黄河三角洲虽然生长着共和国最年轻的土地,但是厚重而久远的齐鲁文化令人想象不到地在此快速延衍发展。 齐文化作为山东齐鲁文化的重要一翼,内容丰富至极。公元前11世纪,周武王封姜太公于营邱(今临淄),就开创了“泱泱大风”的齐文化。到了公元前859年,齐献公又改营邱为临淄。从此,临淄便以地名而出现。此后齐国一直建都于临淄,历时600多年。临淄成为“海内名都”,为中国八大通衢之一。经济的繁荣同时造就了独具风采的齐文化。齐文化在临淄一带快速发展的同时,也在向四周快速辐射,特别是向着北部的黄河三角洲延伸。
Along the Long River of Qilu Culture
Despite being the youngest land in China, the Yellow River Delta also has a time-honored Qilu Culture, which is still being spread and developed nowadays.
Economic prosperity has produced a Qi culture with its own characteristics. While being rapidly developed in Linzi, the Qi culture also spread to the neighboring regions, especially to the Yellow River Delta to the north.
The culture of the Yellow River Delta diversified. In the Dongying Museum located in Guangrao County, visitors can see the display of China’s earliest brain operation, which is still amazing for people today. Somehow, without the support of a long-established culture, nobody can imagine the appearance of this kind of miracle.
The vast land of the Yellow River Delta has also given birth to the estuary culture, wetland culture, migrant culture, and Chinese traditional culture, all of which show the former splendors of the Yellow River Delta and its present-day fascination.