
  [Abstract]Through the investigation of Phellodendron Cortex on the market, and 28 batches of samples were collected. By using spectrophotometer the color values of outer surface, inner surface and cross-section of these samples were measured. These measured color data was translated into 3D structure diagram by using the Lab color space tool. The level difference value, the mean value and the threshold value were calculated based the measured color data of these different batches of samples. All 28 groups measured data was analyzed using the methods of Ward linkage and average Euclidean distance. At the same time, we invited Professor Jin Shiyuan, the ″Chinese medicine master″, to identify, qualityevaluate and grade these 28 batches of Phellodendron Cortex samples base on the traditional experience, then compared the traditional empirical results with the spectrophotometer measurement results. The result showed that, the Phellodendron Cortex could be divided into Phellodendri Amurensis Cortex and Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex by color numerical clustering, and classified according to quality. The classification result has a high degree of consistency with the traditional experience.
  [Key words]Phellodendron Cortex; color; traditional identification; Lab color space; cluster analysis
  黄柏是一种大宗常用中药材,来源于芸香科植物黄皮树Phellodendron chinense Schneid 或黄檗P amurense Rupr 的干燥树皮,前者习称“川黄柏”,后者习称“关黄柏”。 《本草经集注》云:“今出邵陵者,轻薄色深为胜,出东山者,厚而色浅”。《蜀本草图经》云:“黄檗树……皮黄……今所在有,本出房,商,合等小川山谷,皮紧,厚二三分,鲜黄者上,二月、五月采皮,日干。” 宋代《本草图经》说:“今处处有之,以蜀中者佳。”[1]以上诸家所说,与今用之川黄柏相符,且川黄柏质量以“色深、鲜黄”为上。
  1.2仪器采用日本柯尼卡美能达公司的分光测色仪(型号CM700d),参数根据《中国药典》液体颜色检查法第三法 “色差计法”设为:CIE 1976,光源设定为D65,光源视角为10°,镜面光为SCI,UV为100%,量测方式为反射,孔径为3 mm目标罩(含稳定片,型号CMA179),孔径3 mm目标罩(不含稳定片,型号CMA181)。测得数据用Lab色彩空间表示,Lab色彩空间是由1个明度因数L和2个色度因数a,b组成的,L从0到100,a从红色变化到绿色,b从黄色变化到蓝色,它们的值在-120~120 [2] 。