大学课程中英对照 三
J 开头的课程机床 Machine Tool 机床电路 Machine Tool Circuit 机床电气 Machine Tools Electric 机床电气控制 Electrical Control of Machinery Tools 机床电器 Machine Tool Electric Appliance 机床动力学 Machine Tool Dynamics 机床设计 Machine Tool design 机床数字控制 Digital Control of Machine Tool 机床液压传动 Machinery Tool Hydraulic Transmission 机床自动化 Machinery Tool Automation 机电产品 Mechanical&Electrical Products机电传动 Mechanical&Electrical Transmission 机电传动控制Mechanical&electrical Transmission Control 机电耦合系统Mechanical&Electrical Combination System 机电系统计算机仿真 Computer Simulation of Mechanic/Electrical Systems 机电一体化Mechanical&Electrical Integration 机构学 Structuring 机类专业课程设计Course Design of Machinery 机器人 Robot 机器人导论 Introduction of Robot 机器人技术基础 Fundamentals of Robot Techniques 机器人控制技术Robot Control Technology 机械产品及管理 Mechanic Products&Management机械产品学 Mechanic Products 机械产品造型设计 Shape Design of Mechanical Products 机械工程测试技术 Measurement Techniques of Mechanic Engineering 机械工程计算机控制 Mechanic Engineering Computer Control 机械工程控制基础 Basic Mechanic Engineering Control 机械工业企业管理 Mechanic Industrial Enterprise Management 机械加工自动化Automation in Mechanical Working 机械加工自动化系统 Automatic System in Mechanical Working 机械可靠性 Mechanical Reliability 机械控制工程Mechanical Control Engineering 机械零件 Mechanical Elements 机械零件课程设计 Course Design of Machinery Elements 机械零件设计 Course Exercise in Machinery Elements Design 机械零件设计基础 Basis of Machinery Elements Design 机械设计 Mechanical Designing 机械设计基础Basis of Mechanical Designing 机械设计课程设计 Course Exercise in Mechanical Design 机械设计原理 Principle of Mechanical Designing 机械式传输信息机构 Mechanic Information Transmission Device 机械式信息传输机构 Mechanical Information Transmission Device 机械原理 Principle of
Mechanics 机械原理和机械零件 Mechanism&Machinery 机械原理及机械设计Mechanical Designing 机械原理及应用 Mechanical Principle&Mechanical Applications 机械原理课程设计 Course Exercise of Mechanical Principle机械原理与机械零件 Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Elements 机械原理与机械设计 Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design 机械噪声控制Control of Mechanical Noise 机械制图 Mechanical Graphing 机械制造概论Introduction to Mechanical Manufacture 机械制造工艺学 Technology of Mechanical Manufacture 机械制造基础 Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture 机械制造基础(金属工艺学)Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing(Meta 机械制造系统 Mechanical Manufacture System 机械制造系统自动化 Automation of Mechanical Manufacture System 机械制造中计算机控制 Computer Control in Mechanical Manufacture 机制工艺及夹具Mechanical Technology and Clamps 机制工艺学 Mechanical Technology 积分变换 Integral Transformation 积分变换及数理方程 Integral Transformation&Mathematical Equations 积分变换控制工程 Integral Transformation Control Engineering 积分变换与动力工程 Integral Transforms&Dynamic Engineering 基本电路分析 Basis Theory of Circuitry Analysis 基本电路理论 Basis Theory of Circuit 基础代数 Fundamental Algebra 基础工程计算与分析 Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering 基础会计 Basic Accountancy 基础写作 Fundamental Course of Composition 基因工程技术 Technique for Gene Engineering 基因工程药物学Pharmacology of Gene Engineering 基因工程原理 Principles of Gene Engineering 基因诊断 Gene Diagnosis 基因治疗 Ge ne Therapy 基因组学Genomics 畸形学 Teratology 激波理论 The Theory of Shock Waves 激光电源Laser Power Devices 激光光谱 Laser Spectroscopy 激光光谱分析 Laser Spectroscopy Analysis 激光焊 Laser Welding 激光化学 Laser Chemistry 激光基础 Basis of Laser 激光技术 Laser Technology 激光加工 Laser Processing 激光器件 Laser Devices 激光器件与电源 Laser Devices&Power Source 激光器件原理与设计 Principles of Laser Devices&Design 激光生物医学 Laser Biomedicine 激光实验 Laser Experiments 激光医学临床实践Clinical Practice for Laser Medicine 激光与材料相互作用 Reciprocity of Laser&Materials 激光与近代光学 Laser and Contemporary Optics 激光原理
Principles of Laser 激光原理与技术 Laser Principles&Technology 极限分析 Limit Analysis 集成电路 CAD Integrate Circuit CAD 集成电路 CAD 设计Design of Integrate Circuit CAD 集成电路材料和系统电子学 Material and System Electronics for Integrated Circuits 集成电路课程设计 Course Design of Integrate Circuit 集成电路原理与设计 Principles&Design of Integrate Circuit 集成光学 Integrated Optics 集合论与代数结构 Set Theory&Algebraical Structure 计量经济学 Measure Economics 计算方法Computational Method 计算方法 Computing Metho d 计算方法与算法语言Computational Method&Algorithmic Language 计算机导论 Introduction to Computers 计算机导论与实践 Introduction to Computers&Practice 计算机仿真 Computer Simulation 计算机仿真 Computer Simulation 计算机分析Computer Analysis 计算机辅助热力学 Computer Aided Thermodynamics 计算机辅助设计 CAD 计算机辅助设计与仿真 Computer Aided Design&Imitation 计算机辅助语言教学 Computer-Aided Language Teaching 计算机辅助制造Computer-Aided Manufacturing 计算机概论 Introduction to Computers 计算机概论与上机操作 Introduction to Computers&Practise 计算机汇编语言Computer Assembly Language 计算机绘图 Computer Graphics 计算机基础Basis of Computer Engineering,Computer Basis 计算机技术研究新进展Advances in Computer Technology 计算机接口技术 Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口与通讯 Computer Interface&Communication 计算机局域网 Regional Network of Computers 计算机科学研究新进展 Advances in Computer Science 计算机科学中的逻辑学 Logic in Computer Science 计算机控制 Computer Control,Computer Controlling 计算机控制技术 Computer Controlling Technology 计算机控制系统 Computer Control System 计算机逻辑设计 Computer Logic Designing 计算机模拟 Computer Imitation 计算机软件基础 Basis of Software of Computer 计算机设计自动化 Automation of Computer Design 计算机实践 Computer Practice 计算机实践基础 Basis of Computer Practice 计算机视觉 Computer Vision 计算机数据安全 Computer Data Security 计算机数据库 Computer Database 计算机算法基础 Basis of Computer Algorithm 计算机通讯网 Computer Communication Network 计算机图形显示 Computer Graphic Demonstration 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics计算机外部设备 Computer Peripheral Equipment 计算机网络 Computer
Networks 计算机网络实验 Computer Network Experiment 计算机网络新技术Modern Computer Network Technologies 计算机维修技术 Computer Repair Technique 计算机文字处理 Computer Language Processing 计算机系统结构Computer Architecture 计算机系统维修 Computer System Maintain 计算机信息保密与安全 Secrecy and Security of Computer Information 计算机应用技术 Computer Applications Technology 计算机语言处理 Computer Language Processing 计算机原理 Principle of Computer Engineering 计算机原理及应用 Principle&Applications of Computer 计算机原理与 BASIC 语言 Principle of Computer Engineering&BASIC Language 计算机原理与算法语言 Principles of Computer&Algorithm 计算机在分析化学的应用 Computer Application in Analyt ical Chemistry 计算机在化学中的应用 Application of Computer in Chemistry 计算机组成原理 Principles of Computer Composition 计算机组成原理课程设计 Principles of Computer Composition Course Design 计算力学Computational Mechanics 计算力学基础 Basis of Computational Mechanics计算流体 Fluid Computation 计算流体力学 Fluid Mechanics Computation 计算微电子学 Computational Microelectronics 计算物理基础 Basics of Computational Physics 计算物理谱方法 Spectral Method in Computational Physics 计算物理学 Computational Physics 技术管理 Technological Management 技术经济 Technological Economy 技术经济学 Technological Economics 技术贸易 Technology Trade 技术市场学 Technological Marketing继电保护 Relay Protection 继电保护新技术 New Technology of Relay Protection 继电保护原理 Principles of Relay Protection 继电保护运行Relay-Protected Operation 寄生物学 Parasutology 价格学 Price Theory 减振设计 Vibration Absorption Designing 检测技术 Measurement Technique 检测系统动力学 Detection System Dynamics 检测与控制 Detection&Controling检测与显示技术 Detection&Display Technique 简明社会学 Concise Sociology 简明世界史 Brief World History 建筑材料 Building Material s建筑初步 Elementary Architecture 建筑防火 Building Fire Protection 建筑概论 Introduction to Architecture 建筑工程概论 Introduction to Architecture Engineering 建筑工程概预算 Construction Project Budget 建筑构造 Architectural Construction 建筑绘画 Architectural Drawing 建筑结构 Architectural Structure 建筑结构抗震设计 Anti-quake Architectural
Structure Design 建筑结构试验 Architectural Structure Experimentation建筑经济与企业管理 Architectural Economy&Enterprise Management 建筑力学 Architectural Mechanics 建筑名作欣赏 Appreciation of Architectural Works 建筑入门 Elementary Architecture 建筑设备 Architectural Equipment建筑设计 Architectural Design 建筑摄影 Architectural Photographing 建筑施工 Construction Technology 建筑识图 Architectural Recognition Graph建筑物理 Architecural Physics 建筑制图 Architectural Graphing 舰船辅助机械 Marine Auxiliary Equipment 渐近方法 Asymptotical Method 交换代数Commutative Algebra 交流调速系统 Alternating Current Governor System胶体化学 Colloid Chemistry 教学实习 Teaching Practice 教育心理学Pedagogic Psychology 接口与控制器 Interface and Controler 接口与通讯Interface and Communication 接口与通讯课程设计 Course Design of Interface and Communication 节目制作 Programming 节目主持人概论Introduction to Compeers 结构程序设计 Structural Program Designing 结构动力学 Structural Dynamics 结构化学 Structural Chemistry 结构检验Structural Testing 结构力学 Structural Mechanics 结构素描 Structure Sketching 结构塑性分析 Structural Plasticity Analysis 结构稳定Stability Analysis of Structures 结构先进技术 Advanced Structuring Technology 结构优化理论 Optimal Structure Theory 结构优化设计 Optimal Structure Designing 结构与强度 Structure&Intensity 解剖学 Anatomy 解析几何 Analytic Geometry 介质波导 Medium Wave Guide 介质测量 Medium Measurement 介质光学 Medium Optics 金工实习 Metalworking Practice 金融法 Financial Law 金融工程 Finance Project 金融市场概论 Introduction to Money Market 金融市场学 Financial Marketing 金融与证券市场研究 Security Market Research 金相分析 Metallographic Analysis 金相技术Metallographic Techniques 金属 X 射线学 Metal X-Ray Analysis 金属材料焊接 Metal Material Welding 金属材料学 Metal Material Science 金属材料与热处理 Metal Material&Heat Treatment 金属腐蚀与保护 Metal Erosion&Protection 金属腐蚀与应用 Metal Erosion&Application 金属腐蚀原理 Principles of Metal Erosion 金属工艺及设计 Metal Technics&Design 金属工艺学 Metal Technics 金属焊接性基础 Elementary Metal Weldability 金属焊接原理 Principles of Metal Welding 金属机械性能 Mechanical
Property of Metal 金属力学性能 Metal Mechanic Property 金属切削机床Metal Cutting Machine Tool 金属切削原理及刀具 Principles of Metal Cutting&Cutters 金属熔焊原理 Principles of Metal Molten Welding 金属熔焊原理及工艺 Principles of Metal Molten Welding&Technique 金属熔炼Metal Melting 金属塑性成形原理 Principles of Metal Forming 金属物理性能 Physical Property of Metal 金属学 Metallography 金属学与热处理Metallography&Heat Treatment 金属学原理 Principles of Metallography 近代光学测试技术 Modern Optical Testing Technology 近代光学计量技术Modern Optical Measuring Technology 近代经济史 Modern History of Economics 近代日本文学史文学作品选读 Contemporary Literature History of Japan 近代物理实验 Contemporary Physics Experiments 近世代数 Modern Algebra 进出口实务 Importation&Exportation Affairs 进化生物学Evolutionary Biology 经济地理 Economical Geography 经济法 Law of Economy 经济法概论 Introduction of Economy Law 经济法学 Law of Economy经济分析基础 Basis of Economic Analysis 经济基础 Basis of Economy 经济计量学 Economic Metrology 经济计量学 Economics Metrology 经济控制论Economical Cybernetics 经济社会学 Economic Sociology 经济新闻 Economic News 经济学概论 Introduction of Economics 经济学说史 History of Economics 经济学原理 Principles of Economics 经济预测 Economic Predicting 经济预测与管理奖惩 Economic Predicting&Management 经济原理Principles of Economy 经济运筹学 Economic Operation Research 经济增长理论 Theory of Economic Growth 经营管理 Operation Management 经营管理学Operation Management 晶体工程基础 Crystal Engineering 晶体管原理Principles of Transistors 晶体光学 Crystallographic Optics 精读 Perusal精密测量技术 Technology of Precision Measurement 精密电磁测量 Precise Electromagnetic Measurement 精密电气测量 Precise Electric Measurement精密合金 Precise Alloy 精密机械 CAD CAD for Precision Machinery 精密机械课程设计 Course Design for Precision Machinery 精密机械零件Precision Machinery Elements 精密机械零件与机构 Precision Machinery Elements&Mechanism 精密机械设计基础 Elementary Precision Machinery Design 精密机械学 Precision Machinery 精密机械学课程设计 Course Design of Precision Machinery 精神病护理学 Psychiatric Nursing 精细化工装备
Refinery Chemical Equipment 精细有机合成 Minute Organic Synthesis 静力学 Statics 纠错编码 Error Correction of Coding 矩阵分析 Matrix Analysis决策分析 Analysis of Policy Making 决策支持系统与专家系统 Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems 绝缘在线检测 Insulation Live Testing 军事理论 Military Theory K 开头的课程开花的艺术 Art of Flowering 康复护理学 Rehabilitation Nursing 康复咨询学 Rehabilitation Counseling 抗干扰技术 Anti-Jamming Technique 科技翻译 Scientific English Translation 科技管理 Technological Management 科技史 History of Science&Technology 科技史及新技术知识 Historry of Science&Knowledge of New Techndogy 科技写作 Scientific Writing 科技新闻 Scientific News 科技英语 Scientific English 科技英语基础 Elementary Scientific English 科技英语阅读 Readings of Scientific English 科技与社会 Science&Society 科技阅读 Scientific Reading 科学方法论 Scientific Methodology 科学计量Scientific Measurement 科学技术史 History of Science&Technology 科学社会学概论 Introduction to Scientific Socialism 科学社会主义 Scientific Socialism 科学思维方法 Methods of Scine tific Thinking 科学学Scientology 可计算性 Calculability 可靠性 Reliability 可靠性工程Reliability Engineering 可靠性及故障诊断 Reliability&Error Diagnosis可靠性技术导论 Introduction to Reliability Technology 可靠性数学Reliable Mathematics 可靠性物理 Reliability Physics 可靠性与优化设计Reliability&Optimization Designing 可逆式机组 Reversible Machinery Group 可逆式水力机械 Reversible Hydraulic Machinery 课程设计 Course Exercise 课程设计(接口)Course Exercise(Interface)空气调节 Air Regulation 空气调节与通风 Air Regulation&Ventilation 空气动力学Aerodynamics 控制电机 Electrical Machines for Control 控制工程 Control Engineering 控制工程基础 Basis of Control Engineering 控制理论 Theory of Control 控制理论基础 Elementary Theory of Control 控制理论基础与水轮机调节 Elementary Theory of Control&Water Turbine 控制系统 Control System 控制系统仿真 Control System Imitation 控制系统设计 Control System Design 控制系统数字仿真 Control System Digital Imitation 控制系统数字仿真与 CAD Control System Digital Imitation&CAD 口腔/牙科科学Oral/Dental Sciences 口腔生物学 Oral Biology 口腔外科学 Oral Surgery 口
译 Oral Intepretation 口语 Oral Training 口语实践 Oral Practice 口语系列Oral Catena 口语训练 Oral Training 跨国公司 International Firm 跨国公司理论与实务 International Firm Concept&Affairs 跨国公司专题研究 Special Research of Transnational Corporation 快速阅读 Fast Reading L 开头的课程劳动工资管理 Management of Labor Wages 乐理 Music Theory 雷达原理Principles of Radar 雷电静电及环境 Radar Static Electricity&Environment 冷冻干燥技术 Freeze Drying Technique 冷冻技术Refrigeration Technique 冷库设计 Refrigerating House Design 离散数学Discrete Mathematics 离心泵与轴流泵 Centrifugal Pumps&Axial Pumps 离心式压缩机模拟 Centrifugal Compressor Imitation 李代数 Lie Algebra 理疗学Physical Therapy 理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics 理论生物学 Theoretical Biology 理论物理 Theoretical Physics 力热学 Mechanics&Thermology 力学Mechanics 力学,热学 Mechanics&Thermology 力学实验 Mechanics-Practical力学性能测试 Mechanics Performance Testing 立体化学 Stereochemistry 两相流动和传热 Two-phase Flow&Thermal Conduction 量子场论 Quantum Field Theory 量子光学与统计光学 Quantum Optics and Statistical Optics 量子化学(含群论)Quantum Chemistry(including Group Theory)量子力学 Quantum Mechanics 量子群表示 Represe ntation of Quantum Groups 劣质煤燃烧与利用 Tinpot Coal Combustion&Use 临床检验与诊断 Clinical Check-up&Diagnosis 临床科学 Clinical Science 临床心理学 Clinical Psychology零件设计 Element Design 领导科学 Leadership Science 流场数值计算及性能预测 Numerical Calculation of Flow Field 流态化工程 Fluidization Engineering 流体力学 Fluid Mechanics 流体力学及液压传动 Fluid Mechanics&Hydraulic Transmission 流通经济学 Circulation Economics 六朝文论 Articles of Six Dynasties 鲁迅研究 Research on LU Xun 律师实务Lawyer Affairs 绿色化学 Green Chemistry 伦理学 Ethics 轮机概论Introduction to Turbines 论文写作 Thesis Writing 论文选读 Study on Selected Papers 论文指导 Thesis Supervision 逻辑程序设计与专家系统Logic Programming and Expert Systems 逻辑设计 Logic Design 逻辑学 Logic Theory 螺杆压缩机 Spiral Lobe Compressor 螺杆制冷压缩机 Spiral Lobe Refrigeration Compressor M 开头的课程麻醉学 Anesthesia 马克思主义原理Principles of Marxism 马列(社会学)原著选读 Selected Readings of
Marx\"s&Lenin\"s Original Wor 马列哲学原著选读 Selected Readings of Marx\"s&Lenin\"s Original Wor 马列主义原理 Principles of Marxism&Leninism 马氏规划 Martensitic Planning 脉冲功率放大 Pulse Power Magnification 脉冲功率技术 Pulse Power Techniques 脉冲与数字电路Pulse&Digital Circuit 毛泽东思想哲学研究 Research on Mao Zedong\"s Thinking Philosophy 煤粉燃烧技术及测量技术 Coal Power Combustion&Technology and Measurement 美国文学作品选读 Selected Readings of American Literature 美术粉彩 Art Powder Paint 美术室外建筑写生 Outdoors Architectural Sketch 美术素描 Art Sketch 美学概论Introduction to Aesthetics 蒙特卡罗方法在统计物理中的应用 Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics 秘书学 Secretary Science 密封技术 Sealing Technology 免疫化学技术 Immunochemical Technology,Methods for Immunological Chemistry 免疫学Immunity,Immunology 免疫遗传学 Immunogenetics 面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Programming 面向对象程序设计方法 Design Methods of Object Oriented Program 面向对象的程序设计 Object Oriented Programming 面向对象系统分析与设计 Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design 民法学Civil Law 敏感器件 Sensitive Apparatus 敏感元件 Sensors 敏感元件及材料Sensors&Materials 名篇赏析 Appreciation of Master Pieces 明清小说研究Research on NOVELS OF Ming&Qing Dynasties 模糊数学 Fuzzy Mathematics模糊信息处理技术 Fuzzy Inf ormation Processing Technology 模具计算机辅助设计 Computer Aided Design of Models 模拟电路 Analog Circuitry 模拟电子技术 Analog Electronics Technique 模拟电子技术基础 Basic Analog Electronics 模拟电子技术实验 Analog Electronics Technique Experiment模拟电子线路 Analog Electrical Circuitry 模拟集成电路 Analog Integrated Circuitry 模拟集成电路及应用 Analog Integrated Circuit&Application 模式识别 Matrix Recognition 模式识别 Pattern Recognition 模型辨识 Model Distinguish 膜模拟化学 Membrane Mimetic Chemistry 磨削原理 Principle of Grinding and Cutting N 开头的课程内部审计与政府审计 Internal Auditing and Government Auditing 内分泌学Endocrinology 内燃机测试技术 IC Engine Test Technology 内燃机调节 IC Engine Regulation 内燃机动力学 IC Engine Dynamics 内燃机概论
Introduction to IC Engine 内燃机检测技术 Measuring Technology for Internal-Combustion Engine 内燃机结构 Structure of Internal-Combustion Engine 内燃机排气净化 Purification of IC Exhaustive Gas 内燃机强度Strength of Internal-Combustion Engine 内燃机设计 IC Engine Design 内燃机原理 Principles of Internal-Combustion Engine 内燃机制造工艺学 IC Manufacturing Technology 内燃机装修 Internal-Combust ion Engine Maintenance 耐腐蚀非金属材料 Erosion-Resisting Non-metallic Materials能源工程 Energy Source Engineering 拟南芥-结构与发育 Arobidosis-Structure and Development 扭转振动 Torque Vibration P 开头的课程排压力波计算 Computation of Pressure Extraction Wave 配位化学 Coordination Chemistry 配位化学 Coordination Chemistry 皮肤学 Dermatology 疲劳断裂力学 Fatigue Fracture Mechanics 疲劳失效分析 Fatigue Invalidation Analysis 偏微分方程 Partial Differential Equation 偏微分方程近代方法The Recent Methods of Partial Differential Equations 偏微分方程数值解Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equation 评报 Commentary Report 评论写作 Commentary Writing 普通化学 General Chemistry 普通话训练 Mandarin Training 普通逻辑 General Logic 普通生态学 General Ecology普通生物学 Biology,General Biology 普通物理 General Physics 普通物理实验 Lab of General Physics
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