleased to 告诉你

 我们愿意给你出价 say we"re in a position to make you an offer.

 一万 Ten. 求你了 Please? 再加一点点

 那是我爸爸留给我的全部念想 Just a tad bit more. That"s all I have to remember my dad by. 你♥爸♥爸去世了啊 Oh. Oh, your dad died. 太遗憾了 That"s a shame. 年纪轻轻的小姑娘没了父亲

 真的太糟糕了 It"s a terrible thing for a young woman to lose her father. 真的

 那好吧 Really. All right. Fair enough. 九千 9,000. 你刚刚说的是一万 You just said 10. 一直有人来这里用爸爸去世了的梗 Well, people come in here trying the dead dad shit all the time. 你一直都被骗 And you fall for it all the time. -我没有一直被骗

 -你有 - I don"t fall for it all the time. - Yes, you do. -上周你被骗了两次

 -我就被骗了两次了 - Last week, you fell for it twice. - I"ve fallen for it twice. 我说的是真的 It"s the truth. 好吧

 我很乐意讨价还价 Fine. I"m happy to keep negotiating. 因为现在的价格是八千了 Because now the price is eight. -好吧


 -成交 - Okay. You win. - Ah, finally. 谢谢

 真的 Thank you. Really. 谢谢 Thank you. 就是为了这种场合 For just such occasions. 就是为了这种场合 For just such occasions. -你烫到我的蛋蛋了


 艾伦 - You burnt me taters! - Sort yourself out, Alan.



 赶紧清理一下 - What? - Seriously. Sort it out. 这是热咖啡 That is hot coffee. 香港 -打扰一下



 不会 - Excuse me, do you speak English? - Sorry, no. 不会

 谢谢 No? Thank you. 抱歉

 打扰一下 Sorry. Excuse me. 你认识一个叫陆仁的人吗

 陆仁 Do you know a Lu Ren? Lu Ren? 从来没听说过吗 Not even a tiny bit? -你会说英语吗

 -女士 - Do you speak English? - Lady. 你需要帮助吗 You need help? 没错 Yes. I do. 我在找一个叫陆仁的家伙 I"m looking for this guy called Lu Ren. 他应该... Um, he"s supposed to... -陆仁船

 -没错 - Lu Ren boat. - Yes. 忍♥耐号♥

 在那里 Endurance. Over there. "忍♥耐号♥"

 哪一艘 "Endurance"? Which one? 站住 Wait! 后退 Stay back. 把包给我 Gimme the bag. 你的小费别想要了 You just lost your tip. 你的舌头别想要了 You just lose your tongue. 陆

 陆仁 Lu! Lu Ren! 救命


 Help! Help! 你死定了 你给我下船

 走啊 走走走

 他又喝醉了 谢谢 Thank you. 你说什么 What? 我说你在我船上做什么 I said what are you doing on my boat? 我不是跟他们一起的

 我在找个叫陆仁的人 I"m not with them. I"m looking for a man named Lu Ren? 恭喜你


 你可以滚了 Congratulations, you found me. Now get lost. 拜托等等


 我需要... Please. Wait. Just listen. I need-- 行了

 走吧 Okay, let"s go. -我不是来找麻烦的

 -继续走 - I"m not here to make any trouble. - Keep walking. 请你把枪放下

 就... Could you please put that gun down and just-- 老天 Oh, for God"s sake. 我父亲


 他曾想向你买♥♥艘船 My father, Richard Croft, tried to buy a boat from you. 不不

 他没向我买♥♥ No. No. Not me, he didn"t. 他有 Yes, he did. 你叫陆仁 Your name is Lu Ren. 这是你给他的 This is from you. 我知道我叫什么名字

 谢了 Yes, I know my name, thanks. 我父亲跟我名字一样


 不是我 It"s the same as my father"s, and he wrote that, not me. 那么我需要跟他谈谈 Well, then I need to talk to him. 你和他的百来个债主 You and 100 other people he owed money-- -他在哪里


 好吗 - Where is he? - I don"t know, okay?


 他就这么驾船离开了 One day, he just left on his boat, 我再也没见过他 and I never saw him again, all right? 是七年前吗 Was this seven years ago? 我知道我们的父亲去了哪里 I think I know where they went. Our dads. 在海底吗 To the bottom of the sea? 他们去了一个无人居住的岛屿 They were headed to an uninhabited island. 在日本海岸附近

 旧称邪马台岛 Somewhere off the coast of Japan. It used to be called Yamatai. 我要去那里查出他们发生了什么事 I"m gonna go there and find out what happened to them. 祝你好运

 日本海岸附近至少有 6000 个岛屿 Good luck. There"s at least 6,000 islands off the coast of Japan 绝大多数都是无人居住的 and hardly any of them are populated. 我有地图 Well, I have a map. 我只要弄清楚这些是什么 Now, all I need to do is to figure out what these are. 我觉得是坐标 I think these are coordinates. 是岛屿的位置 The location. 是钟表指针 They"re clock hands. 不是指针 They"re not clock hands. 肯定不是指针

 是... Definitely not clock hands. They"re... 是指针 They are clock hands. 三 Three... 这是一 That"s the one. 就在恶魔海的中♥央♥ That"s right in the middle of the Devil"s Sea. 你还不如在脚上绑上石头 You might as well tie a stone to your foot

 直接从船上跳下去 and jump off the boat now. 这会是一场冒险 It"ll be an adventure. 死亡可不是冒险 Death is not an adventure. 你就不想知道他们到底发生了什么吗 Don"t you even want to know what happened to them? 我只是再也不在乎了 I just don"t care anymore, okay? 听着


 还有事要做 Look, I"m a busy guy. I got stuff to do. 你昨晚输了多少 How much did you lose last night? 你为什么会觉得我输了 What makes you think I lost? 因为你喝酒 Well, it looked like you 不像是在庆祝

 而是在借酒消愁 were drowning your sorrows, not celebrating. 如果你能带我去邪马台岛

 这些都是你的了 Yours if you help me get to Yamatai. 我要拿这些钱做什么

 置办棺材 And what will I spend it on, a coffin? 那我就用这些钱去买♥♥两条你这样的破船 Then I"ll go and get myself two rust buckets like this with that. 就算你有船了 Even if you had a boat, or two, 也离不了海港就得沉 you"d sink "em before you even left the harbor. 你需要的是一个经验丰富的船长 What you need is an experienced captain. 另一只鞋里装了什么 So, what"s in the other shoe? 6 月 23 日

 我也许找到了下一片拼图 June 23rd. I may have found the next piece to the puzzle. 古图显示出了古墓的位置 Ancient drawings hint to the location of the tomb 那里有一扇设计复杂的门来关住她 and an elaborate door to keep her contained. 我找到了破译代码的方法 I found a way to decipher the codes. 我相信我能找到她 I"m sure I can get to her.

 古日本编年史中写道 The ancient Nihongi Chronicles state 进入古墓的人

 必须面对"卑弥呼的考验" that within the tomb, one must face the "Ordeals of Himiko." 穿过灵魂的裂缝 Cross the Chasm of Souls, 祈求活着通过卑弥呼的考验 pray to survive the faces of Himiko, 看着她的千名婢女大军 behold her army of 1,000 handmaidens, 降临在卑弥呼最后的安息之地 descend upon Himiko"s final resting place, 释放她的灾祸 unleashing her scourge. 7 月 6 日

 我确信我的研究被监控了 July 6th. I"m convinced that my progress is being monitored. 我现在知道他们的名字了 I know them by name now, 圣三一教派 The Order of Trinity. 这是一个古老好战的组织 An ancient militant organization 他们想要掌控超自然之力 that seeks control over the supernatural 从而统治全人类的命运 to rule the fate of mankind. 如果说卑弥呼就是圣三一教派 What if Himiko is the weapon 一直以来想要得到的武器呢 that Trinity has been seeking? 睡不着吗 Can"t sleep? 这里的景色很美 It"s beautiful. 趁有机会好好享受吧 Enjoy it while you can. 我们正在进入香港和加州之间 We"re headed into the most dangerous stretch of water 最危险的一段水域 between Hong Kong and California. 你♥爸♥很会找度假地啊 Your dad sure knew how to pick a holiday. 是啊

 显然他很擅长遇到意外 Yeah. He had a knack for the unexpected. Apparently.

 不过我开始怀疑他是不是疯了 I am starting to wonder if he"d gone mad, though. 他似乎分不清事情的真实性 He didn"t seem to know what was real and what wasn"t, 痴迷于一个什么日本死掉的女皇 obsessing over some ancient Japanese death queen. 有些男人就对危险的女人情有独钟 Hey, some men like dangerous women. 那他们太蠢了 Some men are foolish. 什么 What? 晚安


 做个好梦 Good night, Lu Ren. Sweet dreams. 还比不上威廉·退尔

 不过很接近了 Not William Tell yet, but you"re close. 瑞士民间传中的神射手 威廉·退尔只是传说故事

 爸 William Tell was a myth, Dad. 所有的传说都来源于现实 Well, all myths have foundation in reality. -我要走了


 -可是你才刚回来 - I have to head off, Sprout. - But you"ve only just come back. -我很快就回来


 -我都不知道你离开过 - I"ll be back before-- - I even know you"re gone. 安娜会照看你 Ana will keep an eye on you. 我不需要你的雇员当我是小孩一样看着我 I don"t need one of your employees babysitting me. 我可以自己照顾自己 I can take care of myself. 我的宝贝女儿 My girl. 劳拉 Lara... 永远别忘记爸爸爱你 Never forget Dad loves you. 我知道 I know. 就知道你会醒 Thought that might wake you. 你要找的岛屿到了 Your island"s found us. 邪马台岛

 Yamatai. 全部失灵了 We"ve lost all control! -我们必须弃船

 -什么 - We need to abandon ship. - What? 我们在水里必死无疑 We"re dead in the water. 船就要撑不住了 It"s not gonna hold much longer. 我们得立刻下船 We need to get off this boat now. 等等 Wait! 爸爸的手稿 Dad"s papers! 别管了

 劳拉 Forget them! Lara! 劳拉

 来 Lara. Come on! 陆 Lu! 救生船 The lifeboat! 小心 Watch out! 陆 Lu! 陆 Lu! 我在哪儿 Where am I? 她醒了 Ah! She"s awake. 我都开始有点担心你了 I was beginning to get worried about you. 你们撞上了暗礁 A reef. You hit it. 幸好我找到了你们 Thank God I found you. 大多数人在来的路上就死在了海里 Most people who try to come here die in the currents. 几乎没人能到这儿 Almost impossible to get here. 要离开就更难了

 Even harder to leave. 我的东西哪儿... Where"s my-- 在这里 Right here. 你来这里做什么

 劳拉 What are you doing here, Lara? 我有两个女儿 I have two daughters. 她们有跟你一样的黑头发 Dark hair like you. 像你一样漂亮 Pretty like you. 原谅我的无礼 Forgive me. Rude. 我已经很久没有招待客人了 I haven"t hosted a guest here in a very long time. 我叫马赛厄斯·沃格尔 My name is Mathias Vogel. 你一定饿了吧 You must be hungry. 我以前总是会想象 You know, I used to imagine 有一天我会不会在罐头里发现一只耳朵 that I might find an ear inside one of those cans eventually. 听着是不是像疯了 Isn"t that mad? 我猜在这个岛上 I guess being on this 待太久

 人就会有点疯了 island for so long can make you a little crazy. 唯一可以跟我说说话的人 The only person that I get to talk to 在这个电♥话♥的那头 is on the other end of this phone. 他们永远都说着同一句话 And they always say the same thing, 在我完成岛上的工作前

 不能回家 I can"t go home until my work on the island is done. 你到底是做什么的 What kind of work do you do? 各种活计

 老板要我做什么我就做什么 Oh, a mix of things. At the mercy of my employer. 你在找这个

 You looking for this? 命运的图谋总让我惊叹不已 The machinations of fate never cease to amaze me. "卑弥呼之门" "The door to Himiko." 理查德找到了入口 Richard had the entrance. 我们浪费了那么多时间 All that wasted time. 你把我在这世上最渴望得到的东西带给了我 You have brought me the thing that I most wanted in this world. 谢谢你 Thank you. 你知道我父亲的什么事 What do you know about my father? 现在我能看到你们的相似之处了 Now I see the likeness. 一眼就能看出来的聪慧 The intelligence in the face. 鲁莽 The recklessness. 他本来只要合作就行了 All he had to do was cooperate. 以理查德的性格

 他当然是拒绝了 Of course, being Richard, he refused. 他以为他在拯救世界 Thought he was saving the world. 他在哪儿 Where is he? 他在哪里 Where is he? 他已经去见上帝了

 我杀了他 He"s with God now. I killed him. 不好意思我说得太直接了

 毕竟在这我很少能说话 I"m sorry if I was too blunt. I"m out of practice. 已经七年了 It"s been seven years. 七年 Seven years. 快点 Come on. 快点

 快点 Come on, come on! 下去

 Get down there. 垫木都抬走 Get those skids moving! 快走 Move. 走 Move! 快点 Let"s go! 继续干活 Pick it up! 快点走 Come on, go! 把她绑起来 Tie her up! 可以了

 用绞绳吊起来 Okay, winch it up! 快干活 Back to work. 劳拉·克劳馥 Lara Croft. 你不该来这儿的 You shouldn"t have come here. 不过我很高兴你来了 But I"m glad that you did. 收工

 我们要换营地了 Pack it up. We"re moving camp! -全体收工

 -撤离 - All right, let"s pack it up! - Okay, move out! 我们要换营地了 We"re moving camp! 走快点


 走 Keep it moving! You, move! 快点

 快走 Move it, move it. 继续走


 走 Pick it up! Come on, let"s go! 这些都是什么人 Who are these people? 有些是沉船的渔民 Some are shipwrecked fishermen. 有些人付钱给走私犯想去更好的地方生活 And some paid smugglers to take "em to a better life. 结果被带到了这里

 Instead, they brought "em here. 快点


 快走 Come on! We"re backed up here. Move! 他说他杀了我爸 He said he killed my dad. 他杀了我爸 He killed mine. 他们看到了 They saw it. 他残忍♥地杀害了我爸 Cold-blooded murder. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 我很抱歉让你来了这里 I"m sorry that I brought you here. 你的确占了醉酒水手的便宜 Well, you did take advantage of a drunken sailor. 快点走 Come on, move! 至少我们还没死 At least we"re not dead yet. 可不是吗 No shit. 给我点 CL-20 炸♥药♥ I need some CL 20 up here! 快点 Come on, let"s go! 你没事吧 You Okay? -让他立刻起来回去干活

 -坚持一下 - Get him up and back to work right now. - Hang on. -立刻


 我们来弄 - Right now! - Let him rest. We"ll manage. 让他立刻起来回去干活 Get him back to work right now! 他病了

 需要休息 He"s sick, man. He needs to rest. 回去干活 Get back to work! 你们都听到了

 回去干活 You heard him! Let"s get back to work! 劳拉 Hey, Lara. 劳拉


 Lara! Get ready. 跑 Go! 快跑 Go! 小心 Look out! 分散开

 分头追 Let"s spread out! Spread out! 抓住她 Get her! 赶快 Get a move on! 抓住她 Grab her! 她掉进水里了

 要我们去追吗 She"s in the river. You want us to follow? 不用 No. 我让火箭去找她 I"m sending Rocket to track her. 如果她活下来了

 火箭会抓她回来 If she survives, he"ll bring her back. 不是吧 Really? 别动


 我带你回营地 Easy now, easy. I"m taking you back to camp. 别挣扎了 Stop struggling! 等等 Wait! 不不不 No,no,no,no! 我没有疯

 我没有疯 I"m not mad. I"m not mad, 我没有疯


 会消失的 I"m not mad. Just ignore it. It"ll go away. 爸爸 Dad? 是我 It"s me. 爸爸 Dad? 不是真的




 It"s not real. Ignore it. It"ll go away. It always does. 不


 看着我 No, look at me, look at me. 求你了 Please. 你记得这个吗

 你记得吗 Do you remember this? Do you remember... 我们以前常这样 We used to... 是我 It"s me. 我是劳拉 It"s Lara. 孩子 Sprout. 你到这里来干什么 What the blazes are you doing here? 爸爸

 我受伤了 Dad, I"m hurt. 没事的 It"s all right. 这个痛在你身

 更痛在我心 This will hurt me more than it hurts you. 什么 What? 没事的 All right. 没事了

 没事了 You"re all right. You"re all right. 没事了

 没事了 All right. It"s all right. 好了 It"s done. 休息一下 Rest now. 你会陪着我吗 Will you stay with me? 我哪儿也不去 I"m not going anywhere. 沃格尔

 我们找到了 Vogel! We found it! 我们找到了 Yeah, we found it! 沃格尔


 Vogel! We found it! Yeah! 太好了

 我们找到了 Yeah! Come on! We found it! 我找到古墓了 I found it. 派运输机来 Send the transport. 我还以为你走了 I thought you"d gone. 每次我在岛上见到你

 消失的通常是你 Usually when I see you on this island, it"s you who disappears. 我来吧 Let me do that. 来 Come here. 告诉我



  So, Sprout, where did you end up? 牛津还是剑桥 Did you go to Oxford or Cambridge? 快告诉我

 是哪里 Come on, which was it? 你知道吗

 爸 You know what, Dad? 我没上大学 I didn"t go to university. 还有时间

 你还是个孩子 Well, there"s time yet. You"re still only a child. 不

 你离开我的时候我还是个孩子 No, I was a child when you left me. 小心点 Ah, careful. 我放弃回去找你的时候 Hardest day of my life, 是我这一生中最艰难的日子 when I gave up trying to get back to you. 我意识到她永远都不会放我走 But I realized she"d never let me leave. 你在说什么

 什么"她" What are you talking about? Who"s "She"? 卑弥呼 Himiko. 圣三一派沃格尔来寻找她的坟墓 Trinity had sent Vogel to find her tomb 将她唤醒获取她的力量

 so that he could wake her and get her power. 我必须阻止他们 I had to stop them. 好吧 Right. 沃格尔没有我是找不到古墓的 Vogel can"t find the tomb without me. 既然我已经死了 And since I"m dead and 你也烧光了我留下的研究 since you"ve burnt the rest of my research, 他永远也找不到了 he"ll never find it. 那... So... 那个嘛 About that. "烧毁我所有的文件"

 这句话你听不懂吗 What part of "Burn all my papers" Did you not understand? 如果我烧掉了所有文件

 我就没法找到你 If I"d burned the papers, I wouldn"t have found you. 我尽我所能在各处设了岔路和障眼法 I set diversions and false leads wherever I could. 我收了这么多年

 带他们都走向歧路 I watched for years as they got it wrong. 现在你却亲自带他们来到了这里 And now you lead them by the hand. 一个持枪的疯子找到了古代遗物 So a gun-toting psychopath finds some ancient remains. 那又怎么了 So what? 如果沃格尔打开了古墓 If Vogel opens that tomb 卑弥呼的诅咒将散播到整个世界 Himiko"s curse will be unleashed on the world. 爸爸

 听我说 Dad, listen-- 你来这里是一个错误 You coming here was a mistake. 我来这里是为了查清楚你的下落 I came here to find out what happened to you. 只要古墓还安全 So long as the tomb was safe... 你也安全

 You were safe. 我只是想保护你的安全 I was trying to keep you safe. 但我低估了你的... But I underestimated your-- 我的什么 My What? -愚蠢吗

 -不 - Stupidity? - No. 你的勇气 Your bravery. 我们得离开这座小岛 We have to get off this island. 没有出去的路

 劳拉 There"s no way off, Lara. 沃格尔有一台卫星电♥话♥ Vogel"s got a satellite phone. 我们可以想办法拿到

 向外界求助 We can get to it. We can call for help. 沃格尔有一支军队 Vogel has an army. 当初是你教导我永远不要放弃 You were the one who taught me to never give up. 那时不一样 That was a different time. 那时的我也不一样 When I was a different man. -劳拉

 -但我还是那个女儿 - Lara. - Well, I"m still his daughter. 劳拉 Lara! 快点 Come on! 试试别的组合 Try another combination. 加点别的

 再加点别的 And another one, and another one. 拜托

  Come on. Come on, give me the damn code. 运输机入境 我们又在试炸♥弹♥

 再设一条引线 Hey. We"re trying the explosives again. Set another charge. 是

 老大 Yes, boss.


 别吵了 Get over there. Stop talking. 拿上枪

 我去拿卫星电♥话♥ Get the guns. I"m gonna get the sat phone. 然后我们想办法把大家一起救出去 And we"ll find a way for all of us to get out of here. 我们得赶紧离开 We need to leave now. 沃格尔 Vogel! 快走 Go! 打死他们 Shoot them! -带他们去安全的地方

 -好 - Get them to safety. - Okay. 我给你们殿后

 快走 I"ll be right behind you. Go. 该死 Shit. 我们要继续走 不行

 我要等她 我不能丢下她 很漂亮吧

 理查德 It"s beautiful, isn"t it, Richard? 真希望这些年来

 我知道你还活着 I wish I would"ve known that you were alive all these years. 至少还有人能和我说说话 At least I would"ve had somebody to talk to. 我需要你的帮助

 理查德 I need your help, Richard. 帮我把门打开 Get the door open for me. 七年了

 我要回家见我的家人 It"s been seven years. I"m going home to see my family. 如果我打开这个古墓

 你就不会再有家人了 If I open that tomb, you won"t have a family. 给我打开 Open it! 打开 Open it! 打开 Open it! 不可能

 Never! 随便你 Have it your way. 不管你帮不帮忙

 我都要进去 With or without you, I"m getting inside that tomb. 放下枪 Put that down! 放下 Put it down. 你觉得我没法在你的箭射中我之前 You don"t think I can pull this trigger 扣下扳机吗 before you hit me with that arrow. 射他


 射他 Shoot him, Lara. Shoot him! 赶紧把你的武器放下 Come on, put your weapon down. 射他


 我们不能让他找到卑弥呼 Shoot him, Lara. We can"t let him get to Himiko. 你其实根本不信他的胡言乱语

 对吧 You really don"t believe this nonsense, do you? 要你♥爸♥爸把门打开

 不然他就是死路一条 Tell your father to open the door, or he"s dead. 你可以劝动他

 劳拉 You can make him do it, Lara. 运输机已经在路上了 Transport"s already on its way. 我们都能离开这个该死的小岛了 We can all be off this goddamn island. 让他打死我 Let him Shoot me. 牺牲我一条命


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