
  [摘要] “积极发展继续教育,完善终身教育体系”的中心思想在党的十八大报告中被明确提出,在此思想的引导下,终身教育的理念已经深入到我国各行各业。在终身教育背景下,成人高等教育迅速发展形成了多层次、多形式、多方位的办学体系,且此体系作为高等教育的有机组成部分相对完整。然而,成人高等教育的发展随着信息时代的进步,社会群体对知识需求的多样渴望,及教育模式的多样变化,出现了体制单一、生源萎缩、办学理念陈旧、发展缓慢等问题,这些问题使得成人高等教育的发展停滞不前,无法紧跟时代的脚步。终身学习是建设学习型社会的基石,然而“终身教育”这一战略之所以可以持久发展,成人高等教育工作的建设与发展是不可或缺的环节。因此,加强成人高等教育建设与发展研究,具有重要的现实意义。
  [关键词] 成人高等教育;现状;对策研究
  [中图分类号] R19 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)11(a)-0071-02
  [Abstract] As the highest stage of adult education, adult higher education has made an indelible contribution in the process of social and economic development. The idea of “actively developing continuing education and perfecting lifelong education system” has been clearly put forward in the report of the 18th national congress of CPC. Under the guidance of this ideology, the concept of lifelong education has penetrated into all walks of life in China. Under the background of lifelong education, adult higher education has developed rapidly, forming a multi-level, multiform and multi-directional school running system, and this system is relatively integral as an organic part of higher education. However, the development of information on the progress of the times, society’s demand for knowledge and diverse variety of desire, and the mode of education, the adult higher education has come across the problems of a single system, the reduction of students, obsolete school idea, slow development, these problems make the development of adult higher education stagnant, cannot keep pace with the time. Lifelong learning is the cornerstone of the construction of a learning society. However, the “lifelong education” strategy can develop for a long time, and the construction and development of adult higher education is an indispensable part. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to strengthen the study of the construction and development of adult higher education.
  [Key words] Adult higher education; Current situation; Countermeasure research
  1 成人高等教育的现状
  1.1 生源数量呈现萎缩,生源质量逐年下降