





(1) 很早就已闻黄山有北方山峰的雄壮巍峨,南方峻岭的俊逸潇洒;也听说黄山有玲珑剔透的怪石,虬枝斜出的黄山松和浩瀚无边的云海。当代大诗人郭沫若在赋诗赞颂黄山景色时更留下了“身心黄山天下奇”的佳句。

(2) 今年十月,我来到黄山。虽说已进入秋季,但此时的黄山还是穿着夏装。拾级而上,灰蓝色的轻烟不时伴随花香扑面而来。凭栏远眺十里迤逦的群峰,由于角度、位置和视线的不同而出现景物的差异只见峰峦争雄,奇松翠竹,就像几千丈长的彩色帷幔悬挂在前方,给人以艺术美的享受。

(3) 黄山是立体的画,无声的诗。当走近黄山的峰海,无数的巧石会争先奔到眼前。在半山寺,抬头可见一只朝天门的振翅欲啼的“公鸡”,这就是巧石“金鸡叫天门”;登上“天山石屏”,遥望莲花峰,她就像用壮美线条勾勒出来的一朵含苞欲放的新莲;在鸡公峰前,一块巧石长得像天鹅一样,昂起来,翼下还有许多团石簇拥着,形成了“天鹅孵蛋”的奇景。还有九龙峰上的“猫头鹰”,白头岭上的“喜鹊登梅”,狮子峰顶上的“猴子观海”,鲫鱼背上的“仙桃石|”,......这些巧石千姿百态,遇真逗趣,似人似物,似禽似兽,惟妙惟肖,如同出自能工巧匠之手,给人带来丰富的想象和无尽的乐趣。

(4) 如果用“巧”来形容黄色的石,那么黄色的松可以说是“奇”了。黄山的松不像一般是松树那样生长在泥土里,而是依山势和风向扎根在高山的峭壁夹缝中,它们不怕严寒,四季常青,形态有立有卧,有俯有仰。如举世闻名的千年古松——迎客松,就挺立在玉屏楼东,文殊洞上,恰似一位好客的主人伸出手臂迎接远方的来客,离开玉屏楼,路旁又有一株古松远深一支,作送客状,它就是送客松。往前50米处的望客松则体态优美,如像游人点头,依依惜别。还有始信峰上的黑虎峰、天都峰的谈海松——黄山的松不仅独立生长,也有成林的树木。如狮子峰上的松树就成林成片,形成松海。当山风吹过,就像排流拍岸的潮汐,蔚为壮观。

(5) 黄山的奇松引人入胜,黄山的云更为神奇,它妙在非海而似海。站在峰巅,只见烟云时而为风平浪静的汪洋,时而为浪涛汹涌的大海,时而似奔腾的急流,时而又轻柔如娟。刚才还是倾盆雨,迷雾天,而刹那间,它们就会全部散去,阳光一照,白云浩浩,谰翻絮涌,万道山峪沉于银涛中,真有“忽闻海中有仙山,山在虚无缥缈间”的圣境,难怪郭沫若形容它是“森罗万象,忽隐忽现,或浓或淡,胜似梦境之迷离”。

1、 本文具体描绘了黄山奇景的哪几个方面?

2、 作者以郭沫若的诗“深信黄山天下奇”作为文章的标题好不好?

3、 全文是按(总分)结构写景的,其中与“黄山有玲珑剔透的怪石”一句相照应的一句是:

4(来自:www.zhaoQt.NeT 蒲公英文摘:黄山散文)、 第五段中划线句子使用了()修辞,表现了黄山云海的( )的特点。

5、 作者为什么把黄山比作“立体的画、无声的诗”?

6、 读完全文后,黄山给你留下了什么样的印象?(抓住一点,写出感受即可。)


1、 描写了黄山的巧石、奇松和神奇云海。



4、排比、比喻; 森罗万象、变幻莫测

5、把黄山比作立体画,是因为黄山的石多、石巧,千姿百态,“走进黄山峰海,无数的巧石会争先奔到眼前。”比作无声的诗,是因为这些惟妙惟肖的巧石能 给人带来丰富的联想。)(立体画具有逼真形象、惟妙惟肖的特点;诗能引起人们无数的想象和联想。



huangshan :1990年12月,安徽黄山风景区被联合国科教文组织评为“世界自然和文化遗产名录”。






由于黄山花岗岩体垂直节理十分发育,断裂和裂隙纵横交错,形成瑰丽多姿的花岗岩洞穴与孔道,使之重岭峡谷,关口处处。更有历代丰厚的文化积淀,摩崖石刻等名胜古迹200多处。加上日出、日落、云雾、松涛、佛光、秋色、雾松、冰挂等自然奇观,幽谷泉鸣,鸟语花香,整个景区犹如一幅幅立体的壮丽画卷。 黄山是美的综合体,是天地造化的宠儿。随便一处,或松或石、或云海清泉,无一不美,无处不奇,置身其间,使人似觉得到了天上人间,不得不感叹大自然的神奇力量。 她是人类最珍贵的遗产和世界最著名的旅游胜地之一。美丽的黄山,以她博大的胸怀,张开了热情的手臂,迎接着五湖四海的朋友们。 Anhui Huangshan Mountains Scenic Spot

In 1990 December, Anhui Huangshan Mountains Scenic Spot was collected into "Directory of World Cultural and Natural Heritage" by the UN Organization of Science, Education and Culture.

Huangshan Mountains stands towering in the south of Anhui province (north latitude 30.1 degree, eastern longitude 118.1 degree), near to She, Yi, Taiping and Xiuning four counties; it occupies an area of 250 km2, of which 154 km2 is the core of the scenery. As it was said that Xueyuan emperor was ever cultivating his morality and developing pills of immortality here, Huangshan Mountains was originally named Yi Mountain. Not only is Huangshan Mountains famous for its beauty and elegance, but it is a scenic spot of national level with its high value in science and ecological environment, it has rich natural resources and a comprehensive ecology; it belongs to the family of world heritage of culture and nature, and has been collected into "the Directory of World Cultural and Natural Heritage".

As early as millions of years ago when the Earth's crust was in an overactive state, Huangshan Mountains had been erecting high above the sea level; it had finally grown into a vigorous scene through the tempering of the century of the 4th Glacier.

There is quite a scene inside the 154km2-acerage of Huangshan Mountains. The development of this breathtaking state is made up of many coarse types of granite, which often primarily grows into up-straight state. Because of the force of erosion and collapsing, the rock gradually is changing into huge post-like shape, thus helps the come-into-being of the imposing queer peaks and valleys. The main peak is called Lotus Peak, 1864 meters in height; it is in hand-in-hand state with the flat Guang Mingding, and the precipitous Tuandu Peak; Lotus is standing at the center of the scene, with other 77 high peaks, all of which are more than one thousand meters high, scattering nearby. Many exquisite rocks are distributed

among these steepy peaks, of which, 120 are formally named. Their shape resemble with rare birds and animals, figures in fairy tales. The mountains area is primarily covered with Huangshan pine tree, they stubbornly break the rock and emerge off the soil; you can find them even in the most dangerous place, such as the cliff and the deep valley, posing their muscularity frankly. Huangshan pine tree is in a dominant position in this area, there are around 30 kinds of them have received general recognition, such as Yingke Pine, Wolong Pine, Tanhai Pine, Black Tiger Pine, etc. People are astonished at their perseverance and vitality, which helps them survive the cold wind, heavy rains, snows, and other elements. Huangshan Cloud shuttles back and forth among the countless peaks, their vastness and generosity can be ranked abreast with the sea; they present a beautiful scene with the dawn fog and the setting sun.

Huangshan Hot Spring, which had ever been called as "Ling Spring", "Tang Spring", "Vermilion Spring", is celebrated for its fresh, clean and cool nature, and it can serve various purposes, such as drinking, bathing; it is a wonder of Huangshan. Huangshan Mountains is the watershed of the two main rivers, Yangtze River and Qiantang River. The special geographic position has cultivated the development of 36 big canyons, the sources of 36 branches, therefore, Huangshan is also famous for its waterfalls, and some famous ones are "Renzi Fall", "Baizhang Fall", and "Nine Dragons Fall".

As the vertical cleavage of the rocks is very finely developed, there have formed many magnificent and beautiful caves and tunnels, which add another crucial credit to the beauty of Huangshan. On the walls of these caves and tunnels, people found more than 200 valuable sculptures, writing and paintings, inscribing the history and culture of ancient times. Huangshan Mountains virtually presents a long three-dimensional picture scroll, with the rising and setting sun, the cloud and the fog, the pine trees and the religious smell, the beauty of the Autumn and glaciers, the valleys and the singing birds, the perfume of the flower and its culture.

Huangshan is the integration of natural beauty, the favorite son of the universe. It is here that wherever you go, you will find yourself surrounded by strange, beautiful, dangerous scene; each corner is an outstanding masterpiece of God, an earthly paradise, at which you couldn't help yourself sighing with feelings at the majestic power of nature. Huangshan Mountains is one of the most precious heritages of human kind, and one of the most famous scenic spot in the world. Huangshan Mountains opens her generous arms to the guests from allover the world. 安徽黄山风景区