目录PART ONE 著名人物
UNIT 1 Get a Life,Gordon!Minister Says PM Needs More Fun 英国:布朗首相是个工作狂吗
UNIT 2 Miller’s Not Like the Rest
UNIT 3 She Is a Legend
UNIT 4 Gettysburg Address
UNIT 5 The Second Inaugural Address by Bill Clinton
UNIT 6 ABlindWoman’sVision
UNIT 7 “Mom.in.chief’’Role and More for Michelle Obama 准第一夫人:照顾好女儿是首要任务
UNIT 8 The Mask Forever——Jim Carrey
UNIT 9 Ronaldo:King ofthe Wodd
UNIT 10 McCain:What We’re Fighting for
UNIT 11 Winston Churchill:His Other Life
UNIT 1 2 Remarks of Senator Barack Obama:Iowa Caucus Night 奥巴马1月3日在衣阿华的演讲辞
UNIT 13 Remembering Diana
UNIT 14 Marilyn Mooe:Candle in the Wind
UNIT 15 Hewitt
UNIT 16 The GenUeman Thief:Arsene Lupin
UNIT 17 Engrid Bergman
UNIT 18 Hillary’S Comparison
UNIT 19 The Making of Isaac Newton
UNIT 20 The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham
UNIT 21 The Britain’S GotTalent Singer~usan Boyle
UNIT 1 Kids Think Glasses Make Others Look Smart Honest 小孩认为戴眼镜显得更有学问,更诚实
UNIT 2 Excuse
UNIT 3 NextTime ThatYou ThinkYou’re Having a Bad Day 当觉得自己倒霉时看看这个
UNIT 4 Can Happiness Be Bought
UNIT 5 Januaw 31 the Year’s Biggest Night for First Dates 1月31日最适合初次约会
UNIT 6 ThankYou:TheTwoLittleWOndsThatAreBetterThanaPayRise 赞扬比加薪更重要
UNIT 7 MusicThat’sAlwaysonTop
UNIT 8 Life ls Miracule
UNIT 9 Tuesdays with Morrie
UNIT 10 Women Approaching 30 Prefer Marriage to Carreers 30岁的女性婚姻重于事业
UNIT 11 Cowboys’Tales of Love and Loss
UNIT 12 Like Father,Like Daughter
UNIT 13 Mother Is Role Model in Son’s Choice of Wife
UNIT 14 Short PeopleAre Most Prone to Jealousy
UNIT 15 Blue-eyed Men Prefer Blue·eyed Women
UNIT 16 Persistence Pays
UNIT 17 Air and Opport UNITy
UNIT 18 TheseThingsIWishforYou
UNIT 19 Online Love Is Often Blind。Brief
UNIT 20 Always Buying Sneakers?It's the Sign of a Leader 爱买运动鞋的人具有领导潜质吗
UNIT 21 When Men See Red.They See Hot
UNIT 1 Women’s Intelligence Increases During Motherhood
UNlT 2 Are Baiqi Extinct
UNIT 3 Kids PreferVeggies with Cool Names
UNIT 4 Different ExerciseAffectsAppetite Differently 不同锻炼方式对食欲的影响不一样
UNIT 5 Music to Your Ears Can Be MusicforYour Heart too 悦耳的音乐也有益于心脏健康
UNIT 6 Men Make Women Gain Weight
UNIT 7 Lack ofVitamin D Linked to Depression in Elderly 老年人缺维生素D会导致抑郁症
UNIT 8 Long Working Hours“Health Risk”
UNIT 9 Smoking Hurts Mind as Well as Body
UNIT 10 Children UnderThree Should See No Television 英国专家建议3岁以下儿童不要看电视
Unit 4 Economic Views 经济观察
Text 1 Economic Reason for Immigration to America
The third reason why immigrants have traditionally come to the United States is to have a better life — that is, to raise their For the vast majority of the immigrants who came here, it was probably the most compelling reason for ” “get rich overnight,” and many of them suffered terribly, but the majority of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. Even if they were not able to achieve the economic success they wanted, they could be fairly certain that their children would have the opportunity for a better life. The phrase “going from rags to riches” became a slogan for the great American Dream. Because of the vast riches of the North American continent, the dream came true for many of the immigrants. They achieved material success;they became very attached to material things. Material wealth became a value to the American people. Placing a high value on material possessions is called materialism, but this is a word that most Americans find offensive. To say that a person is materialistic is an insultIn fact, most Americans do have other values and ideals. Nevertheless, acquiring and maintaining a large number of material possessions is of great importance to most Americans.
[A] raise [B] insult [C] slogan [D] fortunes [E] attached [F] accuses [G] offensive [H] compelling [I] possessions [J] immigrants
[K] incredibly [L] Nevertheless
移民到美国的经济原因 移民在传统上来到美国的第三个原因是为了寻求更好的生活——也就是提高他们的生活标准。对大多数来到这里的移民来说,这大概是最能吸引他们离开祖国的一个因素。因为美国的自然资源惊人地丰富,它看起来就像一块“富足的土地”,成百万的人都可以到那里寻找财富。当然,大多数移民并不能“一夜暴富”,他们中很多人经受了很多苦难,但是绝大多数人的生活标准最终都能够比以前有所提高。即使他们不能得到他们所想要的经济上的发迹,他们也确信他们的孩子会有机会过上更好的生活。短语“从赤贫到暴富”变成了伟大美国梦的一句口号。因为北美洲具有的巨大财富,许多移民的梦想都得到了实现。他们取得了物质上的成功;也变得很看重物质的东西。对美国人来说,物质财富成为了一种价值观。看重物质财富被称为物质主义,但这是一个令大多数美国人感到不快的词。称一个人是物质主义者是对他的一种侮辱。对一个美国人来说,这就意味着这个人将物质财富看得高于一切。美国人不喜欢被称为物质主义者,因为他们感觉这是对他们不公正的指责,指责他们只喜欢物质的东西,而没有宗教价值观。事实上,大多数美国人确实有其他的价值观和理想。不过,获得并拥有大量的物质财富对大多数美国人来说都是非常重要的。
难 句 解 析 — that is, to raise their standard of living.
【分析】复合句。why 引导定语从句修饰 the third reason,将主谓语分开,破折号后的成分是对 to have a better life 的解释说明。 where millions could come to seek their fortunes.
【分析】复合句。句首 because of 引导的短语作状语表原因,主句中 where 引导的定语从句修饰 a“land of plenty”。
3. Americans do not like to be called materialistic because they feel that this unfairly accuses them of loving only material things and of having no religious values.
【分析】多重复合句。because 引导原因状语从句,其中 that 引导的从句作 feel 的宾语,accuses 后边有两个表并列关系的of 结构,由 and 连接,第二个 of 前省略了 them。
immigrant /9ImIgr5nt/ @@ n. (从外国来的)移民,侨民
【词根】来自 immigr(ate)(使移居入境) + ant(表人)
【搭配】illegal immigrants 非法移民
【引申】〈同根〉emigrant n. 移居外国者
【听力例句】The United States is a country of immigrants. 美国是一个移民国家。[06.6]
immigrate /9ImIgreIt/ @@ v. 移来;使移居入境
【词根】im (进入) + migr (迁移) + ate (动词后缀) →使迁移入内
【听力例句】She was three when her parents immigrated to America in 1926. 1972年她的父母亲移居到美国的时候她三岁。
migrate* /maI9greIt/ @@ vi. 移居,迁徙
【搭配】(some birds) migrate twice a year(一些鸟)一年迁徙二次;migrate to America to find work 移居到美国去找工作
【引申】〈同根〉emigrate vi. 永久移居|immigrate vt. 使移居入境〈反义〉remain vi. 保持,逗留|stay v. 逗留 同 义 巧 辨 migrate, emigrate, immigrate
migrate 用于人和动物,有时含有缺乏永久的居住地之意,尤指出于季节性或定期迁移这两个原因;emigrate 和 immigrate 仅用来指人,意味着永久性的迁移,一般指越过政治意义上的疆界。emigrate 指“离开此地去某地”,immigrate 指“离开某地而进入此地”。
raise* /reIz/ @@ vt. 提高;举起;增加;筹款;养育;提出 n. 加薪;提高,升,举;高处
【搭配】raise one’s standard of living 提高自己的生活水平
【引申】〈同义〉lift vt. 提,举|boost v. & n. 提高;激励〈近形〉rise vi. 升起,上升|arise vi. 产生,出现
【阅读例句】Some $ 36,000 has been raised in donations from Safeway. Safeway大约筹集了3.6万美元。[05.12] compelling /k5m9pelI((ce))/ @@ a. 强制性的;令人信服的;扣人心弦的,激动人心的
【搭配】compelling reasons 令人信服的理由;a compelling adventure story 扣人心弦的冒险故事
【引申】〈同根〉compel vt. 强迫,迫使:compel sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事
【听力例句】For the rest of her talk, she was a forceful and compelling speaker. 余下的演说,她语气坚定,并令人注目。
expel /Ik9spel/ @@ v. 强迫(某人)离开;用力排出或驱出
【词根】ex(出) + pel(推,驱)→把某人驱出→驱逐
【活用例句】Water is sucked in at one end and expelled at the other.水从一端吸进去从另一端排出来。
incredibly /In9kred5blI/ @@ ad. 惊人地,难以置信地
【引申】〈同根〉incredible a. 难以置信的,不可思议的;不能相信的
【听力例句】It’s incredibly delicious.它非常好吃。 [04.1]
fortune* /9fO:tS5n/ @@ n. [常 pl. ] (大量)财产,大笔的钱;运气
【联想】fort(堡垒) + une →堡垒里放有大量钱
【搭配】be in good fortune 运气好;come into a fortune 继承一大笔财产;have fortune on one’s side 走红运,一炮走红;have the fortune to do 幸而(做)…;tell sb’s fortune 给某人算命;run a fortune 冒风险;try one’s fortune 碰运气
【引申】〈同根〉unfortunate ▲ a. 不幸的;令人遗憾的
【听力例句】Although they will never make a fortune, for the last 10 years, they have earned a reasonable living from the hotel.尽管他们永远都不可能发财,但是在最近的10年里,他们也通过开酒店挣了很大一笔生活费。[03.9]
slogan /9sl5Ug5n/ @@ n. 标语,口号,广告语
【联想】s + log(原木) + an →原木上标着标语→标语
【搭配】advertising slogan 广告标语
【活用例句】The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans. 人群开始反复高呼反政府口号。
attach* /59t{tS/ @@ vt. 系,连接;使依恋;认为有(重要性等);使附属
【词根】at(表加强) + tach(接触)→接触上→系,连接
【搭配】attach importance to sth 认为某事有重要性;be attached to... 连在…上;附属于;使…依恋
【阅读例句】In large cities, some kindergartens are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools. 一些大城市的大学有附属幼儿园和中小学。[05.1]
cling / klI((ce))/ @@ vi. (to)紧紧抓住;黏着,挨近;依附;忠实于
【提示】注意后需加to然后才能接宾语,如:cling to outdated customs 墨守成规。
【活用例句】She clung to the hope that her son was not dead.她坚信她儿子还活着。
possession* /p59zeSFn/ @@ n. 财产
【引申】〈同根〉possess vt. 占有,拥有〈同义〉treasure n. 财富,珍品 vt. 珍爱,珍视
【完形例句】If you keep your home, your car or any valuable possession in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long run.如果你善于持家,汽车也保养的好,贵重物品不损坏的话,从长远来看你会节省不少钱。[05.1]
offensive* /59fensIv/ @@ a. 冒犯的,无礼的;攻击性的;令人不快的
【词根】来自 offens(e)(冒犯) + ive(…的)→冒犯的
【引申】〈同根〉offense n. 犯规;冒犯;offend vt. 冒犯,得罪
【活用例句】The company has launched a strong offensive marketing to try to increase sales. 公司已发动争取市场的强大攻势以期增加销售量。
insult* /In9s((f6))lt/ @@ n. & vt. 侮辱,辱骂,羞辱
【联想】不顾侮辱(insult), 不耻请教(consult)
【搭配】add insult to injury 连打带骂,既伤害又侮辱;offer an insult to 侮辱;swallow an insult 忍受侮辱
【阅读例句】Not long ago, many car dealers insulted women shoppers by ignoring them or suggesting that they come back with their husbands. 就在不久前,很多汽车经销商忽视女性购买者,并建议她们和丈夫一起来,这些都侮辱了女性。[06.12] accuse /59kju:z/ @@ vt. 指控,控告,指责
【搭配】accuse sb of 指控某人;指责某人
【活用例句】The soldier was accused of running away when the enemy attacked.这个士兵被指控临阵脱逃。
charge* / tSA:dZ/ @@ n. 指控;价钱;电荷;负荷 vt. 控告;索(价);使充电,使充满 vi. 向前冲;收费
【搭配】in charge of 管理,负责;take charge 开始管理,接管;charge sb with sth 以某事指控某人
【活用例句】They charge the calls to their credit card account. 他们用信用卡账户支付电话费用。/He was charged with murder.他被指控犯有谋杀罪。
discharge /dIs9tSA:dZ/ @@ v. 释放,(转 载于:wWw.zhAoQT.neT 蒲公 英文摘:四级美文)解雇;发射;卸(货) n. 获准离开;排出,放出
【搭配】discharge prisoners from the prison把犯人从监狱中释放;discharge the cargo卸下货物。
【活用例句】Some factories in this locality still discharge waste water into the river.这一地区有些工厂仍把废水排入河中。 nevertheless* /8nev5D59les/ @@ ad. 仍然,不过
【构词】never(从不) + the + less(更少)
【活用例句】Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless. 我们的失败是意料中的事,尽管如此,还是令人
abundant /59b((f6))nd5nt/ @@ a. 丰富的;充裕的
【联想】a(无) + bund(看作 bound 边界) + ant(…的)→多得没边的→丰富的
【搭配】be abundant in 富于…
【引申】〈反义〉scarce a. 缺乏的,不足的|slender a. 不足的;修长的
【活用例句】Iraq is very abundant in petroleum deposits, which resulted in American invasion.伊拉克的石油储量十分丰富,这导致了美国的入侵。
former* /9fO:m5(r)/ @@ a. 从前的,以前的 n. 前者
【词根】来自 form(形成) + er(表人或物)→已形成的东西→以前的
【引申】〈同义〉previous a. 以前的|prior a. 在前的〈反义〉latter a. 后者的;后一半的 n. 后者
【听力例句】I just received an Email from one of my former classmates. 我刚收到一封我以前同学发的Email。[08.12] fairly* /9fe5lI/ @@ ad. 相当,尚可,还;公平地
【搭配】a fairly easy book 一本相当容易的书;a fairly typical reaction 相当典型的反应
【活用例句】I wonder people cannot judge more fairly of each other and themselves.我弄不懂人们为什么总不能比较公平地推己及人。
ideal* /aI9dI5l/ @@ n. 理想;理想的东西(或人) a. 理想的,空想的,想象的
【联想】idea(想法) + l →想法总是理想的
【搭配】political ideals 政治理想;ideal weather for a holiday 理想的假日天气
【活用例句】One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. 原因之一在于,美国人认为公司相对于其他社会机构而言,建立在更坚定的竞争理想之上。 Text 2 Materialism
We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive. Our possessions are clearly labeled with “mine” and “yours” from early childhood. When we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that Joneses. If we buy a new television set, Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one. If we buy a new car, we can be sure that outlook has seriously influenced education. Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake. Every course of studies must lead somewhere, i.e., to a bigger wage packet. The demand for skilled personnel far exceeds the supply, and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies. While Mammon (财神) is worshipped as never before, the rich get richer and the poor, poorer.
[A] acquisitive [B] bound [C] considerable [D] drain [E] exceeds [F] labeled [G] outlook [H] recruit [I] sake [J] struggling [K] worshipped [L] measured
难 句 解 析 money we earn.
【分析】多重复合句。when 引导时间状语从句,discover后接 that 引导宾语从句,其中 we earn 为省略了 that 的定语从句,修饰 money。 them are spending borrowed money kindly provided, at a considerable rate of interest, of course, by friendly banks, insurance companies, etc.
【分析】多重复合句。that 引导表语从句,在该从句中 who引导的定语从句修饰all the neighbors, borrowed money后的kindly provided...etc 为过去分词短语作其后置定语。
“brain drain”, in a process by which wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizens.
【分析】复合句。主语是两个表并列关系的名词,中间由and 连接,in a process ...citizens 作状语,表方式,其中 which 引导定语从句修饰 a process。
acquisitive /59kwIzItIv/ @@ a. (of)渴望得到的;贪得无厌的
【引申】〈同根〉acquisition n. 获得,取得,习得
【活用例句】An acquisitive society is one in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied.一个物欲横流的社会指的是物质追求似乎永远得不到满足的社会。
label* /9leIbl/ @@ vt. 贴标签于;把…称为
【联想】lab(实验室) + el →实验室里的试剂瓶上贴有标签
【搭配】label... as 把…称为
【活用例句】If a person spends any time in prison, he’ll probably be labeled (as a) criminal for the rest of his life. 如果一个人曾进过监狱,那么在这之后的生活中他很可能会被大多数人当成罪犯。
measure* /9meZ5(r)/ @@ n. 尺寸,计量单位;测量;措施 vt. 测量,衡量 vi. 有…长(或宽、高等)
【词根】meas(测量) + ure →量,测量
【搭配】beyond measure 无可估量,极度;for good measure 另外;measure up 合格,符合标准
【活用例句】[谚] Men are not to be measured in inches. 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。
bound* /baUnd/ @@ a. 一定的;有义务的;开往…的 vi. 跳跃,弹回 vt. 成为…的界线,给…划界 n. 跳跃;[常 pl. ] 界限
【搭配】be bound up in (one’s work)热衷于,忙于(工作);be bound up with one’s future 与前途有密切关系
【引申】〈同根〉boundary n. 边界,分界线
【写作例句】My heart bounded with nervousness during my first job interview.第一次求职面试时我紧张得心怦怦直跳。 struggle* /9str((f6))gl/ @@ vi. 奋斗,努力;斗争,搏斗;挣扎 n. 斗争,搏斗
【搭配】struggle on the border of death 挣扎在死亡线上;struggle for independence 为独立而奋斗;struggle against cancer 同癌症抗争
【阅读例句】The struggle to reconcile the two fields of study is difficult.要把这两种学科调和在一起实在太难了。[01.1] 同义↓
I Am Sam
Lucy: Daddy ,why does the snow flake?露西 : 爸爸为什么雪会飞下来? Sam: Because snow...because snow flakes. 山姆:因为雪,因为雪会飞 Lucy: Daddy, what is mustard made of? 露西:爸爸,芥末酱是用什么做的? Sam: Because it is yellow ketchup. Lucy: Daddy why are men bald?
Sam: Sometimes they’re bald because their head is shiny...and they do not have hair on it .So their head is just more of their face. Lucy:Daddy, are ladybugs only girls or are there boys ,too? And if there are ,what are they called? Sam; Yeah, the Beatles.
Lucy: Daddy, where does the sky end ?Why does the moon follow me home ?Why is the sun orange ?where does the hour go in Daylight Savings ?Daddy, do I look more like you or mommy? Daddy ...do you think she will ever come back?
Sam: Paul McCartney lost his mother when he was little. And John Lennon lost his mother when he was little. And Annie says that sometimes God picks the special people. That is what Annie says.
Lucy: Daddy, did God mean for you to be like this or was it an accident? Sam: Ok. What do you mean? Lucy: I mean you are different. Sam: But what do you mean.
Lucy: You are not like other daddies.
山姆:因为芥末酱是黄色茄汁 露西:爸爸为什么人有秃头?
山姆:好吧,你说的是什么意思? 露西:我是说你和别人不一样。 山姆:但是你说的是什么意思? 露西:你跟其他的爸爸不一样。
校英语协会是我校唯一一个以英语学习为主的校级社团,欢迎走进我们的团队,参加我们的活动,让你的大学充实无悔,相信英语协会会成为大家生活和学习的良师益友, 并免费提供学习资料,帮助大家日积月累提高英语。
山姆:是啊,我们很幸运,不是吗? 是啊!
Sam: I am sorry. I am sorry. Yeah, I am sorry. Lucy:It is ok. Don′t be sorry.I am lucky. Nobody else′s daddy ever comes to the park.
Sam: Yeah we are lucky. Aren′t we lucky? Yeah!
One sentence per week
Most people spend more time and energy going around problems than in trying to solve them. 大多数人把时间和精力浪费在了问题本身,而不是试着解决问题。
Great works are performed not by strength,but by perseverance.
成大事者,凭毅力而非力气也。 Being defeated is often a temporary
condition.Giving up is what makes it permanent. 被击垮通常只是暂时的,但如果你放弃的话,就会使它成为永恒。
There are three constants in life...change,choice and principles.
生活中有三样东西是不变的:改变,选择和原则。 The course of true love never did run smooth. 真爱无坦途。
You are never a loser until you quit trying. 你从来都不会成为输家,除非你停止尝试。 Confidence,never deny yourelf of it,for it costs you nothing and leads to great thing.
Present for girlfriend
At a jewelry store, a young man bought an expensive locket as a present for his girlfriend. “shall I engrave her name on it?” the jeweler asked.
The customer thought for a moment ,and then said,”No engrave it”’To my one and only love.’That way ,if we ever break up,I can use it again.”
CET4 words
crack vt破裂,打开,使...开裂Occupyvt占领,使用,住在... crush vt压碎,压破,镇压,弄碎vi挤,被压碎,被起皱n 粉碎,被压碎的状态 receiptn 收据,发票,收入vt 开收据proceed vi 进行,前进n 收入,获利
Label n标签,称标号,符号vt贴标签于,把...称为
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