垦利,万里黄河入海的地方。 黄河文明和海洋文明在这里融合,虽说也有交汇时的浪起峰涌,但却从未像今天这样发出震天的轰响。 2009年11月23日,几代黄河口人梦寐以求的黄河三角洲高效生态经济区建设正式上升为国家战略,作为黄河三角洲高效生态经济区主战场、核心区和最前沿的垦利县,迎来了千载难逢的发展机遇。
In 2009, the Shandong Hi-speed Group secured remarkable achievements in overseas engineering construction projects. It has explored the construction markets in such countries and areas as Algeria, Vietnam, Angola and Chad. Thus far, the construction area of the Shandong Hi-speed Group has covered five continents and 99 countries and regions, amounting to a contracted volume of more than three billion US dollars.
In May 25, 2009, the Shandong Hi-speed Group successfully won the bid of the project for a diagnosis and training center for cardiac surgery that the Chinese government has built as aid to Tanzania, one of the 30 hospital projects President Hu Jintao promised as aid to Africa during the China-Africa Cooperation Summit held in Beijing in 2006.
In 2009, the Mali Hospital, which is also a project of Chinese government aid to Africa, and the Bahamas National Stadium project undertaken by the Shandong Hi-speed Group, were put into construction on April 10 and July 4, respectively. The Mali Hospital Project is a gift rendered to commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Mali. The Bahamas National Stadium is the first since the two countries established diplomatic relationship in 1997. With a contracted price of 210 million US dollars, this is the largest project China has constructed in the Caribbean. After being constructed, the stadium as the largest in the Caribbean region will accommodate 15,000 spectators and can host such important events as track and field competitions and football matches.