闂佽瀛╃粙鎺椼€冮崨鑸汗闁秆勵殕閺咁剟鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘濠电姰鍨奸鎰板箯閿燂拷 濠电偞鍨堕幖顐﹀箯閿燂拷 闂佽绻愭蹇涘箯閿燂拷
摘要 [目的]研究不同生物质炭施用量对烤烟的生长发育及烤后质量的影响。[方法]采用田间小区试验对不同生物质炭施用量下的生育期中部烟叶的农艺性状及烤后烟叶的外观质量、经济学性状、评吸质量进行比较分析。[结果]施用生物质炭可显著提高烟叶团棵期及旺长期的农艺性状与成熟期的叶片数、最大叶面积。生物质炭施用量为3.75 t/hm2时,团棵期烟叶的农艺性状最佳;生物质炭施用量为4.50 t/hm2时,旺长期与成熟期烟叶的农艺性状最佳。施用生物质炭的烤后烟叶外观质量、经济学性状均显著高于常规施肥,评吸质量均高于常规施肥。生物质炭施用量控制在4.50 t/hm2时,烤后烟叶的质量最佳。[结论]施用生物质炭是促进烟叶的生长发育并改善其品质的有效措施,其最佳施用量为4.50 t/hm2。
关键词 生物质炭;农艺性状;外观质量;经济学性状;评吸质量
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2017)01-0038-03
Effects of Application Dose of Biomass Charcoal on the Growth and Quality of Fluecured Tobacco
XU Chenglong1,YANG Yingjuan2,ZI Qiquan1,SU Jiaen3* et al
(1.Xiangyun County Branch of Dali Prefecture Tobacco Company,Xiangyun,Yunnan 672100;2.Yongping County Branch of Dali Prefecture Tobacco Company,Yongping,Yunnan 672100;3.Dali Prefecture Company of Yunnan Tobacco Company,Dali,Yunnan 671000)
Abstract [Objective] To study the effects of different application doses of biomass charcoal on the growth and quality of fluecured tobacco.[Method] Field experiment was carried out to research the effects of different application doses of biomass charcoal on the agronomic characters of middle leaves at growth period,as well as on the appearance quality,economic traits and smoking quality of fluecured tobacco.[Result] The application of biomass charcoal could significantly improve the agronomic characters at rosette stage and vigorous growing stage,the leaf number and the maximum leaf area at mature stage.When the application dose of biomass charcoal was 3.75 t/hm2,the agronomic characters of tobacco leaf were the best at rosette stage.When the application dose of biomass charcoal was 4.50 t/hm2,the agronomic characters were the best at vigorous growing stage and mature stage.The appearance quality and economic characters of fluecured tobacco under the application of biomass charcoal were significantly higher than those under conventional fertilization.Smoking quality under the application of biomass charcoal was higher than that under conventional fertilization.When the the application dose of biomass charcoal was 4.50 t/hm2,the quality of tobacco leaves was the best.[Conclusion] Application of biomass charcoal is an effective measure to promote the growth and quality of tobacco leaves.And the best application dose of biomass charcoal is 4.50 t/hm2.
Key words Biomass charcoal;Agronomic characters;Appearance quality;Economic characters;Somking quality
近年來,云南烟区由于连作重茬现象严重[1],导致土壤肥力下降,土壤保肥性能较低,病虫害加重,烤后烟叶质量降低,严重影响了当地烟农的经济效益和烟叶的工业利用率。生物质炭是一种含碳丰富的固体物质,由生物质在低于700 ℃的高温下热解制成[2]。目前,生物质炭应用于大豆、玉米、小麦等作物的研究较多[3-5],结果显示生物质炭可以改善土壤的理化性质,提高土壤肥力,并改善或提高植物品质。