

  acceptance 承兑

 account 账户

 accountant 会计员

 accounting 会计

 accounting system 会计制度

 accounts payable 应付账款

 accounts receivable 应收账款

 accumulated profits 累积利益

 adjusting entry 调整记录

 adjustment 调整

 administration expense 管理费用

 advances 预付

 advertising expense 广告费

 agency 代理

 agent 代理人

 agreement 契约

 allotments 分配数

 allowance 津贴

 amalgamation 合并

 amortization 摊销

 amortized cost 应摊成本

 annuities 年金

 applied cost 已分配成本

 applied expense 已分配费用

 applied manufacturing expense 己分配制造费用

 apportioned charge 摊派费用

 appreciation 涨价

 article of association 公司章程

 assessment 课税

 assets 资产

 attorney fee 律师费

 audit 审计

 auditor 审计员

 average 平均数

 average cost 平均成本

 bad debt 坏账

 balance 余额

 yybalance sheet 资产负债表

 bank account 银行账户

 bank balance 银行结存

 bank charge 银行手续费

 bank deposit 银行存款

 bank discount 银行贴现

 bank draft 银行汇票

 bank loan 银行借款

 bank overdraft 银行透支

 bankers acceptance 银行承兑

 bankruptcy 破产

 bearer 持票人

 beneficiary 受益人

 bequest 遗产

 bill 票据

 bill of exchange 汇票

 bill of lading 提单

 bills discounted 贴现票据

 bills payable 应付票据

 bills receivable 应收票据

 board of directors 董事会

 bonds 债券

 bonus 红利

 book value 账面价值

 bookkeeper 簿记员

 bookkeeping 簿记

 branch office general ledger 支店往来账户

 broker 经纪人

 brought down 接前

 brought forward 接上页

 budget 预算

 by-product 副产品

 by-product sales 副产品销售

 capital 股本

 capital income 资本收益

 capital outlay 资本支出

 capital stock 股本

 capital stock certificate 股票

 carried down 移后

 carried forward 移下页

 cash 现金

 cash account 现金账户

 cash in bank 存银行现金

 cash on delivery 交货收款

 cash on hand 库存现金

 cash payment 现金支付

 cash purchase 现购

 cash sale 现沽

 cashier 出纳员

 cashiers check 本票

 certificate of deposit 存款单折

 certificate of indebtedness 借据

 certified check 保付支票

 certified public accountant 会计师

 charges 费用

 charge for remittances 汇水手续费

 charter 营业执照

 chartered accountant 会计师

 chattles 动产

 check 支票

 checkbook stub 支票存根

 closed account 己结清账户

 closing 结算

 closing entries 结账纪录

 closing stock 期末存货

 closing the book 结账

 columnar journal 多栏日记账

 combination 联合

 commission 佣金

 commodity 商品

 common stock 普通股

 company 公司

 compensation 赔偿

 compound interest 复利

 consignee 承销人

 consignment 寄销

 consignor 寄销人

 consolidated balance sheet 合并资产负债表

 consolidated profit and loss account 合并损益表

 consolidation 合并

 construction cost 营建成本

 construction revenue 营建收入

 contract 合同

 control account 统制账户

 copyright 版权

 corporation 公司

 cost 成本

 cost accounting 成本会计

 cost of labour 劳工成本

 cost of production 生产成本

 cost of manufacture 制造成本

 cost of sales 销货成本

 cost price 成本价格

 credit 贷方

 credit note 收款通知单

 creditor 债权人

 crossed check 横线支票

 current account 往来活期账户

 current asset 流动资产

 current liability 流动负债

 current profit and loss 本期损益

 debit 借方

 debt 债务

 debtor 债务人

 deed 契据

 deferred assets 递延资产

 deferred liabilities 递延负债

 delivery 交货

 delivery expense 送货费

 delivery order 出货单

 demand draft 即期汇票

 demand note 即期票据

 demurrage charge 延期费

 deposit 存款

 deposit slip 存款单

 depreciation 折旧

 direct cost 直接成本

 direct labour 直接人工

 director 董事

 discount 折扣

 discount on purchase 进货折扣

 discount on sale 销货折扣

 dishonoured check 退票

 dissolution 解散

 dividend 股利

 dividend payable 应付股利

 documentary bill 押汇汇票

 documents 单据

 double entry bookkeeping 复式簿记

 draft 汇票

 drawee 付款人

 drawer 出票人

 drawing 提款

 duplicate 副本

 duties and taxes 税捐

 earnings 业务收益

 endorser 背书人

 entertainment 交际费

 enterprise 企业

 equipment 设备

 estate 财产

 estimated cost 估计成本

 estimates 概算

 exchange 兑换

 exchange loss 兑换损失

 expenditure 经费

 expense 费用

 extension 延期

 face value 票面价值

 factor 代理商

 fair value 公平价值

 financial statement 财务报表

 financial year 财政年度

 finished goods 制成品

 finished parts 制成零件

 fixed asset 固定资产

 fixed cost 固定成本

 fixed deposit 定期存款

 fixed expense 固定费用

 foreman 工头

 franchise 专营权

 freight 运费

 funds 资金

 furniture and fixture 家俬及器具

 gain 利益

 general expense 总务费用

 general ledger 总分类账

 goods 货物

 goods in transit 在运货物

 goodwill 商誉

 government bonds 政府债券

 gross profit 毛利

 guarantee 保证

 guarantor 保证人

 idle time 停工时间

 import duty 进口税

 income 收入

 income tax 所得税

 income from joint venture 合营收益

 income from sale of assets 出售资产收入

 indirect cost 间接成本

 indirect expense 间接费用

 indirect labour 间接人工

 indorsement 背书

 installment 分期付款

 insurance 保险

 intangible asset 无形资产

 interest 利息

 interest rate 利率

 interest received 利息收入

 inter office account 内部往来

 intrinsic value 内在价值

 inventory 存货

 investment 投资

 investment income 投资收益

 invoice 发票

 item 项目

 job 工作

 job cost 工程成本

 joint venture 短期合伙

 journal 日记账

 labour 人工

 labour cost 人工成本

 land 土地

 lease 租约

 leasehold 租约

 ledger 分类账

 legal expense 律师费

 letter of credit 信用状

 liability 负债

 limited company 有限公司

 limited liability 有限负债

 limited partnership 有限合夥

 liquidation 清盘

 loan 借款

 long term liability 长期负债

 loss 损失

 loss on exchange 兑换损失

 machinery equipment 机器设备

 manufacturing expense 制造费用

 manufacturing cost 制造成本

 market price 市价

 materials 原村料

 material requisition 领料单

 medical fee 医药费

 merchandise 商品

 miscellaneous expense 杂项费用

 mortgage 抵押

 mortgagor 抵押人

 mortgagee 承押人

 movable property 动产

 net amount 净额

 net asset 资产净额

 net income 净收入

 net loss 净亏损

 net profit 纯利

 net value 净值

 notes 票据

 notes payable 应付票据

 notes receivable 应收票据

 opening stock 期初存货

 operating expense 营业费用

 order 订单

 organization expense 开办费

 original document 原始单据

 outlay 支出

 output 产量

 overdraft 透支

 opening stock 期初存货

 operating expense 营业费用

 order 订单

 organization expense 开办费

 original document 原始单据

 outlay 支出

 output 产量

 overdraft 透支

 quotation 报价

 rate 比率

 raw material 原料

 rebate 回扣

 receipt 收据

 receivable 应收款

 recoup 补偿

 redemption 偿还

 refund 退款

 remittance 汇款

 rent 租金

 repair 修理费

 reserve 准备

 residual value 剩余价值

 retailer 零售商

 returns 退货

 revenue 收入

 salary 薪金

 sales 销货

 sale return 销货退回

 sale discount 销货折扣

 salvage 残值

 sample fee 样品

 scrap 废料

 scrap value 残余价值

 securities 证券

 security 抵押品

 selling commission 销货佣金

 selling expense 销货费用

 selling price 售价

 share capital 股份

 share certificate 股票

 shareholder 股东

 short term loan 短期借款

 sole proprietorship 独资

 spare parts 配件

 standard cost 标准成本

 stock 存货

 stocktake 盘点

 stock sheet 存货表

 subsidies 补助金

 sundry expense 杂项费用

 supporting document 附表

 surplus 盈余

 suspense account 暂记账户

 taxable profit 可徵税利润

 tax 税捐

 temporary payment 暂付款

 temporary receipt 暂收款

 time deposit 定期存款

 total 合计

 total cost 总成本

 trade creditor 进货客户

 trade debtor 销货客户

 trademark 商标

 transaction 交易

 transfer 转账

 transfer voucher 转账传票

 transportation 运输费

 travelling 差旅费

 trial balance 试算表

 trust 信托

 turnover 营业额

 unappropriated surplus 未分配盈余

 unit cost 单位成本

 unlimited company 无限公司

 unlimited liability 无限责任

 unpaid dividend 未付股利

 valuation 估价

 value 价值

 vendor 卖主

 voucher 传票

 wage rate 工资率

 wage 工资

 wage allocation sheet 工资分配表

 warehouse receipt 仓库收据

 welfare expense 褔利费

 wear and tear 秏损

 work order 工作通知单

 year end 年结

  Account 帐户

 Accounting system 会计系统

 American Accounting Association 美国会计协会

 American Institute of CPAs 美国注册会计师协会

 Audit 审计

 Balance sheet 资产负债表

 Bookkeepking 簿记

 Cash flow prospects 现金流量预测

 Certificate in Internal Auditing 内部审计证书

 Certificate in Management Accounting 管理会计证书

 Certificate Public Accountant 注册会计师

 Cost accounting 成本会计

 External users 外部使用者

 Financial accounting 财务会计

 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会

 Financial forecast 财务预测

 Generally accepted accounting principles 公认会计原则

 General-purpose information 通用目的信息

 Government Accounting Office 政府会计办公室

 Income statement 损益表

 Institute of Internal Auditors 内部审计师协会

 Institute of Management Accountants 管理会计师协会

 Integrity 整合性

 Internal auditing 内部审计

 Internal control structure 内部控制结构

 Internal Revenue Service 国内收入署

 Internal users 内部使用者

 Management accounting 管理会计

 Return of investment 投资回报

 Return on investment 投资报酬

 Securities and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会

 Statement of cash flow 现金流量表

 Statement of financial position 财务状况表

 Tax accounting 税务会计

 Accounting equation 会计等式

 Articulation 勾稽关系

 Assets 资产

 Business entity 企业个体

 Capital stock 股本

 Corporation 公司

 Cost principle 成本原则

 Creditor 债权人

 Deflation 通货紧缩

 Disclosure 批露

 Expenses 费用

 Financial statement 财务报表

 Financial activities 筹资活动

 Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设

 Inflation 通货膨涨

 Investing activities 投资活动

 Liabilities 负债

 Negative cash flow 负现金流量

 Operating activities 经营活动

 Owner"s equity 所有者权益

 Partnership 合伙企业

 Positive cash flow 正现金流量

 Retained earning 留存利润

 Revenue 收入

 Sole proprietorship 独资企业

 Solvency 清偿能力

 Stable-dollar assumption 稳定货币假设

 Stockholders 股东

 Stockholders" equity 股东权益

 Window dressing 门面粉饰