

1.Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, but you can do it. Congratulations!
  2.This msg. will refresh your brain in 5 seconds. 5...4...3...2...1... >Error: No Brain Detected!!!
  这条消息将会让你的头脑清醒5秒。5…4…3…2…1… >错误提示:未侦测到大脑!!!
  3.Good morning...Have u done two of the most important things when you wake up today? 1) Pray-so that u may live...2)Take a bath-so that others may live too!
  早上好……你今早醒来的时候有没有做这两件最重要的事呢? 1)祈祷- 好让你可以活下去……2)洗澡-好让别人也可以活下去!
  4.Once god came up 2 me & granted me a wish. I asked 4 world peace. That’s impossible,he said. Then I asked him 2 give u brains. He said,"Let me try world peace".
  5.This msg. will refresh your brain in 5 seconds. 5...4...3...2...1... >Error: No Brain Detected!!!
  这条消息将会让你的头脑清醒5秒。5…4…3…2…1… >错误提示:未侦测到大脑!!! 搞笑短信