

 淫乱之人 他们的报应在燃烧着的硫磺湖中

 即第二次死亡 《启示录》第 21 章第 8 节 凉拌色拉 名词 用调味汁调拌各色蔬菜制成的沙拉 拌沙拉 动词 一种涉及嘴和屁♥股♥的性行为 禁欲

 选择等待 我们反对堕胎 2001 届的同学们

 和学长们一起编写年鉴 马克

 你腰上没系腰带 Mark, I see belt loops and no belt. 不行 No. 奥唐奈小姐 Miss O"Donnell. 跟我猜的一样 Just as I suspected: 裙边距离膝盖超过了六厘米 over two-and-a-half inches above the knee. 马上去教务处 Dean"s Office. Now! -早上好


 -艾丽斯 - Morning, Mrs. Veda. - Alice. 两点学校要举♥行♥弥撒 School mass today at 2:00. 天主教弥撒中

 把礼品送上祭台的信友 你再当一次献礼者如何 Why don"t you be gift bearer again? 好的 Sure. 是这样的

 男士就像微波炉 OK, it"s like this, guys are like microwave ovens. 女士就像烤箱 And ladies are like conventional ovens. 男士像微波炉一样只需要几秒钟 Guys only need a few seconds, you know, like a microwave, 性行为


 女人 就能进入状态 to get... switched on. 而女士通常需要 While ladies, they typically need to... 预热一阵 preheat for a while. 但是上帝给性创造了界限 But God created sex with boundaries 与目的 and for a purpose. 有人想试着谈一下性行为的界限吗 Does anyone wanna take a stab at what the boundary is? 好

 韦德 Yes, Wade? -婚姻

 -非常好 - Marriage. - Very good. 有人知道性行为的目的吗 And does anybody know the purpose? -为了生孩子

 -完全正确 - To have children. - Perfecto. 当一名男子和一名女子步入婚姻的圣堂 When a man and a woman receive the sacrament of matrimony, 上帝便号♥召他们以祂的形象哺育孩子 God calls on them to create children in his image. 任何脱出一男一女与一场婚姻框架的性行为 Any sex outside of one man, one woman, one marriage 都是违反上帝的旨意 is against God"s plan. 那自己进行的性行为怎么算 What about sex with yourself? 自己进行的性行为能生孩子吗 Can you create children from sex with yourself? -不能


 所以呢 - No. - Right, so? -那是违反上帝的旨意

 -很对 - It"s against God"s plan. - Exactly. 圣经上说的"播撒你的种子"是这个意思吗 So, is that what the Bible means by "spilling your seed"? 撒在自己手上算数吗 Is it spilling if you catch it?


 好了 All right, all right. 上帝号♥召我们在婚前保持贞洁 We are called on to be chaste until we are married. 也就是不发生性行为

 无论是你自己还是和别人 And that means no sex... with yourself or anyone else... 直到你站在圣坛前说出"我愿意"为止 until you stand at that altar and you say "I do" 否则你就会永劫不复 or else it is damnation for all eternity. 并且记住 And remember... 上帝始终注视着你 God is always watching. 明白吗 Capiche? 他们给我们发了"宝宝三思"的仿真娃娃 They gave us Baby Think-It-Over in Christian Lifestyles. 我根本不想做♥爱♥ I"m not even having sex, 他们应该给那些不检点的女生 they should just give them to the slutty girls. 你们是不是还得看半生产堕胎的视频 Oh, have you had to watch the partial-birth abortion video yet? -真的很可怕

 -不不 - It"s really awful. - No, no! 别跟我剧透 Don"t ruin it for me. 道德课如何 How was Morality? 还行 It was fine. 你知道自♥慰♥也是罪过吗 Did you know that masturbating is a sin? 当然是

 怎么了 Of course. Why? 我只是想问问 I was just wondering. 让我把《泰坦尼克号♥》倒带到车上那段戏两次 Making me rewind Titanic back to the car scene twice 可能也是一种罪过

 is probably also a sin, 先告诉你

 以防你也想知道这个 just in case you were wondering that next. 我让你倒带只是因为 Look, I only asked you to do that 我听不清里奥说"小姐去哪"之后 because I couldn"t hear what Kate whispered to Leo 凯特轻声说了什么 when he said, "Where to, Miss?" 而接下来他们就开始亲热 Which just happens to be right before they make out 并摇上了车窗

 凯特还一掌撑了上去 and steam up that car window that Kate slaps her hand on. 剧本又不是我写的 I didn"t write it! 你好

 格斯 Hi, Gus. 坐下

 格斯 Sit, Gus. 坐下 Sit. 欢迎 Welcome! 美国在线聊天室列表 游戏

 字母重组 8 号♥ 好

 开始吧 OK. Here we go! 2 现在是主持人 汉贼 22 分类

 电影 基♥督♥狂

 我喜欢这个分类 凯伦 90210

 我特别擅长电影 第一回吅




  汉贼 22

 传阿正甘 凯伦 90210

 《阿甘正传》 见鬼 Damn it! 《泰坦尼克号♥》 Titanic!

 太棒了 Yes! 你收到了一封邮件 You"ve got mail. 未读邮件 毛胸 1956@aol.com 我在聊天室注意到了你 这是我和我老婆的一些色图 你想看更多的话跟我说一声 妈 Mom? 年性地 年龄


 地址 22


 爱荷华州 有照片吗 复♥制♥ 你好漂亮 想网爱吗 好 我用牙齿脱掉你的内♥裤♥

 你湿透了 湿 Wet? 你在对我做什么 内衣 Underwear? 我脱掉你的内♥裤♥

 你也湿了 我把 25 厘米全插进♥你的身体 你在自♥慰♥吗 什么 What? 艾丽斯 Alice! 吃晚饭了 Dinner! 我要对全能的上帝坦白 I confess to almighty God... 也对你们

 我的兄弟姐♥妹♥们♥ and to you, my brothers and sisters, 我因自己的过错犯下了罪孽 that I have sinned through my own fault,

 我的罪在我的思想和言语中 in my thoughts and in my words, 在我所做的和未能做到的事情中 in what I have done and in what I have failed to do... 米勒夫妇邀请我们去看球赛 The Millers invited us over to watch the game. 真棒

 我会做拿手的奶酪土豆 Great, I"ll make my cheesy potatoes. 见鬼

 罗恩 Damn it, Ron. 我全都湿了 Now I"m all wet! 别慌


 也没那么湿 Calm down, Gail, you"re not that wet. 艾丽斯

 我听说你周五晚上和韦德在一起 So, uh, Alice, I heard you got on Wade Friday night. 斯蒂芬妮跟我说她在我的桑拿房♥里碰见了你们 Stephanie told me she walked in on you guys in my sauna. 在桑拿房♥里热火朝天 Gettin" steamy in the sauna! 不是

 我们只是在那里喝了点饮料 No, we were just back there getting some drinks. 也就去了一分钟 We were only gone for like a minute! 韦德能坚持一分钟就不错了 Yeah, that"s long enough for Wade. 我瞎说的 I was just messin". 听好 Listen. 你不必因为喜欢一个男生就和他乱搞 You don"t have to put out just because you like a boy. 我不喜欢他 I don"t like him. 讲到支持这些理论的圣经章节 And now, for the Bible passages that back all this up... 我们要从《加拉太书》开始 We"re gonna start with Galatians. 希瑟

 你来给我们开个头吧 Heather, why don"t you start us off? 肉体之行为是显而易见的

 The acts of the flesh are obvious: 淫乱


 邪荡 sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery... 我刚从古迪音乐城买♥♥了《眨眼 182》的 CD OK, so, I just bought this Blink 182 CD from Sam Goody, right? 然后存到电脑上

 再存到这里 I upload them to my computer and then I just put "em on here. 小菜一碟 Easy as pie. 顺便告诉你

 这张专辑很棒 The album"s amazing, by the way. 叫作《全民灌肠计划》 It"s called Enema of the State. 懂吗 Get it? 我猜你对灌肠可懂了

 对吧 I bet you know all about enemas, don"t you? 你能别在我的宝宝边上说灌肠吗 Can you not talk about enemas near my baby, please? 行

 我这就... Yeah, I"m gonna... 谢谢 Thank you. 真变♥态♥ Such a perv. 灌肠是什么 What"s an enema? 就是滑水时摔了一跤

 水冲进屁♥股♥里了 It"s when you fall water skiing and water shoots up your butt. 看看这是谁 Well, look who it is. 你这周末去了哪里 Where were you this weekend? 你没来参加我的派对 You didn"t come to my party. 嗯

 我听说气氛可热烈了 Yeah, I heard things got pretty crazy. 大家都在说你和韦德的事 Everyone"s been talking about you and Wade. 是的 Yeah.

 他们说你拌了他的沙拉 They"re saying you tossed his salad. -什么

 -恶心 - What? - Gross! 你在我的桑拿房♥里拌了他的沙拉 You tossed his salad in my sauna? 什么



 谁说的 What? No! No! Who, who said that? 几何课上有个女生跟我们说的 Some girl in my Geometry class was telling a bunch of us. 希瑟也特别生气 Heather"s really pissed too. 她刚给了韦德一个守贞手环 She just gave Wade a promise bracelet. 好吧 OK. 我都没听过拌别人的沙拉这种说法 I mean, I"ve never even heard of dressing someone"s salad! So... 派对很好玩 The party was really fun. 你怎么没来 Why didn"t you come? 我去静修了 I was on a retreat. 是水疗吗 Like a spa? 不

 是学校举办的静修 No, a retreat ran by the school. 叫作科克斯

 我参加后得到了这个项链 It"s called Kirkos and I got this necklace on it. See? 真棒

 静修时都做什么 Cool. What"d you do there? 我们不能和没参加过的人说这个 We"re not allowed to talk about it with anyone who hasn"t been. 但它完全改变了我的人生 But it totally changed my life. 你来吗

 贝斯 Coming, Beth? 好

 我得走了 Yeah. I gotta go. 你们应该申请参加下一次静修

 You guys should sign up for the next one. 我觉得它会对你有帮助的 I think it"d be good for you. 贝丝什么时候开始和妮娜她们一起吃饭了 Since when does Beth eat lunch with Nina and those girls? 我一定要参加那个静修 I have to go on that retreat. 你觉得她真的认为我 Do you think she thinks that I actually 吃了韦德的沙拉还是什么吗 tasted Wade"s salad or whatever? 我不知道 I don"t know. 贝丝真是个白♥痴♥ Beth"s such a moron. 我从来不知道她在说什么 I never have any clue what"s she"s talking about 所以这些可能都是她编的 so she probably made it up. 我再去拿点牛奶 I"m gonna go get more milk. 希瑟


 你们好 Hey, Heather. Hey, Wade. 韦德

 希瑟 吃布丁可不能没有牛奶 Can"t have pudding without milk! 她真恶心 She"s disgusting. 我决定今天让希瑟 I think I"m going to ask Heather 来和雅各布一起献礼 to bear the gifts with Jacob today. 艾丽斯

 如果你想继续当献礼者的话 Alice, if you want to continue to be a gift bearer, 你的行为要符吅这个职位才行 you have to conduct yourself like one. 你的身体是上帝的恩赐 Your body is a gift from God. 你需要尊重它 You need to honor it. 奉父及子及圣神之名

 In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 求神父降福

 准我罪人告解 bless me Father for I have sinned. 自上次告解到现在已有一周 It has been a week since my last confession. 以下是我犯下的罪 These are my sins... 和爷爷顶嘴 Talking back to my dad... 没有在厨房♥帮妈妈的忙 Not helping my mom in the kitchen... 忘记喂狗 Forgetting to feed the dog... 还有 And... 还有别的吗 And anything else? 没有了 That"s it. 作为赎罪 For penance, 不如你洗一周的碗吧 why don"t you do the dishes for a week? 让你妈妈休息一下 Give your mom a break. 再念十遍万福玛利亚十遍圣父 And ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers. 天上的慈父 God, the Father of mercies, 因祂圣子的死亡与复活 through the death and resurrection of his Son, 使世界与祂和好 has reconciled the world to itself 又恩赐圣神赦免罪过 and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins... 求您赐给我们日用饮食 Give us this day our daily bread, 宽免我们的罪债 and forgive us of our trespasses, 犹如我们也宽免得罪我们的人 as we forgive those that trespass against us...

 你的身体是上帝的恩赐 Your body is a gift from God. 那是违反上帝的旨意 It"s against God"s plan. 你需要尊重它 You need to honor it. 否则你就会永劫不复 Or else it is damnation for all eternity. 愿您的旨意承行于地

 如在天上一样 Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. 叫作科克斯 It"s called Kirkos. 我觉得它会对你有帮助的 I think it"d be good for you. 我们到了吗 Are we there? 我办不到 I can"t do this. 离开学校几天会对我们有好处的 These few days away are going to be good for us. 我不知道 I don"t know. 神父穿着日常衣朋的样子好奇怪 Father looks so weird in regular people clothes. 天呐

 妮娜也在这里 Oh, my God! Nina"s here! 她肯定是其中一位小组长 She must be one of the group leaders. 欢迎大家 Welcome, everyone. 那是谁 Who"s that? 你认真的吗

 那是克里斯 Are you serious? That"s Chris. 他可是我们橄榄球队的明星 He"s only like the star of the football team. 欢迎来到科克斯 Welcome to Kirkos. 这周你要住在我的小屋里 So, uh, you"re gonna be bunking in my cabin this week. 你好


 Hi! Alice, right? -是的

 -欢迎 - Yeah. - Welcome. 我是妮娜



 来吧 I"m Nina. Come with me. You"re in my cabin. Come on. 抱歉 Sorry. 第一天质疑 我真替你们激动 I"m so excited for you guys. 好了

 去找门上有自己名字的房♥间 OK. Find the room with your name on the door. 艾丽斯 不好意思 Oh, sorry! 我没有想要吓你的 I didn"t mean to scare you! 你在整理东西吗 You settling in? 我这里有一件运动衫给你 I"ve got a sweatshirt here for you. 谢谢 Thanks. 然后

 下一项任务是 And... next order of beeswax is... 我需要你把手♥机♥和手表交给我 I"m gonna need your cell phone and/or watch, 如果你有的话 if you have "em. 你带了其中哪样吗 Did you bring either one of those with you? 没带手♥机♥吗 No phone? 别担心

 你这个周末 Don"t worry, you won"t be needing 不会用到手表的

 因为 a watch this weekend anyway because... 这里过的是耶稣时间 you"re on Jesus" time! 一会见 See ya!

 请找到你的小组号♥码 Please find your small group number! 不要交头接耳

 找位置坐下 Cut the chit-chat, please, and have a seat. 坐在写着你小组号♥码那桌 Sit at the table with your small group number. 找到你的小组号♥码 Please find your small group number. -那一会见了

 -什么 - I guess I"ll see you later. - What? 一组吗 Group One? 太好了 Awesome! 我是克里斯

 一组的高年级组长 I"m Chris, Group One"s Senior Leader. 请坐吧 Have a seat. 你也是一组吗


 请坐吧 Group One too? Awesome! Have a seat. 你们在这里是上帝的旨意 You are here as a part of God"s plan. 祂的圣灵指引着你们报名了这次静修 His spirit moved each of you to sign up for this retreat, 这是一次独特的体验 which is a unique experience 并将以新颖而深刻的方式挑战你们 that will challenge you in new and profound ways. 科克斯是一段 Kirkos is a time to find meaning 在人生的高♥潮♥和低谷中找寻意义的历程 in the highs and lows of your life. 在接下来的四天里 Over these next four days 你们会聆听同学们的心声 you will hear from your classmates 也可以敞开自己的心扉 and be invited to open up as well. 它可以增强你与自己的联♥系♥ It will strengthen your relationship with yourself, 更重要的是 增强与耶稣的联♥系♥

 but most importantly, with Jesus. 让我们开始吧 Now let"s get started. 在维达老师发给你们的纸上 On the papers that Mrs. Veda is handing out, 你们可以看到一个情感清单 you"re going to find a list of feelings. 仔细阅读并圈出 Go through them and circle any 过去的一年左右你们所感受过的情感 that you may have felt in the past year or so. 没有正误答案

 所以坦诚回答就好 There are no wrong answers. So just, just be honest. 情感清单

 艾丽斯·C 热忱 感到性奋 羞怯

 困惑 而女士通常需要 While ladies, they typically need to... 预热一阵 preheat for a while. 感到性奋 好了

 停笔吧 OK. Let"s finish up. 把答卷往过道方向传 Pass your papers toward the aisles. 确保把名字清楚地写在最上面 And make sure that your name is printed clearly on top. 给我吧 Come on. 有一天晚上

 我梦到自己 The other night I dreamt that I was walking 和主在沙滩上散步 along the beach with the Lord. 当我们漫步的时候 As we walked, 我生命中的不同场景在天际划过 scenes from my life flashed across the sky 在每一个画面中 and in each scene, 我都注意到沙滩上有脚印

 I noticed that there were footprints in the sand. 在一些画面中有两组脚印 In some scenes there were two sets of footprints 而在另一些画面中只有一组 and in other scenes there was only one set of footprints. -露易丝修女

 -你好 - Hey, Sister Louise. - Hi. 我可以再来一个大份袋装肉酱玉米片吗 Do you mind if I snag another stupendous Walking Taco? 当然可以


 你在长身体呢 Of course, dear. You"re a growing boy! 而袋装肉酱玉米片富含蛋白质和纤维 And Walking Tacos have lots of protein and fiber. 可以再加些酸奶油吗 Oh, may I have some sour cream too, please? -当然

 -谢谢 - Oh, yes. - Thank you. 不客气


 亲爱的 You"re welcome. What about you, dear? -不用了


 -是吗 - Oh, no, no thanks. - No? 不加酸奶油吗

 那可是最棒的部分 No sour cream? No, that is the best part. 那好吧

 那我加一点 Ok. I guess I"ll have some. 目前一切顺利吗

 艾丽斯 How"s everything going for you so far, Alice? 挺好的 It"s great. 如果你觉得一切都很奇怪也没关系 You know, it"s OK if you think things are totally weird. 确实会有一点奇怪 It"s supposed to be a little weird. 至少一开始是这样 At least at first. 回头见

 艾丽斯 I"ll see you later, Alice. 好

 再见 OK, bye! 我来自一个很大的家庭 I come from a very big family.

 我有四个弟弟妹妹 I have four younger siblings and... 和一个姐姐 an older sister... 梅莉莎 Melissa. 她每学期都上荣誉学生榜 She made honor roll every semester 而且还成立了我们学校的仁人家园 and she founded Habitat for Humanity at our school. 非盈利的房♥屋事工慈善组织 她是我们家的明星 She"s the star of our family. 有一次

 我凌晨两点才回到家 One time, I came home at 2:00 a.m.... 比我的宵禁晚了三个小时 three hours past my curfew. 但都没有人发现 And no one even noticed. 我感觉

 好像都没有人在意 It felt like no one cared 我是否在这个家里 if I was there or not. 现在我想播放我的第一首歌♥ I"d now like to play my first song. 我空洞的心 范妮西卡作 你看不见眼前的我 ? You don"t notice me standing here ? 期盼你能感受到我 ? Wishing you could somehow feel ? 我内心的空虚 ? ? This emptiness inside my heart ? 去年秋天 Last fall, 梅莉莎来一个朊友家接我回家 Melissa came to pick me up from a friend"s house to take me home. 之后我只记得在医院醒来 And the next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital 被告知我们出了车祸 being told that we were in an accident

 我断了三根肋骨 and that I had three broken ribs... 我第一个念头居然是... And the first thought I had was... 或许我父母终于能开始注意到我了 Maybe my parents will finally start to notice me. 梅莉莎没事

 但是 Melissa was fine but... 我父母依然一门心思关心她 my parents were still obsessed with her. 感觉他们怪我惹出了这场车祸 It felt like they blamed me for the accident. 要不是她得来接我 That if she hadn"t had to come and pick me up, 她就不会错过科学杯全国赛 she wouldn"t have missed her Science Bowl nationals. 但后来我参加了这个静修 But then, I came on to this retreat... 我意识到了上帝爱我 And I realized that God loves me... 我的朊友们爱我 my friends love me... 还有... and... 我也爱我自己 I love me too. 游戏结束 你的得分 35 已开启静音 第二天哭泣 好了



 围成圈 OK, guys, circle up, circle up. 这是我最爱的歌♥之一 Now, this is one of my favorite songs, 你们在听的时候

 要想象 and while you"re listening, I want you to imagine 歌♥曲中的眼睛是耶稣的眼睛 that the eyes in the song are Jesus"s eyes. In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel 爱 ? ? Love ?

 我有时如此迷茫 ? I get so lost sometimes ? 时光流逝 ? Days pass ? 我的内心充满空虚 ? And this emptiness fills my heart ? 当我想逃离时 ? ? When I want to run away ? 大家看看这些美丽的松树 Would you look at how these gorgeous pines 与蓝天形成的对比 contrast against the blue sky?! 上帝的调色盘也太壮丽了吧 Isn"t God"s paint palette just magnificent? 我和你说过今天早餐时 So did I tell you Nina told me she liked my hair 妮娜说她喜欢我的发型了吗 this morning at breakfast? 她说她的头发做不了这种发型 She said she can"t do it with her own hair 因为每次她尝试

 头发都不朋帖 because every time she tries it her hair gets all bumpy. 所以我就说我可以教她 So I said I could show her how I do it 她说有空可以请我去她家玩 and she said she would invite me over sometime! 是不是很棒 Isn"t that cool? 是的 Yeah. 你要是想的话

 当然也可以一起来 I mean, you can come too, of course, if you want. 或许我应该先问问妮娜 Well, maybe I should ask Nina first 你可不可以来 if it"s OK that you"re there, 但你想来吗 but I mean do you even wanna come? 我的天 Oh, my God. 你还好吗

 Are you OK? 都还好吗

 队友们 Everything OK here, troops? 这位同志 Comrade. 你负伤惨重啊 That"s quite a battle wound. 你还能走吗 Can you walk? -不行



 别动 - No. No. No. - OK. Just don"t move. 我送你去护士那里吧 Let"s get you to the nurse, huh? 我来告诉你五分钟后我们要在桥边 I was just coming to let you know we"re doing the group photo 拍集体照 down by the bridge in five. 好的

 我会去的 Great. I"ll be there. 你还好吗 Everything OK in here? 是的 Yep. 好吧 Okay. 什么声音 What was that? 你来的那天我特地 I specifically asked you for your phone 问你要过手♥机♥ on the day you arrived. 这事我必须告诉神父 Look, I"m gonna have to tell Father about this. 克里斯

 站紧凑点 Chris, could you come in, please? 艾丽斯

 你早餐吃了什么 Hey, Alice, what"d you have for breakfast? 麦片 Cereal. 你没吃沙拉吗 You didn"t have salad?

 比如韦德沙拉 Like a Wade salad. 好了


 耶稣基♥督♥ OK. Everybody say Jesus Christ! 耶稣基♥督♥ Jesus Christ! 很好 OK, great! 大家去餐厅吧 Guys, head up toward the cafeteria. 我们今天分小组吃午餐

 好吧 We"re gonna have lunch in our small groups today, OK? 艾丽斯


 你过来一下 And Alice, Alice, a quick word. 妮娜说你没交出手♥机♥ Nina said you kept your phone. 我们要求你们做的每件事 You know, we have a reason for everything 都是有理由的 that we ask you to do here 遵守规矩是很重要的 and it"s very important that you follow our rules. 对不起

 神父 Sorry, Father. 希望你能理解

 我必须惩罚你 I hope you understand I can"t let this go unpunished. 首先

 你要清空垃圾桶 Now first, you must empty the trash receptacles. 一共有四个 There are four of them. 一个在那里

 一个在那里 One there... and one there... 还有一个在那里... and one there... 拜托 Come on. 墨菲神父 美国在线聊天室列表 爱情

 试验性 毒蛇 69 男

 我要找个有穿洞的妞 喜欢后座 81


 索尔 2 保罗 777

 这里有人知道拌别人的沙拉是什么意思吗 普通热狗

 意思是你是同性恋 什么 What? 我来告诉你是什么意思 好的 你转过去

 脱下你的裤子 我把我的老二放在你的屁♥股♥中间

 像热狗面包一样 就这些吗 别急


 沙拉要等吃完主菜再上 艾丽斯 Alice! 在干嘛 What"s up? 刚打扫完 Just finished cleaning. 我们午餐后做了烤棉花糖 We made S"mores after lunch. 给你留了一块 Saved you one. 谢谢 Thanks. 我们在烤之前把每个棉花糖都当成 We pretended each marshmallow was a different mortal sin 一种不同的大罪 before burning it. 你这块是淫欲 Yours was lust. 我想告诉你

 我没有为手♥机♥的事生气 Look, I want you to know I"m not mad about the phone thing, OK? 你一直做得很好 You"re doing a real good job 我觉得你现在走上了正确的路 and I think you"re on the right path now. 所以继续加油

 好吧 So, just keep up the good work, OK? 好的 Okay. 我相信你 I believe in you. "亲爱的安德鲁

 "Dear Andrew... 还记得你小时候 Remember when you were little 你妈妈和我会给你盖好被子 and Mom and I would tuck you in, 你会让我们同时亲吻 and you would make us kiss you on both of your cheeks 你的两边脸颊 at exactly the same time 否则你就不肯睡的事吗 or else you couldn"t fall asleep? 我总认为那是我们组建家庭以来 I always thought those were my favorite memories 我最宝贵的回忆 from when we were a young family. 但我错了 But I was wrong. 每一天都是和你一起创造的新的宝贵回忆 Every day is a new favorite memory with you. 我爱你

 孩子 I love you, kiddo. 爱你的爷爷" Love, Dad." "亲爱的劳拉 "Dear Laura... 你父亲和我非常爱你 Your father and I love you so much. 尽管我会永远珍惜你小时候的那些时光 And although I will always cherish those days when you were little, 我也喜欢和你一起做成年人做的事 I love being able to do adult things with you too-- 比如做指甲 like getting our nails done 教你怎么做我拿手的烤通心粉 and showing you how to cook my famous baked ziti. 但无论如何

 你永远都是我的宝贝女儿 But no matter what, you"ll always be my baby girl. 我非常爱你" I love you so much." "亲爱的艾丽斯 "Dear Alice,

 你是一个好女儿 You"re a wonderful daughter 也是一位父亲心目中最佳的做礼拜伙伴 and the best church partner a father could ask for. 看着你成长为上帝所希望的 It"s so amazing to watch you grow into 健康的年轻女性真是太神奇了 the wholesome young woman God created you to be. 我为你总能做出正确的选择而无比骄傲 I am so proud of you for always making good choices. 爱你

 艾丽 Love you, Al. 爱你的爷爷" Love, Dad." 第三天接受 阿门 Amen. 阿门 Amen. 好了 All right. 像我和其他高年级组长做过的一样 Like myself and my fellow senior leaders have done, 现在我们要请你们分享自己的故事 we are now gonna ask that you all share your own stories. 生活困难

 艰苦 Moments when life was difficult, 或是喘不过气的那些时刻 or hard, or overwhelming. 感觉耶稣离你们而去的时刻 Times where you felt Jesus was far away. 我的女友上周把我甩了 My girlfriend dumped me last week. 真的很难受 That was really rough. 我以为一切挺顺利的 I thought everything was going well, 上周

 她让朊友打电♥话♥给我 and last week, she had her friend call me 替她和我分手 to break up with me for her.

 我很确定是三线通话 And I"m pretty sure it was a three-way call, 她也在听

 所以我装作没关系 and she was listening, so I acted like it was cool, 但真的很糟心 but it really sucked. 谢谢

 安德鲁 Thank you, Andrew. 谈起这件事真的很难 This is really hard to talk about. 但是... But... 上个月... Last month... 我奶奶去世了 My Grandma died. 她住在爱达荷州

 所以我不常见到她 She lived in Idaho, so I didn"t see her that often. 我真的很伤心 And like, it makes me really sad 在她去世前我们没能多说说话 that we didn"t get to talk much before she died. 最难过的是

 葬礼之后 The saddest part is... after her funeral, 我们返回她家 we went back to her house, 她的狗在家里

 看起来很悲伤 and her dog was there, just looking so sad. 它在房♥子里到处寻找她 It was, like, walking around the house looking for her. 它根本不知道 It had no idea. 好吧 OK... 说到狗 Speaking of dogs... 我的狗

 格斯 My dog... Gus... 几周前死了 died a few weeks ago. 我的邻居在外面放了些老鼠药

 Um, our neighbors put out some chipmunk poison. 它肯定是钻过铁丝网吃到了老鼠药 He must have got into it through the chain-link fence. 我们一家正在车道上打篮球 My family was playing basketball in our driveway, 球越过了铁丝网 and the ball went over the fence, 我过去找球 and I went to go get it, 然后发现了它 and... that"s where I found him... 躺在地上

 一动不动 lying on his side. He wasn"t moving. -我想他只是

 -打扰一下 - I thought he was just... - Excuse me. 请大家集中注意 All right, can I have your attention, please? 看向我这边

 听好了 All eyes and ears here. 很遗憾要告诉大家

 今天早上 I"m sorry to report that earlier this morning, 我在办公室电脑上发现了一些恼人的东西 I found something rather disturbing on my office computer. 似乎是有人用了我的电脑 It appears that someone has used it 在网上聊了一些 to engage in an online chat of... 一些很露骨的话题 well, let"s just say an explicit nature. 有人主动承认吗 Would anyone like to take responsibility for this? 我想也没有 I didn"t think so. 我无从得知这是谁做的 Now, I have no way of knowing who did this, 但无论是谁

 即使我不知道是你做的 but whoever it was, even if I don"t know you did it, 你心里清楚

 上帝也清楚 you do, and so does God. 考虑到这次静修的主题 But in keeping with the theme of this retreat,

 我希望做了这件事的人会因基♥督♥精神的驱使 I hope that whomever did do it feels compelled 在这次静修结束之前 by the Spirit of Christ to come forward 主动承认 before the retreat is through. 艾丽斯

 你如何看待你和耶稣的关系 So, Alice, how would you describe your relationship with Jesus? -还行

 -只是还行吗 - Fine. - Just fine? 还行

 就是挺好 Fine, as in good. 你觉得有什么阻碍吗 Do you think that there might be something getting in the way? 有什么在阻碍你们的关系变得更好 Something that"s preventing it from being better? 何不回想一下 OK, well, why don"t you try reflecting back 第一天你填写的情感清单 on that feelings checklist you filled out on your first day here. 你圈出来的情感 Do any of the emotions 让你想到什么了吗 that you circled on there bring anything up? 我因为我最好的朊友过生日 I was feeling envious of my best friend 收到了一辆宝马而感到嫉妒 when she got a Beamer for her birthday, 因为我开的是别克 because I drive a Buick Le Sabre. 其他的呢 Anything else? 圣诞节她还收到了奥克利太阳镜 She also got Oakley sunglasses for Christmas. 那关于感觉性奋呢 What about feeling turned on? 你所承受的诱惑 No temptation has overtaken you 无非是人之常情 except what is common to mankind. 上帝不会让你受到过分的诱惑

 And God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, 祂知道你内心的真实想法 and he knows what is truly in your heart. 好的 OK. 那么

 你曾感到性奋吗 So, have you ever felt turned on? 当你有这种感觉时

 付诸行动了吗 And did you take any action when you had that feeling? 你没有采取任何行动 You didn"t take any action? 没有 No. 和你的同学韦德没发生什么吗 Nothing with your classmate Wade? 没有 No. 那是别人编造的 Someone made that up. 艾丽斯

 如果你不诚实 Alice, this retreat isn"t gonna do you any favors 这次静修对你没有任何帮助 if you"re not honest. 这个怎么样 How"s this? 这个好大


 艾丽斯 Wow! That one"s huge. Way to go, Alice. 谢谢 Thanks. 当你打开它 And when you turn it on, 我们的等离子体上涨溢出小橡树隔间 our plasma rises out of this little Oak unit. 但当你关闭时

 它又回落 But when you press off, it sinks back down 罗斯科会占据原来的位置 and a Rothko takes its place. 你们的娱乐室听起来好棒 Your rec room sounds amazing! 妮娜

 那个 Hey, Nina, that, um...

 组长会议快开始了 leader meeting is about to start. 对

 我忘了 Right, right. I forgot about that. 谢谢

 我要走了 Thank you. Um, I gotta go. 好

 营火会见 OK. I"ll see you at the campfire. 怎么 What? 你对我有什么意见 What is your problem with me? 我对你的意见

 希瑟差点因为 My problem? My problem is that Heather almost dumped me 你散布的恶心谣言而甩了我 because of that disgusting rumor you started. 不是我说的 I didn"t start it! 如果不是你

 还会是谁 Yeah, well, if you didn"t, who did? 我不知道

 我 I don"t know! I-- 是你说的吗 Did you start it? 不是

 我有女友 No! I have a girlfriend. 好吧

 你我都知道什么都没发生 OK. Well, both you and I know that nothing happened. 你是这么跟别人说的吗 Are you telling people that? 你一定要说 You need to start! 因为所有人都认为我是个婊♥子♥

 包括老师 Because everyone thinks that I"m a slut, even the teachers. 除了我之外

 只有你知道发生了什么 Look, you"re the only other person who knows what happened. 没人相信我 And no one believes me! 韦德

 你怎么还在这里 Hey, Wade! What are you still doing here? 正准备出去


 Just on my way out, Father. 好的

 你推球用的胳膊 OK, good, good. Hey, how"s the old shotput arm -休赛期恢复得如何


 神父 - doing in the off season? - Good, Father. 我尽量不做太多的重活 Just trying not to do too much heavy lifting. 希瑟 我要喝杯茶 I need a cup of tea. 我做完了 I"m all done. 好的

 亲爱的 OK, dear. 这是最好的 It is the best. 颜色鲜艳

 比如印着花卉的上衣 ...and the colorful, like, floral tops. -条纹



 条纹的好看 - The stripes, the stripes! - Yeah. Stripes look good. 我能和你说几句吗 Can I talk to you for a minute? 我给你留个座 I"ll save you a seat. 好的 OK. 怎么了

 妮娜让我和她坐一起 What"s up? Nina asked me to sit with her, 我不想让她等着 so I don"t want to make her wait. 我看到妮娜给亚当口♥交♥ I saw Nina giving Adam a blow job. 什么 What?! 是的

 午餐后在小树林里 Yeah. In the woods after lunch. 为什么你认为可以肆无忌惮地编故事 Why do you think it"s OK to keep making things up? 这不是我编的 I"m not making this up! 盖比告诉我

 Gabby told me 你在小组里说你的狗死了 you were talking about your dog dying in your small group? -格斯死了吗

 -听着 - Did Gus die? - OK, look. 我那么说是因为

 我不知道该怎么做 I just said that because... I didn"t know what to do! 我没什么要说的 I didn"t have anything to say, 每个人都有很悲伤的故事 and everyone had these really sad stories... 跟六年级那次一样 God, this is just like that time in sixth grade 你跟大家说杰森在校车上掐你的乳♥头♥ when you told everyone Jason gave you a "Purple nurple" on the bus. 你想吸引注意力 You want attention. -好吧

 -你知道吗 - OK... - You know what? 我想你确实拌了韦德的沙拉 I bet you actually did toss Wade"s salad. 我都不懂那是什么意思 I don"t even know what that means! 我的天

 别装了 Oh, my God. Quit the act. 我知道你懂 I know you know what it means, 就像你知道《泰坦尼克号♥》里的床戏 just like you know the sex scene in Titanic 就在车上那段戏之后 comes right after they"re in the car. 偷偷去神父办公室的人就是你

 对吧 You were the one in Father"s office, weren"t you? 什么 What? 这就说得通了 It makes perfect sense. 我也受够了为变♥态♥神经病朊友 And I am sick of constantly feeling embarrassed 而感到丢脸了 for being friends with a pervy psycho.

 艾丽斯 Alice, hey. 你还好吗 Is everything all right? 你想谈谈吗 Do you wanna talk? 你还好吗 Is everything OK? 你在做什么 What are you doing? 你在做什么 What are you doing?! 你知道男生像微波炉一样容易性奋 You know that I get turned on like a microwave! City of God 让我们建造上帝之城 ? Let us build the city of God ? 让我们的眼泪舞蹈 ? Let our tears be turned into dancing ? 为了上帝

 我们的光和爱 ? For the Lord, our light and our love ? 让夜晚变成了白天 ? Has turned the night into day ? 让我们建造上帝之城 ? Let us build the city of God ? 让我们的眼泪舞蹈 ? Let our tears be turned into dancing ? 为了上帝

 我们的光和爱 ? For the Lord, our light and our love ? 让夜晚变成了白天 ? Has turned the night into day ? 让我们建造上帝之城 ? ? Let us build the city of God ? 请给我一瓶果酒 One wine cooler. Please. 谢谢 Thanks. 今天不顺心吗 Rough day? 你是从路那边的天主教青年静修来的吗 You from that Catholic youth retreat down the road?

 不是 No. 我 21 岁 I"m 21. 那边什么样 So, what"s it like over there? 我以前是天主教♥徒♥

 上了十二年天主教学校 I used to be Catholic. I went to Catholic school for 12 years. 我受过洗礼

 行过坚信礼 I was baptized, confirmed, 全套都做齐了 the whole kit "n caboodle. 现在你不信教了 You"re not anymore?...