
  摘要:2014年通过田间小区试验,比较了不同生物质炭对烤烟青枯病、烟叶产量和质量的影响。结果表明,在烟叶生长前期雨水偏多的湖北宣恩地区,在“三先”时施入15 000 kg/hm2烟秆生物质炭或稻壳生物质炭都可以促进烟叶前期的生长,对青枯病都有一定的防治效果,移栽后63 d的防治效果分别为49.93%和60.03%;进入成熟期稻壳生物质炭的防治效果为31.92%,而烟秆生物质炭的发病率比对照提高了18.18%。施用烟秆生物质炭的烤烟产量下降了4.48%,产值下降了8.83%,中上等烟比例增加了20.66个百分点;施用稻壳生物质炭的烤烟产量下降了29.21%,产值下降了26.78%,中上等烟比例增加了8.16个百分点。因此,每公顷施用15 000 kg稻壳生物质炭对烤烟青枯病有明显的防治效果,但降低了烟叶产量;而施用烟秆生物质炭会加重青枯病发病情况,对烟叶的经济性状影响较小。
  中图分类号:S435.72;S572 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2016)10-2492-04
  Abstract: Field experiment was carried out to compare effects of applying different biochar on tobacco growth, yield, configuration and bacterial wilt in Xuan’en, Hubei in 2014. Results showed that applying biochar could promote tobacco growth and suppress bacterial wilt during resetting and fast-growing stage. The control efficacy was 49.93% and 60.03% in treatment 1 and treatment 2 at 63 days after transplanting, the control efficacy in treatment 2 decreased to 31.92% and the incidence rate in treatment 1 was higher than the control by 18.18% at 90 days after transplanting. The yield and economic value in treatment 2 was decreased by 4.48% and 8.83%, and the rate of high middle class leaf increased by 20.66 percentage points. The yield and economic value in treatment 1 was decreased by 29.21% and 26.78%, and the rate of high middle class leaf was increased by 8.16 percentage points. Applying 15 000 kg/hm2 rice husk-biochar could suppress bacterial wilt and decrease tobacco yield. Applying tobacco stem-biochar had no significant effect on economic benefits and increased the incidence rate.
  Key words: biochar; tobacco bacterial wilt; flue-cured tobacco; economic benefits
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 试验设计
  试验点设在湖北省恩施州宣恩县晓关乡大岩坝村,土壤为黄棕壤(碱解氮139.01 mg/kg、有效磷22.06 mg/kg、速效钾265.51 mg/kg、有机质32.94 g/kg、pH 5.75),年均气温13.7 ℃,无霜期263 d,年降水量1 635.3 mm,年日照时数1 212.4 h,海拔高度1 130 m,试验田较为平坦,水源方便,适合烤烟种植。
  施用设置:对照,施用复合肥600 kg/hm2+硝酸钾300 kg/hm2;处理1,对照+15 000 kg/hm2烟秆生物质炭;处理2,对照+15 000 kg/hm2稻壳生物质炭。
  供试品种为云烟87,采用随机区组设计,3次重复,每小区长22.6 m,宽14.4 m,每个小区种植烤烟33株,田间的种植管理按照当地生产方式进行。
  1.2 测定项目及数据分析
  在团棵期和旺长期随机选取5株测量主要农艺性状;移栽后40~90 d,每10~15 d调查一次青枯病发病情况;采收时小区单收,分开挂竿烘烤,分级计产,测定烟叶的产量、产值等经济指标。