
  摘要 选取了广元烟区2014—2015年间的75份烤烟样品,通过检测其外观质量、常规化学成分和感官评吸质量,分析了广元烟区烤烟的主要质量特点。结果表明,广元烟叶成熟度在尚熟和成熟之间;烟叶颜色多以桔黄为主;叶片结构多为尚疏松或疏松;叶片身份除部分烟叶稍有不同程度偏厚或稍薄外,其他较为适中;大部分等级叶片色度在中等以上;油分多为有、较多或多;化学成分和感官评吸质量整体适宜。广元烤烟外观质量、常规化学成分和感官评吸质量在年份间表现整体稳定,在地点间以剑阁县烟叶变异较小,旺苍县烟叶变异较大。
  关键词 烤烟;质量特点;广元烟区
  中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2017)11-0236-03
  Research on Quality Characteristics of Flue-cured Tobacco in Guangyuan Tobacco-growing Area
  GU Hui-zhan 1 YIN Zhen-hua 1 HE Ji-xian 1 WANG Dong 1 YU Xiao 1 ZHANG Qi-li 1 SHAO Hui-fang 2
  (1 Guangyuan Tobacco Corporation of Tobacco Co.,Ltd. of Sichuan Province,Guangyuan Sichuan 628000;
  2 College of Tobacco,Henan Agricultural University)
  Abstract 75 flue-cured tobacco samples from Guangyuan tobacco growing area in 2014—2015 were selected.The main quality characteristics of flue-cured tobacco in Guangyuan tobacco growing area were analyzed by testing the appearance quality,chemical composition and sensory evaluation quality.The results showed that the maturity of Guangyuan tobacco was between ripe and ripening;the color of tobacco leaves was mostly orange,and the leaf structure was mostly loose or looser.The leaves had some different thicknesses or slightly thinner,the other was more moderate;most of the grade of leaf color were in the middle;oil was have,relatively more or more;chemical composition and sensory evaluation of the overall quality were appropriate.The appearance quality,conventional chemical composition and sensory evaluation quality of Guangyuan flue-cured tobacco were statistically stable among years,and the variation of tobacco leaf in the Jiange County was small,the variation of tobacco leaf in Wangcang County was significant.
  Key words flue-cured tobacco;quality characteristics;Guangyuan tobacco-growing area
  廣元市位于四川盆地北部边缘,属盆周山地,介于东经104°36′~106°45′、北纬31°31′~32°51′之间,幅员面积1.63万km2,占全省总面积的3.4%。北与秦岭相隔,与陕西接壤,地貌属山地、丘陵渐次过度地带。低山、丘陵占幅员面积的87.4%,一般海拔在900~1 100 m之间,是四川省重要的宜烟区之一。
  1 材料与方法
  1.1 采样地点
  1.2 烟叶样品采集
  以植烟乡镇为最小取样单元,每个取样点取1个代表性烤后烟叶样品(等级为C3F)各1.5 kg,记录编号并保存。
  1.3 烤烟品质指标测定
  1.3.1 外观质量评定。主要包括颜色、成熟度、油分、色度、叶片结构、身份等,按照国标《烤烟》(GB2635—1992)方法进行评定,同时采用赋值法对6项外观指标进行量化处理,具体量化赋值方法参考文献[1-3]的方法。